The "first 100 hours" is falling into the toilet for the democrats. They take a day off to watch college football. Libs try to stick two democrats into high profile positions, both with shady pasts. (Murtha)
President Carter's staff is fleeing his camp because of embellishments in his new book. (Isn't the name of his new book- "How I saved the Middle East and won a Nobel Prize"- By Jimmy Carter?)
You have Barbara Boxer condemning Condi Rice for NOT having children. (If you do not have children, you cannot lead the country during a war.)
Now, there is a problem, concerning minimum wage for American Samoa. The main company involved is located in Nancy Pelosi's district. (The person that liberals picked to speak for their party.) Liberals immediately rush to cover up and blame republicans. The same way they covered for Mayor Nagin in New Orleans. (no..no- Your district would have to file for that exemption. There are hundreds of districts in America. The Labor dept doesn't set RULES in each district individually. You must file for exemption- which would be Pelosi's chore.)
What you have here is a group of people who voted for change. And that was it- Change.
They knew NOTHING about the people they were voting for. And so they got change. Change for the worst.
You know what is really sad..??
Many people were really sincere in casting their votes for the democrats because they wanted the United States out of Iraq. They also wanted to control political corruption. Democrats promised this to the voters.
I feel sorry for you folks.
Because as of yet, there is no evidence democrats even plan to do one of those promises.