Dam clocks..!!
I don’t much care for clocks.
Evil machines that “tick” away time. Ignorant contraptions that understand only ONE thing...
“You are late, you are early, you are right on time. Follow me to your death.” Says the clock.
When I was a young man, I had clocks everywhere. There was a clock in every room of the house. I had a clock in the car. I even had a clock strapped to my arm.
“Tick, tick, tick, old man.” Said the clock.
Today, I do not much care for clocks. I do not have TIME for them.
I am happy to wake up and start a new day. I really do not care what “time” it is, I am just happy to be alive..!!
Oh yes, I know that a clock is around the corner somewhere, “ticking” time away.
But that clock doesn’t pay me no bother, anymore.
For example, I’m not sure if you are late, or if I am early..?? All I care about is that “we” are here.
Are you ready to take that journey..??
Today, we worry about the loss of personal freedom. “How MUCH freedom are you willing to give away for the comfort of socialism?”
But has any socialistic country ever given it’s people what they want? Or do they all struggle just to provide what the people need?
These are not new questions, just being asked by our generation. They were the same questions being asked in the world of Barry Goldwater. However, these questions were amplified ten fold.
Liberal democrats, having held the Presidency for 20 years, never allowing republicans a true majority in the House and Senate, seemed to be drawing America into a socialistic Left government.
From the progressive tax code and globalization of progressive President Wilson, to the “Robin Hood” style of “New Deal” socialism of President FDR, Barry Goldwater’s America looked MUCH less free.
(Plus, the Russians could drop “The Bomb” on us any day.)
The world of Barry Goldwater, (1960) was a much more drastic world than we have today.
Let’s begin today’s exciting episode of The NEW adventures of Barry Goldwater.
Today’s episode is titled:
Barry G- The attack of the Slush Fund Liberals
Liberals had found a way to win elections. “Just promise people FREE stuff and they will vote for you.”
This is something that the founding fathers had warned us of, many years ago. Once people realize that they can vote themselves pay raises and free gifts, they will, and the country is doomed.
Liberal democrats had capitalized on this practice, year after year. Offering the voters higher pay and MORE free gifts, if only they vote for democrats. Human greed forced people to rationalize: Yes, it is good to steal money from one man and hand it to the government. Let the government choose who will receive this begotten booty.
In the days of old, people picked who they wanted to help. They handed this help personally to the man in need. Americans didn’t need a “middle-man” to hand money to the needy, all the while drawing a paycheck for himself in the process.
Slush Funds were one tool of the democrats. Take a Bill that is needed to run the government; load this Bill up with extra earmark “Slush Fund” cash that will be held BACK until election time. Then hand out this Slush Fund cash to each state and the democrat is guarantied a reelection with all of the FREE gifts that the state would receive, in this democrats name.
This practice sickened Barry Goldwater. Having been raised, from a child to a man, in a successful business; Goldwater knew how to run a company. How to make a payroll. How to pay his bills and keep a budget.
Barry Goldwater hated Slush Funds so much, that he went after Republican President Eisenhower for passing a high federal budget, filled with earmarks.
Let’s join Barry Goldwater and the birth of the conservative movement in America.
The words of Barry Goldwater- 1964
“..In this world no person, no Party can guarantee anything, but what we can do and what we shall do is to deserve victory, and victory will be ours.
The good Lord raised this mighty Republic to be a home for the brave and to flourish as the land of the free, not to stagnate in the swampland of collectivism.
Now, my fellow Americans, the tide has been running against freedom. Our people have followed false prophets. We must, and we shall, return to proven ways. Not because they are old, but because they are true. We must, and we shall, set the tides running again in the cause of freedom. And this party, with its every action, every word, every breath, and every heartbeat, has but a single resolve, and that is freedom.
During four futile years, the administration which we shall replace has distorted and lost that vision. It has talked and talked and talked and talked the words of freedom, but it has failed and failed and failed in the works of freedom.
Rather than useful jobs in our country, our people have been offered bureaucratic "make work (jobs)"; rather than moral leadership, they have been given bread and circuses. They have been given spectacles, and, yes, they've even been given scandals.
Tonight, there is violence in our streets, corruption in our highest offices, aimlessness amongst our youth, anxiety among our elders, and there's a virtual despair among the many who look beyond material success for the inner meaning of their lives. And where examples of morality should be set, the opposite is seen. Small men, seeking great wealth or power, have too often and too long turned even the highest levels of public service into mere personal opportunity.
Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. They, and let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions, ladies and gentlemen, of equality. Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
It is further the cause of Republicanism to restore a clear understanding of the tyranny of man over man in the world at large. It is our cause to dispel the foggy thinking which avoids hard decisions in the delusion that a world of conflict will somehow mysteriously resolve itself into a world of harmony, if we just don't rock the boat or irritate the forces of aggression. This is hogwash.
It is further the cause of Republicanism to remind ourselves, and the world, that only the strong can remain free, that only the strong can keep the peace.
Now I know this freedom is not the fruit of every soil. I know that our own freedom was achieved through centuries, by unremitting efforts of brave and wise men. And I know that the road to freedom is a long and a challenging road. And I know also that some men may walk away from it, that some men resist challenge, accepting the false security of governmental paternalism.
My fellow Republicans, we do no man a service by hiding freedom's light under a bushel of mistaken humility.
I seek an America proud of its past, proud of its ways, proud of its dreams, and determined actively to proclaim them. But our example to the world must, like charity, begin at home.
We must assure a society here which, while never abandoning the needy or forsaking the helpless, nurtures incentives and opportunities for the creative and the productive. We must know the whole good is the product of many single contributions.
And I cherish a day when our children once again will restore as heroes the sort of men and women who, unafraid and undaunted, pursue the truth, strive to cure disease, subdue and make fruitful our natural environment and produce the inventive engines of production, science, and technology.
This Nation, whose creative people have enhanced this entire span of history, should again thrive upon the greatness of all those things which we, we as individual citizens, can and should do. And during Republican years, this again will be a nation of men and women, of families proud of their role, jealous of their responsibilities, unlimited in their aspirations. A Nation where all who can will be self-reliant.
This is a Party. This Republican Party is a Party for free men, not for blind followers, and not for conformists.
Our Republican cause is not to level out the world or make its people conform in computer regimented sameness. Our Republican cause is to free our people and light the way for liberty throughout the world..”
Barry Goldwater- 1964
Can Barry Goldwater defeat the Slush Fund Liberals?
Or will Barry Goldwater be defeated by Liberalism, with their promise of FREE government handouts?
The only way to know for sure is to tune in again for another exciting episode of:
If you missed the FIRST episode of Barry Goldwater, do not panic. We have saved that episode for you to view, here:
Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World
DVD extras and editorial “Special Features”
Barry G Fact-toids: Fun Facts about Barry Goldwater
“The making of: Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World.”
You have selected:
“The making of: Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World.”
For years I had heard people talk about Barry Goldwater and I had heard sections of his speeches. However, being contemporary, I didn’t look much beyond Ronald Reagan, as far as conservatism went.
But when I decided to do an editorial on Barry, I was just stunned to find out that his words could be used today. I mean, line by line.
It is as if Goldwater (in the 1950's) was writing this stuff for our time and President Obama. So I knew that this had to be bigger than just a simple, one time editorial. I wanted it to be a series. But how..??
The idea hit me of a “comic book” style of writing. In which, we would use the “hokey hooks” that comic book writers use, yet try and keep it dignified. This was too big for me to tackle alone, so I incorporated my old writing partner of “Bad News”. (Master B- as he called himself, years ago.)
First, we thought about getting an artist to draw out comic pages of Barry G. However, digital copies of drawn out cartoons never really look right on blogs, and drawing out cartoon panels is too freaking expensive.
So we decided to go with symbols and pictures from the 1950's: fallout shelters, radioactive symbols, “duck and cover” pictures, etc.
The easy part was Barry Goldwater, himself..!!
The guy is stone cold. They do not get much more conservative. And his words live on, even more so today. I believe that a politician could win the 2012 election just reciting old Barry Goldwater speeches.
The rest is fluff. Us, trying to draw you a verbal picture of a 1950's world that is different, yet the same as today.
In our second editorial, (which you just read) we tried to incorporate a narrator who was “Mark Twain-ish”, talking about old age, clocks, and time. We felt that the first installment was missing a narrator.
Barry Goldwater said and did some controversial things, and in the third installment; we plan on taking these issues on. We will not sugar coat the story. The overall goal is to study the conservative movement in America. And you cannot study conservatism, without Barry Goldwater.
Well, it was great working with “Bad News” again. We have worked together on some of the “Angry Republican Video Broadcasts” and a few editorials. I have always loved the idea of three people working on one blog site to do comedy- news with current topics. But, we all have families and jobs and each of us have our own web sites. There isn’t enough time. Thanks “Bad News”, for your help with the Barry Goldwater editorials..!!
They have a different “feel” to them.
Written by AR Babonie, with the help of “Bad News”, and actual quotes from Barry Goldwater
Thanks for reading
The Angry Republic
Obama- his speech MOVED me, goodbye conservatives
Obama- his speech MOVED me, goodbye conservatives
After listening to President Obama last night, I can no longer be a conservative anymore.
You might be tempted to ask how I can be a conservative for 30 years and just switch overnight..??
I was “moved.”
President Obama “moved” me.
We SHOULD help those people who do not have health insurance..!!
If a person has cancer, or if they need a heart transplant, or if they need a new gizzard. “We the people” should GET these poor souls a NEW gizzard.
(Well, when I say “we the people”, I do not mean that “you and I” should reach into OUR pockets and pay money for someone’s new gizzard. RICH people will buy this new gizzard for those who cannot afford it.) We will tax the RICH more money and buy new gizzards for everyone.
All of this got me thinking...
We could give people health insurance, but what good is the insurance if you do not have food..??
You will die.
We need to get FREE food to everyone who needs it.
What is more basic to life than food..??
People are dying..!!
How can you be a cheap idiot who provides FREE health insurance, then you send the person off with NO freaking food..??
The government should just go after the BIG- rich people like: Halliburton and the Banks, and tax the hell out of them to get people FREE food.
You might say: “..AR, we already have Food Stamps and Welfare for the poor. Why do we need more FREE stuff..??”
That would be true. But we also have Medicaid and Medicare for the poor to get them the medical help that they need. You are missing the point that is being made by my NEW adopted party: The Democrats.
“We need to get more FREE stuff to people, because Americans are suffering.” People are dying..!! Don’t question it, you heartless bastard, just freaking do it.
I will probably NOT be taken seriously, I MUST prove my worth to the democrat party. I am here to help.
“What good is it to have the government buy a new heart, or gizzard, and stick it into a person; if they are going to eat crappy food AND DESTROY THAT NEW GIZZARD that we just paid for..??”
The responsible thing to do would be to protect our investment of new human organs.
Might I suggest “Food Police.”
Nothing big, maybe just 50 million people hired as the US Food Police. This would create NEW jobs.
We could dress the Food Police in some kind of uniform. Maybe brown shirts with some kind of fancy- official looking patch and badge. NO GUNS..!! The Food Police will carry night sticks and tasers. (Oh, wait. The left HATES tasers. Scrap that.)
The Food Police will check your house and see what kind of foods you are consuming. They will follow you to work and make sure that you are eating GOOD food. Foods like mangos and broccoli. Lots of veggies and fruits. Veggie burgers and tofurkey are fine to eat. (Tofurkey- a fake turkey made of tofu.)
The Food Police will keep you healthy so that “we the people” will not have to buy you a new gizzard, or a liver transplant.
However, what good is having a new heart, or gizzard transplant, and a belly full of food; if you have no place to call home..??
What is more basic than a home? It is the American dream..!!
People are dying..!!
I cannot believe that you sick bastards would give a person FREE health insurance, FREE food; but then toss them out into the street with no home..??
“We the people” should buy everyone a new home. A home that will last a lifetime..!! What better gift could we give?
(NOTE) when I say “we”, I do not mean “me.” I ain’t buying nothing. I mean “those people.” The RICH people should buy all of us new homes.
We should give everyone a FREE car.
What good is having a new heart, a full belly, and a nice new home; if you are stuck in that house and cannot go anywhere..??
OK, I realize that “some people” (those dam conservatives, cheap idiots) might suggest that people use mass transit and that the US government cannot afford to buy everyone a new car.
Brain- dead republicans..!!
Does the bus go anywhere near where YOU want to go? NO..!! Does the bus arrive at places when you need to be there? NO..??
Everyone should have a free car, and you should buy them one.
People are dying..!!
The world’s richest country SHOULD be able to provide it’s people with FOOD. Everyone should have FREE food. You will die without food.
The world’s “superpower” should give every American health insurance.
Every American should have a house.
Every American should have a FREE car.
What good is any of this stuff if you have no clothes..?? You cannot go out and do anything if you have no clothes. The government should buy everyone new clothes.
What good is a new FREE house if you have no appliances..?? You will need to cook the FREE government food? You will need to wash the FREE government clothes..??
If you have FREE government appliances, you will need FREE government electricity and gas to run these things.
We are going to need a lot of RICH people in America to pay for all of this FREE government stuff.
What if there isn’t enough rich people in America to pay for all of this FREE stuff..?? Or what if the rich people leave America for lower tax rates somewhere else..??
I hope that the government doesn’t come after me for more tax money. I work hard and I sure as hell can’t afford higher taxes.
I don’t want to leave America..!!
I love this place..!!
But I can barely afford my needs and wants now. How can I pay for the needs and wants of others..??
This ticks me off..!!
I work hard. I have all my life.
I give to charities.
We already have Welfare and Food Stamps for people who are down on their luck.
We have Medicaid and Medicare for the poor people.
What about MY needs..??
Just because I work, I get no FREE stuff. I am punished with higher taxes for working.
But if I get fired from my job, I become eligible for FREE stuff..??
That makes a lot of freaking sense..??
What’s my incentive to get up and go to work every da...
Wait, what just happened here..??
I no longer feel “warm and fuzzy” from President Obama’s speech..??
I now feel angry.
I feel like an Angry Republican.
(So, that is how it all happened, all those years ago.)
Now I remember...
In the 1970's, when I was a liberal; I thought it would be GREAT to give people FREE stuff. Because, that would be the nice thing to do.
However, logic asks: when do you stop giving people FREE stuff?
You are going to give people free Health Insurance, but you are NOT going to give them free FOOD..?? What kind of sick human being are you..??
If you give people FREE food and FREE health insurance, wouldn’t you also want to give them a place to live? You cold bastard..!!
Where does it end..??
When does liberalism and progressive idealism end..??
When all of the RICH people, and all of the companies that provide JOBS, leaves America and there is no one left to pay for the FREE government services.
That is when it ends.
“..The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money..” Margaret Thatcher
Coming this weekend
Thanks for reading
The Angry Republic
After listening to President Obama last night, I can no longer be a conservative anymore.
You might be tempted to ask how I can be a conservative for 30 years and just switch overnight..??
I was “moved.”
President Obama “moved” me.
We SHOULD help those people who do not have health insurance..!!
If a person has cancer, or if they need a heart transplant, or if they need a new gizzard. “We the people” should GET these poor souls a NEW gizzard.
(Well, when I say “we the people”, I do not mean that “you and I” should reach into OUR pockets and pay money for someone’s new gizzard. RICH people will buy this new gizzard for those who cannot afford it.) We will tax the RICH more money and buy new gizzards for everyone.
All of this got me thinking...
We could give people health insurance, but what good is the insurance if you do not have food..??
You will die.
We need to get FREE food to everyone who needs it.
What is more basic to life than food..??
People are dying..!!
How can you be a cheap idiot who provides FREE health insurance, then you send the person off with NO freaking food..??
The government should just go after the BIG- rich people like: Halliburton and the Banks, and tax the hell out of them to get people FREE food.
You might say: “..AR, we already have Food Stamps and Welfare for the poor. Why do we need more FREE stuff..??”
That would be true. But we also have Medicaid and Medicare for the poor to get them the medical help that they need. You are missing the point that is being made by my NEW adopted party: The Democrats.
“We need to get more FREE stuff to people, because Americans are suffering.” People are dying..!! Don’t question it, you heartless bastard, just freaking do it.
I will probably NOT be taken seriously, I MUST prove my worth to the democrat party. I am here to help.
“What good is it to have the government buy a new heart, or gizzard, and stick it into a person; if they are going to eat crappy food AND DESTROY THAT NEW GIZZARD that we just paid for..??”
The responsible thing to do would be to protect our investment of new human organs.
Might I suggest “Food Police.”
Nothing big, maybe just 50 million people hired as the US Food Police. This would create NEW jobs.
We could dress the Food Police in some kind of uniform. Maybe brown shirts with some kind of fancy- official looking patch and badge. NO GUNS..!! The Food Police will carry night sticks and tasers. (Oh, wait. The left HATES tasers. Scrap that.)
The Food Police will check your house and see what kind of foods you are consuming. They will follow you to work and make sure that you are eating GOOD food. Foods like mangos and broccoli. Lots of veggies and fruits. Veggie burgers and tofurkey are fine to eat. (Tofurkey- a fake turkey made of tofu.)
The Food Police will keep you healthy so that “we the people” will not have to buy you a new gizzard, or a liver transplant.
However, what good is having a new heart, or gizzard transplant, and a belly full of food; if you have no place to call home..??
What is more basic than a home? It is the American dream..!!
People are dying..!!
I cannot believe that you sick bastards would give a person FREE health insurance, FREE food; but then toss them out into the street with no home..??
“We the people” should buy everyone a new home. A home that will last a lifetime..!! What better gift could we give?
(NOTE) when I say “we”, I do not mean “me.” I ain’t buying nothing. I mean “those people.” The RICH people should buy all of us new homes.
We should give everyone a FREE car.
What good is having a new heart, a full belly, and a nice new home; if you are stuck in that house and cannot go anywhere..??
OK, I realize that “some people” (those dam conservatives, cheap idiots) might suggest that people use mass transit and that the US government cannot afford to buy everyone a new car.
Brain- dead republicans..!!
Does the bus go anywhere near where YOU want to go? NO..!! Does the bus arrive at places when you need to be there? NO..??
Everyone should have a free car, and you should buy them one.
People are dying..!!
The world’s richest country SHOULD be able to provide it’s people with FOOD. Everyone should have FREE food. You will die without food.
The world’s “superpower” should give every American health insurance.
Every American should have a house.
Every American should have a FREE car.
What good is any of this stuff if you have no clothes..?? You cannot go out and do anything if you have no clothes. The government should buy everyone new clothes.
What good is a new FREE house if you have no appliances..?? You will need to cook the FREE government food? You will need to wash the FREE government clothes..??
If you have FREE government appliances, you will need FREE government electricity and gas to run these things.
We are going to need a lot of RICH people in America to pay for all of this FREE government stuff.
What if there isn’t enough rich people in America to pay for all of this FREE stuff..?? Or what if the rich people leave America for lower tax rates somewhere else..??
I hope that the government doesn’t come after me for more tax money. I work hard and I sure as hell can’t afford higher taxes.
I don’t want to leave America..!!
I love this place..!!
But I can barely afford my needs and wants now. How can I pay for the needs and wants of others..??
This ticks me off..!!
I work hard. I have all my life.
I give to charities.
We already have Welfare and Food Stamps for people who are down on their luck.
We have Medicaid and Medicare for the poor people.
What about MY needs..??
Just because I work, I get no FREE stuff. I am punished with higher taxes for working.
But if I get fired from my job, I become eligible for FREE stuff..??
That makes a lot of freaking sense..??
What’s my incentive to get up and go to work every da...
Wait, what just happened here..??
I no longer feel “warm and fuzzy” from President Obama’s speech..??
I now feel angry.
I feel like an Angry Republican.
(So, that is how it all happened, all those years ago.)
Now I remember...
In the 1970's, when I was a liberal; I thought it would be GREAT to give people FREE stuff. Because, that would be the nice thing to do.
However, logic asks: when do you stop giving people FREE stuff?
You are going to give people free Health Insurance, but you are NOT going to give them free FOOD..?? What kind of sick human being are you..??
If you give people FREE food and FREE health insurance, wouldn’t you also want to give them a place to live? You cold bastard..!!
Where does it end..??
When does liberalism and progressive idealism end..??
When all of the RICH people, and all of the companies that provide JOBS, leaves America and there is no one left to pay for the FREE government services.
That is when it ends.
“..The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money..” Margaret Thatcher
Coming this weekend
Thanks for reading
The Angry Republic
Bust them up, Barry Obama
Bust them up, Barry Obama
Will YOU defend the indefensible..??
President Obama was hurt this past year.
Liberals didn’t want to believe it at first, but this last election in Massachusetts, with the election of Scott Brown, proves one important thing:
The Health Bill, Cap and Trade and conservative people across America have successfully made Obama the- “BIG government guy.”
Americans HATE big government.
Every person can relate because most of us have had a run-in with a BIG government official. We have all seen the inability of BIG government to work efficiently, and we do not want to expand on this.
So, President Obama has been placed in a bad situation. If he defends the Health Care bill, he is a BIG government guy. If Obama pushes Cap and Trade laws, he is BIG government.
Everything that the democrats have worked on this past year makes Obama the enemy of many American people.
Folks, President Obama and the democrats are NOT stupid. Do not underestimate them.
President Obama MUST reinvent himself if he wants to continue in politics.
(And he is doing just that.) AND IT IS WORKING.
President Obama has positioned himself as: “We the People” must go after those evil Banks that caused all of our problems.
Yes, it sounds simple.
You might still be riding a “high” from the Scott Brown victory, and you might not notice, but...
Americans in Ohio liked the sound of Obama’s new message that he delivered on Friday: “We the People” must go after those evil Banks. We MUST make them pay for all the suffering that they caused.
What Obama’s new message does is it forces conservatives to defend the banks. (If they want to oppose Obama.)
You cannot.
However, I am seeing some TOP conservative voices doing just that. They are defending banks.
(Can I say this again?) How the hell can you, (a conservative) defend a BIG Bank..??
The conservative says: “..Those evil democrats in government FORCED banks to give loans to people who could not afford them. It is the governments fault. (Which translates to-) The Bank is wise and “all- knowing”, all Banks are trust worthy, and would NEVER do anything to hurt it’s poor customers..”
The liberal says: “..Those evil Banks wrote deceiving loans and people were tricked into “adjustable rate mortgages” that they could never pay back. Evil republicans deregulated the banking industry and caused all of this. (Which translates into-) People are like children and can NEVER be trusted to sign an “official document”, like a mortgage. We must hire enough government workers to follow people around and make sure that they do not get ripped off while buying things, or signing papers..”
Both political parties are right, and both are wrong. (In some aspects.)
Both republicans and democrats helped create the “rules of Banking” that caused this banking crisis. Both parties should shut their freaking mouths about who’s fault it is and fix the dam problem.
Did the government push Banks to give loans to poorer people? YES.
Did some Banks write loans in a deceiving manner? YES.
Did some people buy houses that they knew they couldn’t afford? YES.
With all this said, I must ask you:
“Why would you defend a Bank..??”
The “trickster”- Barack Obama, is causing you to take the VERY unpopular stance of defending a Bank.
Don’t fall for it. (And I have seen some VERY big conservative “talkers” fall for this Obama trick.) Don’t feel bad if you have fallen for it.
The American people do NOT give a rats- ass about the “rights” and fair treatment of Banks.
Don’t fall for it and use some tired repug line, like: “..WELL, if Obama goes after a Banks CEO because of his high paycheck, they may come after me, next..”
You bet your ass I will come after you. If you take taxpayers money in a “bailout”, (because your company is going under) THEN- you pay yourself a 10 million dollar bonus, your lucky that I do not take you to the big woods and tie you a freaking tree and leave you there.
Folks, we have President Obama right where we want him. Stuck in the unpopular situation as a “full fledged” member of “BIG Government.” (Something Americans hate.)
Don’t let Obama slip over to the popular stance of “We the People” against those evil Banks.
And you are forced to defend the Bank..??
OK, let me come at this another way, because “I want to be clear.” (As Obama would say.)
Didn’t we all say: “If a Bank is too big to fail, it is too big to manage”..?? (Didn’t we say that?) I think that I heard Rush Limbaugh say that.
OK, if we all agree that some Banks are too big. (Think about it: a handful of Banks can destroy the American economy?) Something MUST be done to fix this.
If we all agree that Banks have changed their fees and services over the years, and they no longer care about the small customer? (Maybe you do not believe me, try opening a small business checking account. They will nickel and dime you to death.)
If we all agree that Banks made some very, VERY bad business decisions, including these HUGE bonuses paid to CEO’s who trashed the place...
Why would we ever defend the Banks..??
President Obama is smart.
However, we are smarter.
Turn this whole thing around on Obama.
It is very simple to do, and I want to show you how to do it.
Follow me, let’s go through President Obama’s plan:
President Obama plans to tax Banks higher, (Billions) to recoup the bailout money and to “stick it to the man” who created this financial mess. (Average people love the idea of going after the Banks.)
However, (you and I know that) taxing Banks more money will cause less money being loaned out to a small business, (the same small business that creates new jobs) and bigger taxes will cause Banks to raise our banking fees.
Answer: “Bust ‘em up, Barry Obama.”
Break up these BIG Banks so that they can never do this again. If we have MORE smaller Banks, we will have more competition and we will get better rates and interest.
(DO NOT defend the Banks.)
President Obama wants to return to depression era banking rules where a separation between investment banking and commercial banking exists to protect our insured deposits. (Glass- Steagall Act.)
This is fine, however it will lower the interest that you can expect from an average deposit. AND, will this measure stop Banks from becoming two (EVEN) bigger Banks that handle both..??
Answer: “Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Do a freaking Teddy Roosevelt on their ass and bust up these huge Banks that can single- handily bring down the American economy.
President Obama wants the government to have regulatory authority to “limit the size of Banks.”
Great. (For the future.) However, that does nothing for the Banks already “too big to fail.”
Answer: “Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
We Americans broke up Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. We went after the Edison Power Company, we went after BIG Railroad Trusts. We went after the NBC Radio Network, we broke up Bell Telephone...
People, I cannot even list all of the companies that America has “busted up” in the past, because: “they were too big to fail,” or they were so big that they held a monopoly.
This is nothing new, for America to do.
“Bust ’em up, Barry” should be the battle cry.
Because the dirty little secret is...
(And this is the cool part of this political strategy.)
President Obama cannot “bust up” these BIG Banks.
Where did Tim Geithner come from?
What was Chris Dodd chairman of?
What does Barney Frank oversee? (*NOTE- see below)
What does Nancy Pelosi’s husband do for a living?
Where did some of Obama’s top advisers work before they went into government?
Does the Democrat Party get campaign money from Wall Street?
Answer these questions and you will know why President Obama cannot break up these HUGE Banks.
Instead of defending Banks, (and making conservatives look like we are supporting the crooks) CALL OBAMA’S BLUFF.
These HUGE Banks plan to give themselves 150 BILLIONS of dollars in bonuses THIS YEAR. (To their TOP people for a “job well done?”)
And YOU want to defend these Banks..???? (Maybe I should add a few more question marks behind that last statement?)
This is a VERY good- “Obama trick.”
“Bust ‘em UP, Barry.” Should be our battle cry.
If Banks are too BIG to fail and they can bring down the American economy...
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
If we can no longer trust the judgement of these HUGE banks. If they make bad business decisions, (like paying themselves 150 billion in bonuses)...
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, it’s time to meet your maker: The American People.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Taxing these Banks will not solve the problem. They will just pass this tax off on us customers. We will pay for this new Obama tax.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
AIG- We have a chopping block waiting for you. Please place your BIG- fat head under the shinny blade.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry. No more Band-aids.”
Stopping Banks from getting big doesn’t fix the banks who are already too big.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Sure, Barry Obama will have a thousand reasons why he cannot bust up these BIG banks. But now you have put the president BACK on the defensive.
Do not defend to Banks. (They are BIG boys, they can defend themselves.) AND THEY SHOULD do some explaining.
Do not let the democrats become the “voice of the people” on this Banking issue.
Taxing the Banks will not work.
Regulating the Banks now is like closing the barn door after the horses have all gone.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Let’s fix this dam thing.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
(*NOTE) Barney Frank has an editorial in the Wall Street Journal where he calls for ending (closing) Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. However, when you read the editorial, Frank is actually talking about moving Freddie and Fannie’s assets to a branch of the government. (Which would solve nothing.)
“Bust ‘em up, Barney (and Barry)”
Thanks for reading
The Angry Republic
Will YOU defend the indefensible..??
President Obama was hurt this past year.
Liberals didn’t want to believe it at first, but this last election in Massachusetts, with the election of Scott Brown, proves one important thing:
The Health Bill, Cap and Trade and conservative people across America have successfully made Obama the- “BIG government guy.”
Americans HATE big government.
Every person can relate because most of us have had a run-in with a BIG government official. We have all seen the inability of BIG government to work efficiently, and we do not want to expand on this.
So, President Obama has been placed in a bad situation. If he defends the Health Care bill, he is a BIG government guy. If Obama pushes Cap and Trade laws, he is BIG government.
Everything that the democrats have worked on this past year makes Obama the enemy of many American people.
Folks, President Obama and the democrats are NOT stupid. Do not underestimate them.
President Obama MUST reinvent himself if he wants to continue in politics.
(And he is doing just that.) AND IT IS WORKING.
President Obama has positioned himself as: “We the People” must go after those evil Banks that caused all of our problems.
Yes, it sounds simple.
You might still be riding a “high” from the Scott Brown victory, and you might not notice, but...
Americans in Ohio liked the sound of Obama’s new message that he delivered on Friday: “We the People” must go after those evil Banks. We MUST make them pay for all the suffering that they caused.
What Obama’s new message does is it forces conservatives to defend the banks. (If they want to oppose Obama.)
You cannot.
However, I am seeing some TOP conservative voices doing just that. They are defending banks.
(Can I say this again?) How the hell can you, (a conservative) defend a BIG Bank..??
The conservative says: “..Those evil democrats in government FORCED banks to give loans to people who could not afford them. It is the governments fault. (Which translates to-) The Bank is wise and “all- knowing”, all Banks are trust worthy, and would NEVER do anything to hurt it’s poor customers..”
The liberal says: “..Those evil Banks wrote deceiving loans and people were tricked into “adjustable rate mortgages” that they could never pay back. Evil republicans deregulated the banking industry and caused all of this. (Which translates into-) People are like children and can NEVER be trusted to sign an “official document”, like a mortgage. We must hire enough government workers to follow people around and make sure that they do not get ripped off while buying things, or signing papers..”
Both political parties are right, and both are wrong. (In some aspects.)
Both republicans and democrats helped create the “rules of Banking” that caused this banking crisis. Both parties should shut their freaking mouths about who’s fault it is and fix the dam problem.
Did the government push Banks to give loans to poorer people? YES.
Did some Banks write loans in a deceiving manner? YES.
Did some people buy houses that they knew they couldn’t afford? YES.
With all this said, I must ask you:
“Why would you defend a Bank..??”
The “trickster”- Barack Obama, is causing you to take the VERY unpopular stance of defending a Bank.
Don’t fall for it. (And I have seen some VERY big conservative “talkers” fall for this Obama trick.) Don’t feel bad if you have fallen for it.
The American people do NOT give a rats- ass about the “rights” and fair treatment of Banks.
Don’t fall for it and use some tired repug line, like: “..WELL, if Obama goes after a Banks CEO because of his high paycheck, they may come after me, next..”
You bet your ass I will come after you. If you take taxpayers money in a “bailout”, (because your company is going under) THEN- you pay yourself a 10 million dollar bonus, your lucky that I do not take you to the big woods and tie you a freaking tree and leave you there.
Folks, we have President Obama right where we want him. Stuck in the unpopular situation as a “full fledged” member of “BIG Government.” (Something Americans hate.)
Don’t let Obama slip over to the popular stance of “We the People” against those evil Banks.
And you are forced to defend the Bank..??
OK, let me come at this another way, because “I want to be clear.” (As Obama would say.)
Didn’t we all say: “If a Bank is too big to fail, it is too big to manage”..?? (Didn’t we say that?) I think that I heard Rush Limbaugh say that.
OK, if we all agree that some Banks are too big. (Think about it: a handful of Banks can destroy the American economy?) Something MUST be done to fix this.
If we all agree that Banks have changed their fees and services over the years, and they no longer care about the small customer? (Maybe you do not believe me, try opening a small business checking account. They will nickel and dime you to death.)
If we all agree that Banks made some very, VERY bad business decisions, including these HUGE bonuses paid to CEO’s who trashed the place...
Why would we ever defend the Banks..??
President Obama is smart.
However, we are smarter.
Turn this whole thing around on Obama.
It is very simple to do, and I want to show you how to do it.
Follow me, let’s go through President Obama’s plan:
President Obama plans to tax Banks higher, (Billions) to recoup the bailout money and to “stick it to the man” who created this financial mess. (Average people love the idea of going after the Banks.)
However, (you and I know that) taxing Banks more money will cause less money being loaned out to a small business, (the same small business that creates new jobs) and bigger taxes will cause Banks to raise our banking fees.
Answer: “Bust ‘em up, Barry Obama.”
Break up these BIG Banks so that they can never do this again. If we have MORE smaller Banks, we will have more competition and we will get better rates and interest.
(DO NOT defend the Banks.)
President Obama wants to return to depression era banking rules where a separation between investment banking and commercial banking exists to protect our insured deposits. (Glass- Steagall Act.)
This is fine, however it will lower the interest that you can expect from an average deposit. AND, will this measure stop Banks from becoming two (EVEN) bigger Banks that handle both..??
Answer: “Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Do a freaking Teddy Roosevelt on their ass and bust up these huge Banks that can single- handily bring down the American economy.
President Obama wants the government to have regulatory authority to “limit the size of Banks.”
Great. (For the future.) However, that does nothing for the Banks already “too big to fail.”
Answer: “Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
We Americans broke up Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. We went after the Edison Power Company, we went after BIG Railroad Trusts. We went after the NBC Radio Network, we broke up Bell Telephone...
People, I cannot even list all of the companies that America has “busted up” in the past, because: “they were too big to fail,” or they were so big that they held a monopoly.
This is nothing new, for America to do.
“Bust ’em up, Barry” should be the battle cry.
Because the dirty little secret is...
(And this is the cool part of this political strategy.)
President Obama cannot “bust up” these BIG Banks.
Where did Tim Geithner come from?
What was Chris Dodd chairman of?
What does Barney Frank oversee? (*NOTE- see below)
What does Nancy Pelosi’s husband do for a living?
Where did some of Obama’s top advisers work before they went into government?
Does the Democrat Party get campaign money from Wall Street?
Answer these questions and you will know why President Obama cannot break up these HUGE Banks.
Instead of defending Banks, (and making conservatives look like we are supporting the crooks) CALL OBAMA’S BLUFF.
These HUGE Banks plan to give themselves 150 BILLIONS of dollars in bonuses THIS YEAR. (To their TOP people for a “job well done?”)
And YOU want to defend these Banks..???? (Maybe I should add a few more question marks behind that last statement?)
This is a VERY good- “Obama trick.”
“Bust ‘em UP, Barry.” Should be our battle cry.
If Banks are too BIG to fail and they can bring down the American economy...
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
If we can no longer trust the judgement of these HUGE banks. If they make bad business decisions, (like paying themselves 150 billion in bonuses)...
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, it’s time to meet your maker: The American People.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Taxing these Banks will not solve the problem. They will just pass this tax off on us customers. We will pay for this new Obama tax.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
AIG- We have a chopping block waiting for you. Please place your BIG- fat head under the shinny blade.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry. No more Band-aids.”
Stopping Banks from getting big doesn’t fix the banks who are already too big.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Sure, Barry Obama will have a thousand reasons why he cannot bust up these BIG banks. But now you have put the president BACK on the defensive.
Do not defend to Banks. (They are BIG boys, they can defend themselves.) AND THEY SHOULD do some explaining.
Do not let the democrats become the “voice of the people” on this Banking issue.
Taxing the Banks will not work.
Regulating the Banks now is like closing the barn door after the horses have all gone.
“Bust ‘em up, Barry.”
Let’s fix this dam thing.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
(*NOTE) Barney Frank has an editorial in the Wall Street Journal where he calls for ending (closing) Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. However, when you read the editorial, Frank is actually talking about moving Freddie and Fannie’s assets to a branch of the government. (Which would solve nothing.)
“Bust ‘em up, Barney (and Barry)”
Thanks for reading
The Angry Republic
Feel suicidal; quick, hurry: read this
Feel suicidal; quick, hurry: read this
While checking out the CNN web site, I found out that there are people out there who feel suicidal. They have been hit with a bad case of the “blues,” and they want to end it all.
I have placed my web site on HIGH alert, to find a solution to this plight. I want you to set that knife down, and put that gun away. Go to the sink and pour out that gallon jug of drain cleaner. I have a solution to your depression.
Folks, I once wanted to “End it all.”
But, let me “help you” with the same words that “helped me.”
A very wise old man once told me...
We interrupt this editorial for some BREAKING News
We have breaking news in the race between Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley and Republican candidate Scott Brown.
Scott Brown has moved up 5 points ahead of Coakley and democrats are wondering if President Obama should even head to Massachusetts to campaign for Coakley.
Many pundits point to a bad campaign run by Coakley; having hit a rocky start when Democrat- Coakley’s campaign misspelled the word: “Massachusetts” on campaign posters.
“How in touch can she be if she cannot even spell the name of the state that she is running in.”
Here, with a different point of view, is the creator and writer of The Angry Republic web site: AR Babonie
“..Get outta my face.
Sure, it is easy for you people from Ohio, or New York, or Texas to make fun of Coakley. Yea, you high and mighty people can make fun of a person who cannot spell their state name.
Oh..Gee: spell Ohio, duhh, OK- “O.H.I.O.” Yea, a real ball buster for you. But try and live in a state with silent or hidden vowels; try living in a state which has double letters (for no freaking reason.) Like Pennsylvania, or Massachuthss, aaahhh- Massachut...
Forget it, get outta my face..”
That was creator and writer AR Babonie from The Angry Republic web site.
To recap this breaking news story...
Republican Scott Brown has moved 5 points ahead of Democrat Coakley in the race for Ted Kennedy’s senate seat.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled editorial
We now rejoin our editorial on “Suicidal People”, already in progress:
Here is what you need to do:
Because, I know, when you hit rock bottom, you have to “look up.”
Keep repeating this mantra:
“..I am GOOD..!!”
“..People LOVE me..!!”
(Remember, you MUST repeat this mantra until YOU believe it.)
“..I am GOOD. People LOVE me. There is no reason to drink this gallon jug of drain cleaner..!!”
(I only had to repeat those lines 12,987 times and I felt MUCH better.)
Now, for you people who saw the movie more than 2 times, you need to do this one important...
We interrupt this editorial on “suicidal people” to bring you this “Breaking News” update
It now appears that President Obama WILL head to Massachusetts on Sunday, to campaign for the Democrat Senate hopeful Martha Coakley, who is trailing the Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown by 5 points in the polls.
The Obama Administration had questions as to if it would be wise to campaign for Coakley, with the problems that Obama is having with his health care bill, should the president campaign for a candidate who might LOSE this election Tuesday?
A candidate (Democrat Coakley) who cannot spell the name of the state that she is running in..??
Here for a different view on this, is conservative writer: AR Babonie.
“..You people are pissing into the wind.
Just because she cannot spell Massachutiss, aahhaa, Massichutt. That state has too many freaking letters in it’s name. How the hell is anyone going to spell that name.
Take Ohio; it has 4 letters in it’s spelling and one letter is used twice.
You try being a 6 year old kid and each kid gets a state name that they have to spell out in front of the class. All the kids around you get Maine, or Kansas, or freaking Ohio. But you... You get dealt Massachuttes, aahhaa, Massachitt. ‘It will freaking traumatize you for life.’
So what, the Democrat Coakley cannot spell the name of the state that she is running in, so what..??
It isn’t like she will ever have to spell, or write, or think again; once she is elected to the senate. Once she is elected, all she will have to do is vote the way that Harry Reid and Chuck E. Schumer votes. She doesn’t even need to give a rat’s ass about what the people of Massachutes, aahhaa, massachutts; what those freaking people want.
Get outta my face..”
That was conservative writer: AR Babonie, who seems to be defending the democrat Senate candidate Coakley.
(Or, at least, AR is defending the right of all Americans to never learn how to spell: Massachusetts.)
We now return you to our regularly scheduled editorial: “Suicidal People”, already in progress.
OK, Kelly, you are going to want to put down the gallon jug of drain cleaner and listen to me...
It was only a movie.
There is no “real place” called: “Pandora.”
Ok, Kelly, “Avatar” was a cartoon movie. Put down the gallon jug a drain cleaner and listen to me.
Folks, on the phone here at The Angry Republic studio; we have a caller name Kelly who has seen the movie “Avatar” 16 times. She feels depressed and suicidal because she wants to live in the cartoon world. She hates her life and she hates Earth.
Now, Kelly. I have not watched the movie: “Avatar,” however, I carefully read the CNN story about the depression and suicidal thoughts that you folks are going through. I can relate.
Kelly, let me tell you a story...
I once saw a cartoon movie and it affected me deeply.
It was called “Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.”
I too, wanted to live in that “cartoon world.” The hills were so colorful. And the sky was jet blue with puffy white clouds. That cartoon world would be perfect for us to live in.
And after watching Daffy Duck, my life and the Earth looked: sad and gray.
Let me describe the inhabitants of this lovely cartoon world to you, by using democrat Harry Reid’s terminology:
Daffy Duck was a “dark- skinned” duck with no Negro dialect. Daffy had some type of strange dialect, but it wouldn’t be called a “Negro dialect.”
Bugs Bunny, (using Democrat Harry Reid’s description) was a “light- skinned” rabbit, with no Negro dialect, unless Bugs wanted to use a “Negro dialect.”
Oh Kelly, I wanted to live in that cartoon world. You could smack someone in the face with a frying pan, then laugh about it. You could push your friend off of a cliff and watch him slam onto the ground below. “POOF.”
But Kelly, Bugs Bunny- just like the movie “Avatar”, are cartoon worlds that do not exist. We HAVE to come back to reality. People NEED us here in the “real world.”
Folks, I am leaving this web site open all weekend to help people, like Kelly; cope with the depression from watching the movie; Avatar. (Or Bugs Bunny.)
If you have ever watched a cartoon movie like “The Hillbilly Bears” or “The Flintstones” or “Avatar”, and you feel depressed and suicidal, please comment below and we will work beyond this depression.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Folks, here are some comments from “depressed” people who saw the movie: “Avatar.” (These are real, I am NOT making these up.)
Comment by Hill:
"..When I woke up this morning after watching Avatar for the first time yesterday, the world seemed ... gray. It was like my whole life, everything I've done and worked for, lost its meaning," Hill wrote on the forum. "It just seems so ... meaningless. I still don't really see any reason to keep ... doing things at all. I live in a dying world..."
Comment by: Mike
"..Ever since I went to see 'Avatar' I have been depressed. Watching the wonderful world of Pandora and all the Na'vi made me want to be one of them. I can't stop thinking about all the things that happened in the film and all of the tears and shivers I got from it," Mike posted. "I even contemplate suicide thinking that if I do it I will be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora and (that) everything is the same as in 'Avatar...”
Comment by Elequin:
"..That's all I have been doing as of late, searching the Internet for more info about 'Avatar.' I guess that helps. It's so hard I can't force myself to think that it's just a movie, and to get over it, that living like the Na'vi will never happen..”
While checking out the CNN web site, I found out that there are people out there who feel suicidal. They have been hit with a bad case of the “blues,” and they want to end it all.
I have placed my web site on HIGH alert, to find a solution to this plight. I want you to set that knife down, and put that gun away. Go to the sink and pour out that gallon jug of drain cleaner. I have a solution to your depression.
Folks, I once wanted to “End it all.”
But, let me “help you” with the same words that “helped me.”
A very wise old man once told me...
We interrupt this editorial for some BREAKING News
We have breaking news in the race between Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley and Republican candidate Scott Brown.
Scott Brown has moved up 5 points ahead of Coakley and democrats are wondering if President Obama should even head to Massachusetts to campaign for Coakley.
Many pundits point to a bad campaign run by Coakley; having hit a rocky start when Democrat- Coakley’s campaign misspelled the word: “Massachusetts” on campaign posters.
“How in touch can she be if she cannot even spell the name of the state that she is running in.”
Here, with a different point of view, is the creator and writer of The Angry Republic web site: AR Babonie
“..Get outta my face.
Sure, it is easy for you people from Ohio, or New York, or Texas to make fun of Coakley. Yea, you high and mighty people can make fun of a person who cannot spell their state name.
Oh..Gee: spell Ohio, duhh, OK- “O.H.I.O.” Yea, a real ball buster for you. But try and live in a state with silent or hidden vowels; try living in a state which has double letters (for no freaking reason.) Like Pennsylvania, or Massachuthss, aaahhh- Massachut...
Forget it, get outta my face..”
That was creator and writer AR Babonie from The Angry Republic web site.
To recap this breaking news story...
Republican Scott Brown has moved 5 points ahead of Democrat Coakley in the race for Ted Kennedy’s senate seat.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled editorial
We now rejoin our editorial on “Suicidal People”, already in progress:
Here is what you need to do:
Because, I know, when you hit rock bottom, you have to “look up.”
Keep repeating this mantra:
“..I am GOOD..!!”
“..People LOVE me..!!”
(Remember, you MUST repeat this mantra until YOU believe it.)
“..I am GOOD. People LOVE me. There is no reason to drink this gallon jug of drain cleaner..!!”
(I only had to repeat those lines 12,987 times and I felt MUCH better.)
Now, for you people who saw the movie more than 2 times, you need to do this one important...
We interrupt this editorial on “suicidal people” to bring you this “Breaking News” update
It now appears that President Obama WILL head to Massachusetts on Sunday, to campaign for the Democrat Senate hopeful Martha Coakley, who is trailing the Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown by 5 points in the polls.
The Obama Administration had questions as to if it would be wise to campaign for Coakley, with the problems that Obama is having with his health care bill, should the president campaign for a candidate who might LOSE this election Tuesday?
A candidate (Democrat Coakley) who cannot spell the name of the state that she is running in..??
Here for a different view on this, is conservative writer: AR Babonie.
“..You people are pissing into the wind.
Just because she cannot spell Massachutiss, aahhaa, Massichutt. That state has too many freaking letters in it’s name. How the hell is anyone going to spell that name.
Take Ohio; it has 4 letters in it’s spelling and one letter is used twice.
You try being a 6 year old kid and each kid gets a state name that they have to spell out in front of the class. All the kids around you get Maine, or Kansas, or freaking Ohio. But you... You get dealt Massachuttes, aahhaa, Massachitt. ‘It will freaking traumatize you for life.’
So what, the Democrat Coakley cannot spell the name of the state that she is running in, so what..??
It isn’t like she will ever have to spell, or write, or think again; once she is elected to the senate. Once she is elected, all she will have to do is vote the way that Harry Reid and Chuck E. Schumer votes. She doesn’t even need to give a rat’s ass about what the people of Massachutes, aahhaa, massachutts; what those freaking people want.
Get outta my face..”
That was conservative writer: AR Babonie, who seems to be defending the democrat Senate candidate Coakley.
(Or, at least, AR is defending the right of all Americans to never learn how to spell: Massachusetts.)
We now return you to our regularly scheduled editorial: “Suicidal People”, already in progress.
OK, Kelly, you are going to want to put down the gallon jug of drain cleaner and listen to me...
It was only a movie.
There is no “real place” called: “Pandora.”
Ok, Kelly, “Avatar” was a cartoon movie. Put down the gallon jug a drain cleaner and listen to me.
Folks, on the phone here at The Angry Republic studio; we have a caller name Kelly who has seen the movie “Avatar” 16 times. She feels depressed and suicidal because she wants to live in the cartoon world. She hates her life and she hates Earth.
Now, Kelly. I have not watched the movie: “Avatar,” however, I carefully read the CNN story about the depression and suicidal thoughts that you folks are going through. I can relate.
Kelly, let me tell you a story...
I once saw a cartoon movie and it affected me deeply.
It was called “Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.”
I too, wanted to live in that “cartoon world.” The hills were so colorful. And the sky was jet blue with puffy white clouds. That cartoon world would be perfect for us to live in.
And after watching Daffy Duck, my life and the Earth looked: sad and gray.
Let me describe the inhabitants of this lovely cartoon world to you, by using democrat Harry Reid’s terminology:
Daffy Duck was a “dark- skinned” duck with no Negro dialect. Daffy had some type of strange dialect, but it wouldn’t be called a “Negro dialect.”
Bugs Bunny, (using Democrat Harry Reid’s description) was a “light- skinned” rabbit, with no Negro dialect, unless Bugs wanted to use a “Negro dialect.”
Oh Kelly, I wanted to live in that cartoon world. You could smack someone in the face with a frying pan, then laugh about it. You could push your friend off of a cliff and watch him slam onto the ground below. “POOF.”
But Kelly, Bugs Bunny- just like the movie “Avatar”, are cartoon worlds that do not exist. We HAVE to come back to reality. People NEED us here in the “real world.”
Folks, I am leaving this web site open all weekend to help people, like Kelly; cope with the depression from watching the movie; Avatar. (Or Bugs Bunny.)
If you have ever watched a cartoon movie like “The Hillbilly Bears” or “The Flintstones” or “Avatar”, and you feel depressed and suicidal, please comment below and we will work beyond this depression.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Folks, here are some comments from “depressed” people who saw the movie: “Avatar.” (These are real, I am NOT making these up.)
Comment by Hill:
"..When I woke up this morning after watching Avatar for the first time yesterday, the world seemed ... gray. It was like my whole life, everything I've done and worked for, lost its meaning," Hill wrote on the forum. "It just seems so ... meaningless. I still don't really see any reason to keep ... doing things at all. I live in a dying world..."
Comment by: Mike
"..Ever since I went to see 'Avatar' I have been depressed. Watching the wonderful world of Pandora and all the Na'vi made me want to be one of them. I can't stop thinking about all the things that happened in the film and all of the tears and shivers I got from it," Mike posted. "I even contemplate suicide thinking that if I do it I will be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora and (that) everything is the same as in 'Avatar...”
Comment by Elequin:
"..That's all I have been doing as of late, searching the Internet for more info about 'Avatar.' I guess that helps. It's so hard I can't force myself to think that it's just a movie, and to get over it, that living like the Na'vi will never happen..”
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