Terrorist Celebrity Poker

I got to thinking about this the other day. Of course, if you read my stuff, you know I have a sick-twisted view of things.
The stand-off we have with terrorists is similar to a poker game with many people bluffing. Iran is trying to bluff and tell us they have a very good hand. Osama makes an audio tape and tells us he is still in the poker game. We all know President Bush will ante up.
But then you have Democrats…
Let me ask you something.. Did you ever (accidentally) bring a bimbo-chick to a poker game..?? I am not talking about a smart girl. A smart girl understands the art of bluffing. They know the game of poker. But, a bimbo-chick never thoroughly grasps the concept of bluffing.

Democrats are acting like a bimbo-chick..

So.. al-Qaida's, Ayman al-Zawahri joins the poker game with this statement..
Hundreds of suicide bombings in Iraq have "broken the back" of the U.S. military.
This statement is totally untrue. The American military is as strong as ever. Even a democrat should be pissed off about this statement.
But Zawahri could claim his statement is true by just repeating Democratic Rep John Murtha's statement that the US military is "tapped out."
Or Democrat Howard Dean's statement that we cannot win a war in Iraq.
You can oppose republican policies without under minding the war on terrorism.
There is a way to do that…

The only crime would be

Last week, six retired U.S. generals called for the resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. They say he doesn't listen to military leaders.Representative Murtha is still calling for a complete US pull-out of Iraq. Mainstream media is able to find polls that indicate Americans are growing weary of this war in Iraq.Iran looks like they are gunning for a fight..The world needs Winston Churchill.

I picked up a book on Winston Churchill last week in thoughts of doing a post on him. (as it relates to today's terrorism.) I heard yesterday that a Chicago Newspaper reporter and Rush Limbaugh both covered this topic. I didn't get a chance to read their ideas and I wish I would have. Anyway, here is my take on it..I don't believe people of the world realize what a threat radical Islam will hold for the future. A fellow like Churchill would be vital with today's threats."Would Churchill approve of the war in Iraq?" I believe so. As a young man, Churchill could only be described as a war hawk. He traveled to where ever war was. Even if the British were only remotely involved, it didn't matter, Churchill went. This took him to Cuba, North Africa and The Middle East. So I believe Winston Churchill would not even think twice about America's involvement in Iraq. He may even suggest more British help for Iraq.Would Churchill call for a retreat from Iraq?NEVER!When talking about a particular battle during WWI, members of The British Parliament were discussing if the British advance would be (ethical) legal… Winston Churchill said this…"The only crime would be to leave before we finish this."I think that statement really hits home on our Iraq situation today. We argue if we should be in Iraq. If we are causing more harm? I could see Churchill standing up and delivering that one line…"The only crime would be to leave before we finish this."With the "Gathering Storm" of Iran and Radical Islam, the world could use Churchill's common sense today.I truly believe, if more nations of the world would joins us, the Iran nuclear situation could be solved without a shot being fired.But, then again, people didn't listen to Churchill until it was too late and Hitler grew strong. At least it would be comforting to know someone else in the world saw a threat.

Making Aliens Illegal

All week long I have listened to many different opinions on the Mexican illegal alien issue. One fellow will say, "build a big fence." The next person thinks we should send the National Guard down to protect the border. Religious people do not want it to become a federal crime to help illegal aliens. Republicans want to throw Jesus in jail and Democrats want to let terrorists dance across the border.
I believe everyone in this country should have documentation. You should be a citizen, or have a valid visa. Your green card should be legal. If you are on vacation, you should have a passport, travel plans and funds. This stuff is basic. Most countries follow this kind of procedure. I would not want to be in a foreign country without valid ID.
If to do this means building a big fence... So be it. We can afford the 9 billion dollars. I think using the National Guard would be just a temporary fix. The National Guard has other important duties to tend to.
However, with that said...
I am very bias when it comes to this topic. I am only the second generation of my family to be born in America. My grandfather came to this country from Italy, looking for a better life.

It would be easy for me to say.. "My grandfather did it the right way.. He became an American, he filled out the paperwork. He learned English and he worked hard." But this is not the whole truth. My grandfather did all of those things. I am very proud of him and it took great courage. But, basically, he saved enough money for a ship ride to America. He landed at Ellis Island and filled out the paperwork and went on his way to start a new life. Legally.
Because my grandfather was from Italy, he was considered a political refuge. The American government, at the time, believed my grandfather was fleeing the government of Italy. My grandfather loved Italy. He was not fleeing for political reasons. He, like many people of that time (early 1900's), couldn’t make a living in Italy. He wanted to try America. If my grandfather could have made a living in Italy, he probably never would have left, regardless of the political system.

Today, it is not the same with Mexicans. I have heard it takes five to ten years to even be considered for citizenship. If you are Cuban and you can set one foot on American soil, you are welcome. If you are Iranian and you can make it here to America and you denounce the Iranian government. "Hell, pull up a chair buddy.. Let me buy you a beer. Tell me all about that wacky Iranian President som-bitch!" 20 years ago, if you were Russian and you defected to America.. We would put your picture on the front page of the newspaper.
But, if you were born in Mexico, you must turn around and go back to where you came from.
If science is correct, no human is originally from this country. We all came here from somewhere else. The first to arrive was ancient man. He arrived poor and hungry. This ancient man became the proud Native Americans. Native Americans were not too happy to see the white people arrive (poor and hungry.) Then the white people were not too happy to see other Europeans arrive (poor and hungry.) You should read some of the editorials written about my grandfather's generation and how people like my grandfather would destroy this country, lower property values, and cause crime.
Today, we are not too happy to see the Mexican people coming here (also poor and hungry.)

There may come a day when America cannot handle the population. But I do not believe that to be true of the present. As I drive across the states, the countless family farms that lay dormant. Food is so plentiful, people cannot make a living growing it. I see the wide-open spaces of America and I believe we can handle a million. Or ten million. Or fifty million more people.
Every new wave of immigrants creates a boom in this country. People need food, housing, and goods. They are not just bodies soaking up America and giving nothing in return, they are consumers buying fine American products. (Products that are made in China... But, that is another post.) History is proof that America can handle a wave of immigrants. Each new wave is bigger than the last. What we are facing today is nothing new.

My opinion, (which means nothing in this big world) we need to tighten the border. People must be here legally. We need to quit making it so hard for decent, hard working Mexicans to become American.
If not..
We may want to remove the bronze plaque that was placed at the Statue of Liberty in 1903, with the words from a sonnet that was written by Emma Lazarus in 1886. Of course I am talking about the world famous sonnet that reads in part...
"… Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome;
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Thanks for reading The Angry Republican