The WEIRD and the WILD


UFO’s sited at French Creek?

Bigfoot spotted at Presque Isle State Park?

Ghostly image caught peeking out of the old Lund Boat building?

There are certain things that I WANT to believe. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who needs to see something, before I will believe it.

Hey, I am willing to give things the benefit of the doubt, but I need to see "something", any kind of a sign; before I will go "hog wild" into believing something.

Like this photo, for example...

Are these strange orbs the ghosts of Commodore Perry’s sailors who died from smallpox at Misery Bay?

I would really like to believe that because this would be PROOF that there is "life" after death.

BUT, sad to say, it was raining. It was dusk. And my camera flash caught the little raindrops as they were falling. YES, they do look like supernatural "orbs" from beyond.

However, I did have an experience that I cannot explain. Let me give you a mental picture of what happened:

It was a cold, rainy day at Presque. I had the park "virtually" to myself. (In other words, no one else was STUPID enough to be out there.)

I had just come in from a canoe trip in the lagoons, (which, the lake level is REALLY low. I have never seen it THIS low. Parts of the lagoon system are almost choked off by weeds.)

After getting out of the canoe, I headed to the camper, and sat at the desk to do some work. Through the window, looking towards the lake, I saw something, out of the corner of my eye, move from left to right. It was so REAL that I got up and went outside to see if someone was messing with the canoe. But no one was around.

Back, sitting at the desk, the same thing happened again. This time, I noticed that "it" looked brown in color.

At first, I thought it might be a deer, but it seemed to be standing upright, and not on all fours, like a deer would be.

This happened several times, and I began to write it off as me being tired. I didn’t think anymore about it.

Night was setting in, and I began to load up supplies, when I noticed something strange in the Lake Erie shoreline weeds.

I took a picture of what I saw, but the picture doesn’t really show the detail, as you would see if you were standing there, so I have to explain it.

Picture a tall group of weeds. (4 foot tall) This grouping of weeds was thick. Maybe 10 foot by 10 foot thick.)

OK, now picture all the weeds on the outside of the group standing straight up, but all of the center weeds are pushed down and bent over. It is, as if: someone JUMPED 4 feet into the air, over the outer weeds and landed in the center of this group of weeds. Then, "they" flattened all of the center weeds, causing these center weeds to bend over. Then, this "person" jumped 4 foot in the air, over the outer weeds, to not disturb them. There is no pathway in, or out of these weeds, which a deer would cause by walking in and laying down. Something flew into the center of these weeds. Pushed the center weeds down, and then flew out again.

This caused me to go: "Hmmm." Then I went back to loading the truck.

That is, until, I looked at the angle of the weeds to the site-line of the camper window. It was exactly in line of where I was seeing "something" out of the corner of my eye, when I was sitting at my desk in the camper.

OK, I will admit, this gave me the chills.

I took a picture of the "strange" weeds, but this picture doesn’t show what I am talking about, sorry. You would have to be standing there, to really see what I am talking about.


At first, I thought maybe the weeds got heavy from the rain, and bent over on their own. But why would the center be bent over, and not the outside weeds? That didn’t make sense.

Could a deer jump 4 feet into the air, land in the center of the weeds, and bed down in hiding?

YES, I have seen deer jump 4 feet easily. However, I have never seen a deer jump into the center of a thick patch of weeds. Usually, deer WALK into a patch of weeds and leave a trail into the weeds. (Just because I have never SEEN a deer jump into a thick group of weeds, doesn’t rule out that possibility.)

Here’s what I know...

"Something" came out of the air and landed in the center of those weeds. Either a force, that we do not understand, visited Presque and I just happened to be there.

OR; we have one clever deer who learned that if he (she) jumps into the center of a group of weeds, it is completely hidden. This would explain why, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye, it looked brown and was standing up-right. If my eye caught the movement of the deer while it was leaping, it would look like it was standing up.

The "deer theory" sounds very plausible, except for one little fact...

My camper was only 20 feet away from this group of weeds. My canoe was sitting 5 feet away from these weeds.

No wild deer, (that I know of) is going to "bed down" that close to a camper and canoe.

A "pet" deer might bed down that close to human scent. (Pet deer- a deer that no longer fears humans because it has been feed by humans.) However, because I was one of the only people out there, a pet deer would have showed itself to me by trying to get food from me. (I had cooked a couple of hamburgers outside, earlier that day.)

Now that I think of it, I do not see how it could have been a deer? A wild deer would never bed down that close to a boat, and a pet deer would have shown itself.

(Oh crap, the mystery continues.)

Folks, I do not know what it was. I saw something and logic doesn’t have an answer.

Is my story good enough for Captain Bob to tell on one of his "Ghost Walk" tours in Erie Pennsylvania?

Probably not. Who would want to know about a "supernatural deer" who fell from the sky, and crushed some weeds?

(However, I haven’t begun to talk about my adventures in Graveyard Pond.) More on that in later editorials.

Written by Rick Ray for The Angry Republic

Evil republicans vote against GAY immigrants, we will absorb an attack

Evil republicans vote against GAY immigrants, we will absorb an attack



I was doing a Google search to find out if any political party, at anytime in American history, has ever nominated a non-masturbating WITCH to public office; when an Internet headline got my attention.

“Republicans BLOCK the repeal of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell”. Liberals are angry.

My first thought was: “Who was it who wrote the original bill- “don’t ask, don’t tell”? (Answer) Democrats. Liberal / democrats wrote the bill, and liberals voted the “don’t ask, don’t tell” bill into law. (Circa- Bill Clinton)

So, now liberals are mad because the bill that they wrote and the bill that they passed into law, is STILL THE LAW..??

(I think that this calls for a: “WTF”..??)

After spending 2 years calling us republicans racists, homophobes, anti-Arab, “teabaggers” (and all of the other names that they have been calling us) now democrats are surprised that we didn’t vote with them, (and help the democrats remove a law that THEY wrote and voted into law..??)

In a perfect world, and if democrats all stuck together, democrats only needed ONE republican to vote with them. That’s it..!! The only thing that democrats needed to do was just cross the aisle and convince ONE republican to vote with them. But democrats couldn’t do it. (Hell, even President Bush got Democrats onboard with the bill “No child left behind” by asking Sen. Kennedy to help write it.)

Not only couldn’t democrats get a single republican to vote with them, three democrats voted WITH the republicans, one of which was Harry Reid. (However, Harry Reid voted against Gay people for “technical reasons.” Harry LOVES Gay people and wanted to vote for them, but he just couldn’t.) What’s the technical reason why Reid couldn’t vote for Gay people: (Maybe Reid would lose his reelection bid if he did, and he is in a hell of a fight.) Sounds “technical” to me..!!

I have learned a lot from this democrat controlled congress.

First off: these idiots write bills with 2,000 pages in them, AND THEY DO NOT READ THE BILL. They just sign it. They have no idea what is in the bill?


This practice of not reading bills before they pass them has to stop. I ask, what do we have to do? Create a “pop quiz” about the bill and each member of congress must pass the “pop quiz” to prove that they read the bill, before they can vote on it?

We are dealing with freaking children here.

The second thing that makes me piss mad is: when congress (or the senate) HIDES agenda issues within another bill, to try and sneak it through. I do not care how busy congress claims that they are. Important issues need to be debated separately. Not lumped together and pushed through.

Yes I know that republicans do the same thing, but that doesn’t make this practice right. It has to stop.

Here is how they do it:

Democrats took a bill that would fund our troops, and they hid the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” inside this military funding bill. Also, democrats created the “Dream Act”, which would give US citizenship to young illegal aliens, and democrats stuck this into the military funding bill also.

Now, democrats can claim that republicans voted against military funding and republicans hate immigrants because they voted against the “Dream Act”.

Wait a minute...

Correct me if I am wrong, but who was the last president that granted amnesty to illegal aliens? Was it a democrat? Nope. It was republican President Reagan who gave citizenship to illegal aliens and he did it without a HUGE majority in the House and Senate.

Americans are very smart. Democrats HOPE that Americans are not paying attention, and we will not notice this stuff.

Here is the truth...

A military funding bill, by itself, would have passed with little problems. Nuff said.

A recent poll, (presented by Maddow on MSNBC) shows that 60 % of republicans favor the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” So; by itself, the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” may have had a chance.

However, when you lump a military funding bill together with a Gay rights bill and an amnesty bill, there is no way that this bill would pass. Democrats knew this, and that is why they did it this way: to create a political issue. Democrats are playing politics with peoples lives. (Remember, 3 democrats also voted with the republicans, that tells you a lot.)


This topic really pisses me off, so I went back to my Google search on masturbating witches, when another news alert popped up on my Internet thingy:

During an interview with Bob Woodward in July, President Obama said, "..We can absorb a terrorist attack..”

What..?? Did President Obama just say that we can “absorb” a terrorist attack..??


Are you saying that if another city, (like New York City) gets attacked by terrorists, it’s no big deal because we will just “absorb” it..??


Now, to be fair, President Obama did say that he (we) would do all we can to stop an attack from happening, but come on?


Would this have worked for New Orleans and President Bush?

What if while New Orleans was drowning and people were standing on their rooftops, Bush said: “America will just absorb this, we will be OK.”

What a cold fish. You democrats have elected the “Tin Man” and he is searching Oz for a heart.

However, while President Obama is traversing the Yellow Brick Road, searching for a compassionate heart, is he really doing “all he can to stop another attack..??”

Have you noticed that since Obama made the announcement that the major amount of US forces were leaving, Iraq has become a little more deadly. Car bombs are now going off killing innocent people.

We have said this over and over again: you cannot announce that you are leaving, or publicly set a timetable for when you are leaving the war. The enemy will wait until you are gone and continue the fight afterwards. You have to slowly, quietly remove a few troops and gauge how this effects the war overall.


I wonder if Keith Olbermann will do a countdown on how many days it has been since Obama claimed the Iraq War was over..??



This topic also ticks me off, so I went back to my Google search on if there has ever been a non-masturbating witch in congress before? What I found was: I guess the word “masturbation” makes google search go nuts. A lot of web sites pop up which have nothing to do with witches, or congress.

So, after about 6 hours of checking those sites out, I quickly decided that most witches MUST masturbate, and that is why I am having problems with my search.

Also, no witch has ever served “openly” in congress before. So republicans could have two “firsts” with O’Donnell. (The first witch ever elected to congress. And the first congress member who doesn’t jack off.)

OK, so we nominated a witch in Delaware.

Big deal..??


Come on, it is not like Christine O’Donnell was a full-fledged, broom riding, spell casting, “eye of a newt” type of witch. (Unless you count Newt Gingrich’s eye?)

O’Donnell wasn’t even really a “real” witch. She just hung around with witches for a short time, and one of her first dates was with witches. (Perfectly normal activity that could happen to all of us. I think that I dated a few witches.)


On this “first date”, Ms. O’Donnell and a group of witches went to the movies, then had a nice little picnic near a bloody satanic alter.

No BIG deal..!!

It’s not like Ms. O’Donnell ever killed anyone on a satanic alter. If anything, O’Donnell would be considered a “good witch”, one who doesn’t masturbate. (So I am told.)

When I think back to the women I have dated, I am always relieved to find that the girl I am with has never sacrificed a human being, and doesn’t spend all day masturbating.

Have you noticed how democrats NEVER debate issues with us, instead they always attack us in a “sexual” way?


What is up with the left..??

I mean, they depicted Scott Brown as a dumb guy who drives a pick-up truck and made a big deal about him doing a semi-nude photo.

Let’s not even get into the many photoshop jobs the left has done to pictures of Sarah Palin.


They refer to the Tea Party as: “Teabaggers.”

And now they pick on the fact that O’Donnell doesn’t believe in masturbation, and back when she was a kid in high school, she knew a few witches.

Oh yea, there is a real “issues oriented” political attack for you.

Be prepared my friends. Somewhere, some liberal is working on a porno flick with a Christine O’Donnell look-alike, and I am sure this porno movie will have something to do with witches, and masturbation. (Ooohhh, how original.)

But that is the egression of progressives. It is de-evolution, really.

In a discussion about the ground zero Mosque, the left will call you a racist, then the left will go back to cutting and pasting the face of Christine O’Donnell onto the body of some naked girl. The left will giggle about this paste job, and pass it around on the Internet.

We are dealing with children.

Children with no grasp on reality.

The liberal media tells us that the recession is over.


Even little progressive bloggers at this web site proudly display generic findings that “might” indicate an economic up turn.


And yet, slipping out the back door of the White House, Obama’s economic team resigns.

It’s not what they say, folks; it’s what they do.

For two years the democrats have focused on health care (that will not kick in until 4 years from now), bailouts for billionaires, Gay rights, amnesty for illegals, and so on.

Yet, the American public just wanted Obama to focus on JOBS and the economy.

I don’t know folks, I really do not know what this president is thinking..??


You have to excuse me, I need to do a Google search on “non-masturbating witches in congress” for an editorial I am writing.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic


Beware of 10/10/10, this post could save your life

Beware of 10/10/10, this post could save your life


There are many dangers out there that people MUST beware of:

The new “Super bug”: this new flu virus is completely unaffected by antibiotics and could kill you dead, or worst yet; the super bug could make your face fall off.

We still need to worry about the “pig flu”; which was going to kill us all last year. (Second time’s a charm, you know..!!)

Least we forget about the “bird flu” and the “mad cows.” These two dangers are lurking around the corner, waiting for you to slip up and eat a cow, or spend too much time touching your bird.


But there is one danger that no one is talking about. An “extremely” dangerous danger that we all MUST be terrified of. Not only could this danger kill you dead, AND make your face fall off; this danger could also wipe out your entire savings.

Of course, we are talking about 10/10/10

October 10th, 2010



Ask any computer programmer and they will tell you that computers talk to each other with a series of “1's” and “0's”. How the zeros and ones are placed in order tells a computer what to do. Unfortunately for humanity, the combination in 10/10/10 is very deadly.

On October 9th, 2010 at 11:59 pm, you will still be alive. You will be sitting in your underwear, with your face in a bag of Cheese Puffs, while surfing the Interwebs, and everything will be fine...

However, when the clock switches to midnight and your computer switches the date to 10/10/10, you will be launched into a nightmarish hell.

The first thing that will happen is your computer will pop a gasket, then blow a sprocket. Your computer will begin to delete all important files, (which would include that video of Becky riding a mechanical bull, and a copy of one of Holly’s posts that you were saving for a “special moment.”) Then your computer will detonate a small thermo-nuclear device (which is contained inside your computer) and piping hot pieces of plastic will fly through the air killing everything and melting your face off.

(For YEARS, we have asked computer manufactures to STOP placing small thermo-nuclear devices inside our computers, but they wouldn’t listen to us. Greedy basterds. Now look at what we are faced with. We could lose our faces from HOT flying plastic.)


The ancient Mayans KNEW about the dangers of 10/10/10. The Mayans knew that you would be sitting in your underwear on 10/10/10, and the Mayans knew about the Cheese Puffs, and the Mayans knew that your computer would pop a gasket and kill you dead.


However, the Mayans knew how much panic would ensue if we knew our fait, so the Mayans changed their “end of the world” date to: 12/21/12. (The Mayans did this to keep us stupid and unaware of our impending doom.)


The only creatures who will survive this 10/10/10 tragedy will be:

Cockroaches (because, for some reason, cockroaches survive EVERYTHING.)

The Amish, (the Amish will survive because they shun technology and only use computers for viewing pornography, then they put the computers away in a lead-lined box).

Other survivors will include those people who happened to be far, far away from modern technology; (people on a camping trip, kids in an American High School, etc.)


Also, Glenn Beck may survive, being that he spends his evenings praying in his bomb bunker, surrounded by stacks of gold.

Folks, this is urgent..!!

Our current administration doesn’t seem concerned about 10/10/10.

President Obama and the democrats in congress are too busy planning another “stimulus” bill, to care about the end of the world and 10/10/10.

Another stimulus..?? (Because the first stimulus worked out so good..??)


Democrats believe that they should take tax money from us poor people and give it to LARGE companies, to “stimulate” jobs.


Republicans believe that YOU should KEEP more of your money and give LARGE companies a tax break, to “stimulate” jobs.

Hmmm, which seems like a better idea?


The government takes our hard earned money and gives it to rich companies? Or letting us keep MORE of our hard earned money and giving tax breaks to rich companies?


Democrats also seem VERY concerned about the environment, to worry about 10/10/10.


Liberals are now strapping bombs to their backsides and storming into The Discovery Channel demanding that humans stop having sex. (Because SEX creates those stupid little “parasitic babies.”)

OK, I know that democrats want to control everything in our lives. They want to control the size of cars that we drive, they want to raise the cost of electricity through the “cap and trade” bill so we cannot afford to use much electricity, AND NOW THEY WANT TO STOP US FROM HAVING SEX? Or they will blow up The Discovery Channel..??


My friends on the left...

You may want to rethink this “no sex to save the planet” idea that you have because I believe that it is doomed to fail.

You are going to give me a choice between “no sex” or “No Discovery Channel” because you will blow the Discovery Channel up.

Which do you think I will choose..??

(Hey, come on, Myth Busters is the dope..!!)

Yes, clearly this current administration is doing nothing to stop 10/10/10.


Here at The Angry Republic, we have decided to take the first step in helping you save yourself and your family, from 10/10/10.

The method for solving problems that we have decided to use is currently being used in American high schools. IE- If kids are being harassed by bullies, do you punish the bullies? HELL NO. You sit the entire class down and teach them about homosexuality, (because if everyone understands homosexuality, kids will no longer bully other kids.) A special “sorry” goes out to over-weight kids, kids with glasses, and ugly kids. You will still get picked on in school because your group doesn’t have the voting block that democrats need.

Also, if kids in school are not doing well with their grades and have trouble focusing on their studies; do we pull these kids out of class and find out what is bothering each child? HELL NO, there is no time for that. We gather the whole class together and teach them about homosexuality.


If a hurricane is bearing down on a crowded school, do we evacuate the children to safety? Yes, but first we assemble the children into the auditorium to lecture them about homosexuality, (so that the big kids do not push the homosexuals down to the ground, as they are running for their lives.)

So, if this method works so well for our school system, why not use it here?

To save yourself from 10/10/10, and save you from an exploding computer that will send molted hot plastic to melt your face off and kill you dead, you MUST learn about homosexuality.


The world is full of different people. Different people who are all the same.

We are different, but we are the same.

Sure, we all have teeth and fingers and feet and three testicles. But we are also different, too.

When you look around your neighborhood you will see people delivering the mail, people delivering milk, people picking up garbage. You might see a couple dozen lawyers near your house, and that guy who sells the Shamwow. You will see all kinds of people in your neighborhood. Most of these people are homosexuals.

What are homosexuals..?? (Basic sex, 101)

Men have what is called: a penis.

Women have: a Va-Jay-Jay. (Definition) Slag for a vagina; or, an original member of the Osmond Family Band: On guitar and vocal: Va-Jay-Jay. (He was the tall one who stood to the left of Donny.)

As with life, most people are looking for what they do not have.


Men, who have a penis, are generally NOT looking for another penis, because they already have one. Most men are looking for a Va-Jay-Jay. (And, hopefully, they will also like the woman that is attached to that Va-Jay-Jay.)

However, from time to time, a person will look down at their “stuff” and say: “I have found what I am looking for, no need to look any further”, and they never learn to use, or appreciate the opposite equipment.

How do people become homosexuals?

We used to think that a male might become homosexual if they listened to show tunes, (like South Pacific and Grease). Also, if the boy’s Mother forced the child to do humiliating things that might degrade the young man’s masculinity.


Today, we no longer feel this way. Children are probably BORN homosexual. Maybe they have a different genetic make-up, or had a different experience in the womb. (Males who had a bad experience in the womb, might reject the womb. Women who had a GREAT experience in the womb would become lesbian and return to a womb.) I, myself, prefer a “womb with a view.”

(Wow, that was a long way to go for that stupid joke.)

Now that we understand homosexuality, we should be better prepared for the end of the world, our faces being removed by piping hot plastic, and 10/10/10.

However, just understanding homosexuality might not be enough to survive 10/10/10. It might help to study how the some creatures might survive 10/10/10.

Cockroaches- They crawl on their bellies and NEVER use computers.

Glenn Beck- sleeps in a cement bunker, praying, with stacks of gold surrounding him.

The Amish- They shun technology, mostly spend their days farming and having sex.

The way I figure it, we can survive 10/10/10 if we crawl on our bellies, sleep in a cement bunker while using gold for a pillow, and grow vegetables while having sex; we will all be here for 10/11/10.

(Oh crap...)


That’s more computer code.

I have to go find out what that...

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic


They say you can tell a lot about a man by how hard they play.

For thousands of years, men have chiseled out an adventurous look, bordering on dangerous.

From the two photos below, which man present an adventurous look?

And which man looks like a puss...

Well, which one looks like a girlie..

Aaahh, OK, which one doesn’t look very “manly”?



