The slow boat to Gitmo....

Counseling for the terrorists.. I think this is a GREAT idea. Therapy for the little killers, yes, this will fix everything. One problem, we can't send conservatives, they are too mean. They might yell at the killers. We can't trust the military. We will have to send liberals down to the Gitmo prison camp. I think this is such a great idea, I am raising a fund so liberals do not have to spend any of their own money. I am calling it: "The slow boat to Gitmo-fund." (The reason it will be a slow boat is a slow boat uses less gas, better for the environment.) Plus it's cheaper than a fast boat!!! And, the liberals can learn the art of counseling while on "the slow boat to Gitmo." I figure the cost to be around $100,000. This will be completely paid for by the Fund. I will start out the donations..

Angry Republican……… Buck-o-five
Dr. Needlelick…………..$50.00
SLOW BOAT TO GITMO----Application form…………

Liberals Name________________________________-

Circle the answer that applies to the following questions..

I have been a liberal for…
1. 15 minutes
2. I don't know, not sure I should answer, need to ask someone
3. All my life…I "heart" whales..

The type of terrorist I would like to counsel……

1. One who has blow up less then 15 people
2. One who eats with silverware, (I hate when they eat with their hands)
3. Give me the meanest, ugliest bastard you can find

What type of food do you prefer on the cruise….

1. No meat.. "That would be gross."
2. Nuts and berries
3. Ben and Jerry's

Slow Boat- Cruise Schedule….

6am.. Up for a breakfast of nuts and berries

8am.. Counseling classes: Confidence building-101… "I am a good little terrorist."

10am.. Finger foods and Tofu.. Free time

1pm.. Counseling classes: Grief Coping-201… "Am I a good terrorist? I couldn't blow up the Americans. Will Allah still want me?"

5pm.. Buffet style meal and ice carving.

Any liberals who want to GET ON BOARD "The slow boat to Gitmo", just print out the application form, fill it out and we will tell you where to stick it….AR…