People, you must help
Here are several stories that will tug at your heart and make your wallet much, much lighter.
Picture having a wonderful Thanksgiving. A beautiful day that the family can share.
At 2:45am on Friday, in he middle of the night, you decide to take a drive. (It happens to all of us.) However, your $100,000 dollar SUV slams into a fire hydrant and hits the neighbor’s tree.
Luckily, your wife was standing by (in the middle of the night, in the middle of the yard) with a golf club in her hand, and she smashes the windows out and sets you free.
(This kind of thing happens all the time. I have had many girlfriends who would go out in the yard, in the middle of the night, with a golf club, and stand there- waiting for “something” to happen.)
Unfortunately, now you have every media outlet in America camped out at your house. These “news” people want to know if you are cheating on your wife?
Tiger Woods needs your help.
The American media wants to PROVE that Tiger Woods cheated on his wife, Elin Nordegren:
and had an affair with this woman: Rachel Uchitel.
(Wow, looking at those two girls is almost like watching one of those Russ Meyer films. Tiger Woods, what’s up with that..??)
Tiger Woods needs your help.
Tiger doesn’t need your money. You do not have enough money to score a meeting with Mr. Woods, much less help him financially. However, Tiger Woods needs an alibi.
If you have a good alibi; like: “Tiger Woods wasn’t bedding down with that stunning- full figured- blond, Woods was at my house reading the Bible”, please send your alibi to:
“Save Tiger Woods foundation”
Remember, if Tiger Woods’ name is tarnish from this, the golfing world may never recover..!!
If you will not do it for Tiger Woods; do it for all the “little golfers” out there who could become jaded from golfing’s “evil side” and turn to another sport, like: hockey.
Please, won’t you help the “little golfers.”
Do it today.
Our next story that will tug at your heart and empty your purse is about Sen. John Kerry.
Senator Kerry, who is the head of President Obama’s “War Committee.” (Or whatever they call themselves?) Maybe it is called: “The man- made disaster committee”, I’m not really sure? (I know that they do not like the term “war.”)
Anyway; Sen. Kerry says that we missed our chance to capture (or kill) Osama bin Laden in December, 2001.
(Aaahh, and this news, because..??)
LINK: Kerry says we missed our chance.
Sen. Kerry says that if we had only sent MORE conventional troops in those early days of the war (oopps- “man- made disaster”), we would have captured bin Laden.
Here’s the problem:
John Kerry was a senator during 2001 and NOWHERE do you find Sen. Kerry asking for MORE troops in 2001.
In fact, Kerry; who was running for re-election in 2002, was calling for action against Saddam and Iraq, because Kerry felt that Saddam was a threat.
So, you see the problem.
Today, John Kerry claims MORE troops would have been better in Afghanistan in 2001. Yet Kerry was against adding MORE troops in Iraq with the “surge.” And Kerry is against adding more troops in Afghanistan today. Kerry favors smaller: “Special Op’s” forces in Afghanistan today. (Which is kind of what we did in 2001.)
Hence, John Kerry’s problem.
He needs someone to help him with public relations.
Someone like...
Maybe- Glenn Beck.
Picture John Kerry explaining his modern theory, compared to his 2001 beliefs, then Kerry looks into the camera, smiles, and says: “..Maybe it’s me, I’m riddled with A.D.D. I’m a rodeo clown..”
Then Kerry could walk up to a chalkboard that has- Bush, Osama bin Laden, and Donald Rumsfeld’s names in little circles, on the chalkboard. Kerry could begin drawing lines that connect each name, while explaining the “one world order” theory.
(It could work..!!)
Sen. John Kerry NEEDS your help.
If you will not do it for Senator John Kerry, do it for all the “little Senators” out there who might become jaded by all of this and quit the senate, to play professional hockey.
Please: send all the money that you have, plus the names of any Glenn Beck impersonators, to:
“Save John Kerry foundation.”
Our final story today, is of a VERY serious nature.
Not only is this problem hurting a beloved earth creature...
It is having devastating consequences FOR ME.
(And I take stuff that happens to me, very personal.)
Ever since the “hacked” e-mails leaked out about “tricked” numbers on the temperature graphs for Climate Scientist’s “global warming theory”, people have quit sending in money to STOP global warming.
As many of you know, 3 years ago I started the “Polar Bear Raft Company.”
Our goal: to save the polar bears by building rafts for the bears to live on when the Arctic ice melts.
How many polar bears did my company save in this three year period..??
It is very hard to tell, because: (one) polar bears are white, snow and ice is white, and they all freaking look the same. Unless you spray- paint numbers on the backs of the polar bears, you ain’t gonna know; and (two) I’m NOT traveling to the Arctic Circle to spray- paint numbers on the backs of polar bears. If I travel anywhere, it will be South, not North.
However, you can sure bet that the “Polar Bear Raft Company” saved a whole mess of polar bears.
LINK: More information on my Polar Bear Raft Company
Just because you learned that global warming might not be “man- made”, it doesn’t mean that you should STOP sending ME money..!!
Think of the poor polar bears.
Do the polar bears know that the climate scientists faked the global warming data..??
Polar bears cannot read the news.
You MUST help the polar bears.
The most common donation is $200 bucks. However, if you are a cheap bastard who doesn’t really care for the polar bears, you can send less money. I guess that would be OK.
Remember, send cash. Polar bears are dying and we cannot wait for your check to clear the bank.
Send cash, and do it today. (Before the Bush “tax cuts for the rich” expire.)
Send all the cash you have, to:
The Polar Bear Raft Company
Send me money today, before polar bears become jaded, and leave the Arctic Circle to head to Canada- to play professional hockey.
Written by AR babonie for The Angry Republic
Thanks for reading
The Angry Republic
I am thankful that Obama LOST the election, global warming hoax
I am thankful that Obama LOST the election, global warming hoax
It is that time once again that I take a moment to give “thanks” for the stuff that I am thankful for. (???) Not sure if that sentence makes sense?
I used to take this time of the year to talk about “The First Thanksgiving” and the myth that is taught in schools about what took place on that day.
That post usually leads to me spending Thanksgiving fighting with someone about the Native American and English settler’s relationship in the 1600's. If you are interested in that topic, I have a link for you: (Feel free to comment on that post, if you like.)
LINK: “The REAL Thanksgiving
But today, I wanted to talk about things that I am thankful for, right now. Of course I am thankful for good health, and I have plenty of work in this bad economy. I am thankful for that, everyday (not just today.)
Today, I am thankful that someone hacked into the Climate Research Unit’s computers and snagged a bunch of e-mails that PROVE that “man- made global warming” is a hoax.
Hacking into someone’s computer is wrong, and in most cases; should be punished. However, these climate scientists were very close to deleting important information that proves that facts have been falsified to make man-made global warming look real.
By law, this information SHOULD have been released by the “freedom of information act”. But the climate scientist were trying to claim international status, therefore bypassing the information act, all the while- destroying the evidence.
Hacking into the Climate Research Unit’s computer was the only way to protect this information, and this hacker deserves a metal. (Instead of jail time.)
If America and Britain had honest government leadership and a non-bias media, THEY would have been investigating these climate scientists all along.
The climate scientists who should be investigated are Phil Jones of the Climate Research Unit and Michael Mann of Penn State. (Plus, all of their staff.)
People like you, and myself, have fought FOR YEARS trying to tell people that humans are NOT making the earth warmer. We have fought to prove that the earth goes through natural cycles. (Ice ages, warming and cooling periods. Man has nothing to do with these cycles.) Sun spots also play a role in earth’s temperatures.
These hacked e-mails PROVE, without a doubt, that temperature readings and tree ring samples were “fudged” by climate scientists, to help show that man was causing the earth to warm.
Today, we can take a little break. For the golden rule of science is that: if there is any doubt, you MUST go back to the beginning and re-work the problem.
These new findings should make any respectable scientist say: “Aaahh- Oh, I have been duped by FAKE scientific models based on faulty data. Better drop this theory or my career will also be in the toilet.”
We were called: “flat-earthers” because we fought the man- made global warming theory.
There are “flat- earthers” involved in this story. However, it is not us.
Many people who fought the “round earth theory” had a financial reason for claiming that the earth was flat. These people had businesses along the established “land based” trade routes. “Flat- earthers” would lose tons of money if ships could sail across a “round” earth. So, they tried to crush the “round earth theory” to keep these land based trade route open.
Today, global warming scientists make a living from showing that man is causing the earth to warm up. That is their job and they will fight hard to prove that these hacked e-mails mean nothing.
Governments around the world, and large companies like GE have spent millions, even billions of dollars on GREEN technologies. These people are not going to just say “Ooops”, we made a mistake. They will still fight for the man- made global warming theory, just like the “flat-earthers did, years ago.
Media outlets like CNN, NBC, and CBS have spent tons of time pushing the global warming theory. They still think that they have credibility with viewers and they fear that if they admit that they were wrong about global warming, you might lose faith in their “objective” reporting.
However, these media outlets lost their objectivity many years ago.
The fight is not over...
There are thousands of people who make a living off of global warming, and other people have fortunes riding on this theory. Just like the flat-earthers of long ago, they will fight hard to keep their jobs and their fortunes. They MUST make you believe that YOU are making the earth warmer.
I was very lucky, I read a book many years ago, called: “The Skeptical Environmentalist” by Bjorn Lomborg. Lomborg LOVES the earth. He loves all the furry little creatures that inhabit this planet. He was a “back-packing” member of “Greenpeace” for 4 years. Lomborg preaches “personal” conservation. (As in- your personal choice on what you are conserving.)
When Bjorn Lomborg first started to study man- made global warming, he was turned off by one little fact: tree ring technology and earth core samples didn’t match up with each other. Climate scientists had to “fudge” numbers so that both- tree rings and core samples lined up together and PROVED that man was making the earth warmer.
Science doesn’t “fudge” numbers. If you corrupt the data, it is no longer science. You are now pushing a political agenda.
Which is what man-made global warming is: a political agenda.
LINK: The Skeptical Environmentalist
Hacking into computers is a crime. However, I am very thankful that this information got out there. Maybe now, we can have a rational, scientific debate about our place on this earth.
I am also thankful that Barack Obama did NOT win the 2008 election.
Had Barack Obama won the election, we might be in BIG trouble right now.
The guy that we have as president right now does a lot of speeches. He travels around the world a lot. He talks about stuff, but he doesn’t get this stuff done.
I can live with that. (Until 2012.) I just wish that this guy would make up his mind on Afghanistan.
But, that Barack Obama guy who was running for president...
That Obama guy was going to bankrupt the coal industry. Obama was going to pass a “cap and trade” bill that would raise our utility bills.
Remember, that Obama guy?
Barack Obama said that if you put more air in your car tires and if you wore a sweater in your house, you could make the earth cooler. You could save the polar bears by wearing a sweater in your house.
That guy..!!
If that Barack Obama guy won the election, we could be in real bad shape right now.
Man- made global warming believers, don’t feel bad. We have all been duped by something. I must admit to being a little nervous in 1999 during the Y2K scare; fearing that my money in the bank might “disappear” when the bank’s computers switched from 1999, to the year 2000.
We all get tricked, sometimes.
Now is the time to join together and STOP federal laws that will kill our already shaky economy.
If science wants to continue to study mans effects on this earth, that is fine. If you want to drive a smaller car and turn your heater off, that is great. It is your personal choice in a free country.
However, changing our way of life through federal laws and crippling our economy because of an educated guess, is insane.
On THIS Thanksgiving, I am thankful that people are beginning to see the truth about man- made global warming.
Maybe now we can put the man- made global warming theory away, where it belongs. Right along side of other scary myths, like:
Y2K- (will kill you)
Man- made Global Cooling (will kill you)
The world is flat (and you will die)
Fire- breathing dragons (will kill you)
Happy Thanksgiving..!!
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Links for this story:
LINK: The Washington Post- talks about who’s computers were hacked and what was learned.
UK Telegraph- is the end near for the global warming theory
LINK: RCP- The fix is in
LINK: Climate Scientist asked to resign
Senator Inhofe will ask the Senate to investigated the Climate Change Hoax after the Thanksgiving break.
Here is a radio interview with Sen. Inhofe.
It is that time once again that I take a moment to give “thanks” for the stuff that I am thankful for. (???) Not sure if that sentence makes sense?
I used to take this time of the year to talk about “The First Thanksgiving” and the myth that is taught in schools about what took place on that day.
That post usually leads to me spending Thanksgiving fighting with someone about the Native American and English settler’s relationship in the 1600's. If you are interested in that topic, I have a link for you: (Feel free to comment on that post, if you like.)
LINK: “The REAL Thanksgiving
But today, I wanted to talk about things that I am thankful for, right now. Of course I am thankful for good health, and I have plenty of work in this bad economy. I am thankful for that, everyday (not just today.)
Today, I am thankful that someone hacked into the Climate Research Unit’s computers and snagged a bunch of e-mails that PROVE that “man- made global warming” is a hoax.
Hacking into someone’s computer is wrong, and in most cases; should be punished. However, these climate scientists were very close to deleting important information that proves that facts have been falsified to make man-made global warming look real.
By law, this information SHOULD have been released by the “freedom of information act”. But the climate scientist were trying to claim international status, therefore bypassing the information act, all the while- destroying the evidence.
Hacking into the Climate Research Unit’s computer was the only way to protect this information, and this hacker deserves a metal. (Instead of jail time.)
If America and Britain had honest government leadership and a non-bias media, THEY would have been investigating these climate scientists all along.
The climate scientists who should be investigated are Phil Jones of the Climate Research Unit and Michael Mann of Penn State. (Plus, all of their staff.)
People like you, and myself, have fought FOR YEARS trying to tell people that humans are NOT making the earth warmer. We have fought to prove that the earth goes through natural cycles. (Ice ages, warming and cooling periods. Man has nothing to do with these cycles.) Sun spots also play a role in earth’s temperatures.
These hacked e-mails PROVE, without a doubt, that temperature readings and tree ring samples were “fudged” by climate scientists, to help show that man was causing the earth to warm.
Today, we can take a little break. For the golden rule of science is that: if there is any doubt, you MUST go back to the beginning and re-work the problem.
These new findings should make any respectable scientist say: “Aaahh- Oh, I have been duped by FAKE scientific models based on faulty data. Better drop this theory or my career will also be in the toilet.”
We were called: “flat-earthers” because we fought the man- made global warming theory.
There are “flat- earthers” involved in this story. However, it is not us.
Many people who fought the “round earth theory” had a financial reason for claiming that the earth was flat. These people had businesses along the established “land based” trade routes. “Flat- earthers” would lose tons of money if ships could sail across a “round” earth. So, they tried to crush the “round earth theory” to keep these land based trade route open.
Today, global warming scientists make a living from showing that man is causing the earth to warm up. That is their job and they will fight hard to prove that these hacked e-mails mean nothing.
Governments around the world, and large companies like GE have spent millions, even billions of dollars on GREEN technologies. These people are not going to just say “Ooops”, we made a mistake. They will still fight for the man- made global warming theory, just like the “flat-earthers did, years ago.
Media outlets like CNN, NBC, and CBS have spent tons of time pushing the global warming theory. They still think that they have credibility with viewers and they fear that if they admit that they were wrong about global warming, you might lose faith in their “objective” reporting.
However, these media outlets lost their objectivity many years ago.
The fight is not over...
There are thousands of people who make a living off of global warming, and other people have fortunes riding on this theory. Just like the flat-earthers of long ago, they will fight hard to keep their jobs and their fortunes. They MUST make you believe that YOU are making the earth warmer.
I was very lucky, I read a book many years ago, called: “The Skeptical Environmentalist” by Bjorn Lomborg. Lomborg LOVES the earth. He loves all the furry little creatures that inhabit this planet. He was a “back-packing” member of “Greenpeace” for 4 years. Lomborg preaches “personal” conservation. (As in- your personal choice on what you are conserving.)
When Bjorn Lomborg first started to study man- made global warming, he was turned off by one little fact: tree ring technology and earth core samples didn’t match up with each other. Climate scientists had to “fudge” numbers so that both- tree rings and core samples lined up together and PROVED that man was making the earth warmer.
Science doesn’t “fudge” numbers. If you corrupt the data, it is no longer science. You are now pushing a political agenda.
Which is what man-made global warming is: a political agenda.
LINK: The Skeptical Environmentalist
Hacking into computers is a crime. However, I am very thankful that this information got out there. Maybe now, we can have a rational, scientific debate about our place on this earth.
I am also thankful that Barack Obama did NOT win the 2008 election.
Had Barack Obama won the election, we might be in BIG trouble right now.
The guy that we have as president right now does a lot of speeches. He travels around the world a lot. He talks about stuff, but he doesn’t get this stuff done.
I can live with that. (Until 2012.) I just wish that this guy would make up his mind on Afghanistan.
But, that Barack Obama guy who was running for president...
That Obama guy was going to bankrupt the coal industry. Obama was going to pass a “cap and trade” bill that would raise our utility bills.
Remember, that Obama guy?
Barack Obama said that if you put more air in your car tires and if you wore a sweater in your house, you could make the earth cooler. You could save the polar bears by wearing a sweater in your house.
That guy..!!
If that Barack Obama guy won the election, we could be in real bad shape right now.
Man- made global warming believers, don’t feel bad. We have all been duped by something. I must admit to being a little nervous in 1999 during the Y2K scare; fearing that my money in the bank might “disappear” when the bank’s computers switched from 1999, to the year 2000.
We all get tricked, sometimes.
Now is the time to join together and STOP federal laws that will kill our already shaky economy.
If science wants to continue to study mans effects on this earth, that is fine. If you want to drive a smaller car and turn your heater off, that is great. It is your personal choice in a free country.
However, changing our way of life through federal laws and crippling our economy because of an educated guess, is insane.
On THIS Thanksgiving, I am thankful that people are beginning to see the truth about man- made global warming.
Maybe now we can put the man- made global warming theory away, where it belongs. Right along side of other scary myths, like:
Y2K- (will kill you)
Man- made Global Cooling (will kill you)
The world is flat (and you will die)
Fire- breathing dragons (will kill you)
Happy Thanksgiving..!!
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Links for this story:
LINK: The Washington Post- talks about who’s computers were hacked and what was learned.
UK Telegraph- is the end near for the global warming theory
LINK: RCP- The fix is in
LINK: Climate Scientist asked to resign
Senator Inhofe will ask the Senate to investigated the Climate Change Hoax after the Thanksgiving break.
Here is a radio interview with Sen. Inhofe.
Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World
Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World
“Bad News” and “The Angry Republic” present:
The NEW adventures of Barry Goldwater
(A modern “re- telling” of a man born 50 years ahead of his time.)
We enter a world that is not much different then our own world, today.
People are people, after all.
The people of both worlds want the same thing: A place where you are free to make your dreams a reality. A place where you can meet someone to love. A decent place to raise a family. A place where you do not fear growing old.
In this respect, our worlds are not much different.
However, in the form of government rule, we would not recognize the world in which Barry Goldwater lived. It would be totally alien to us.
Democrats ruled the land for twenty years. And Democrats would have ruled for another twenty years more, if it had not been for a couple of men.
In this parallel world, it was a totally “alien” democratic party. A democratic party that locked away thousands of Americans in internment camps. Americans, who’s only crime was that they were “different.” (Japanese, German, Italian)
A democratic party that pushed the “proverbial” BUTTON, that unleashed nuclear weapons. The ONLY time that nuclear weapons have ever been used by anyone, to kill people.
In Barry G’s world, these were the days of the brutal democrat. They called themselves: “New Dealers.”
Some Americans began to quip: “New Deal my ass. It is the democrat’s way, or you go to jail. That’s the New Deal.”
But change was in the air.
The year was 1953.
There was no “Fox News Channel.”
No “Rush Limbaugh” broadcasting for three hours a day.
There wasn’t even a conservative magazine called: “National Review.”
In 1953, conservatives exchanged ideas mostly by word of mouth, on the streets.
It was your neighbor who shared your vision of America, with a smaller government and MORE personal freedom.
It was the occasional editorial in the Chicago Tribune that warned of the dangers of communism, which was spreading around the world.
Conservatism could be found in a quaint story about a “small town America” where you didn’t have to lock your doors, and people helped each other. These people didn’t need the government to pull money out of their pockets, by taxation, to help the poor. People helped people because they wanted to. You could find these stories in “Readers Digest” and “The Saturday Evening Post”.
There were conservatives out there. But it could hardly be called: “A movement.”
That is, until Barry Goldwater.
The date- January 3rd, 1953.
Barry Goldwater is about to be sworn in as an American Senator from Arizona.
We are about to peek into Goldwater’s personal journal, and learn from our republican past.
An alien world, far-far away.
Goldwater writes:
“...There were a few conservatives in congress during those days. Although Dwight D. Eisenhower had just become the first republican president in twenty years, the nation was still moving left.
Liberalism dominated not only the country’s political and educational lives...
Liberalism dominated the media.
It was extremely difficult for a conservative to be heard, much less understood.
From my early days, I never accepted the notion that conservatism was a primer for the past- that we didn’t have a vision of or faith in the future.
We (conservatives) saw the future of America in the hands of the MANY, not the self-anointed few.
For forty years, the nations liberals had conjured up false conservative, capitalistic stereotypes- of selfish people with inordinate wealth, intellectually rooted in a ‘dead yesterday.’
(On the contrary,) liberals offered to plan your life out for you.
Liberals would plan out your whole life under (the rule of HUGE) Democratic administrations, complete with “Great Societies” and “New Dealers.”
Behind all of the promise of the (liberal) planners lay a cynical contempt for the individual freedoms which make America different. (Individual freedoms which have driven millions of people, from everywhere on this earth, to make it to America, or DIE trying.)
My political mission is to restore those individual freedoms, despite the welfare state.
(While raising my hand and becoming a Senator), I took comfort in the oath to support and defend the Constitution of these United States. I was at home with the Constitution. I told myself that enterprising America, in the surge of new nations around the globe, was a good representation of rising expectations.
We ARE the world’s REAL revolutionaries.
Our principals, (contained in The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution) are lighting political fires never dreamed of by Lenin or world communism.
(My political goals...)
I have little interest in streamlining government, or in making it MORE efficient, for I mean to reduce government’s size.
I will not undertake the promotion of welfare, for I propose to extend freedom.
My aim is NOT to pass NEW laws, but to repeal them.
My goal is not to create NEW government programs, but to cancel old programs that do violence to the Constitution, or have failed in their purpose, or programs that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden.
I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is needed, BEFORE I determine if this legislation is constitutionally permissible.
And if in the future I am attacked by a constituent for not minding his interests, I will remind him that I was charged with protecting his liberty.
In that cause, I have done my very best.
Today, these are respectable political views. However, in 1953 when I started in the Senate, these ideas were revolutionary...”
Barry Goldwater
Will Barry Goldwater find his voice within the HUGE liberal Senate..??
Can Goldwater start the conservative movement..??
The only way to know for sure is to tune in for another exciting episode of:
Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World
Our next exciting episode is titled:
“Barry G- The attack of the Slush Fund Liberals”
Can Barry G survive the “Slush Fund Liberals”? Or will this story be over before it begins?
Tune in next time..!!
DVD extras and editorial “special features”:
“The making of: Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World”
“Barry G: Fact-toids:” Facts about Barry Goldwater.
Some people have asked me if I was making fun of Barry Goldwater with this promo picture that we used to promote our editorials on Barry Goldwater.
Actually, this was an inside joke, and a funny story about Barry Goldwater.
When Goldwater was running for president, a person in charge of publicity thought it would be great to make a soda pop called: “Goldwater”, (because Barry’s name sounded like a drink, anyways.)
The first idea was that this soft drink should be a gold / yellow color and flavored like lemons.
“Lemons”..?? ( Not good for a politician) Plus- gold / yellow, the color of urine..??
So, that idea was scrapped and they made the “Goldwater” soda drink with orange coloring and flavor.
When Barry Goldwater first tasted the “Goldwater” soft drink, he said it tasted like goat piss.
Goldwater never cared for the promotional soft drink and later cleaned up his explanation of why, for the public: “It tastes like gnat urine.”
Goldwater, who served in the military during WW2, was asked what he thought about Gay people serving in the military?
Goldwater replied:
“..I could care less if a man is straight, I only care if he can shoot straight...”
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic (with actual quotes from Barry Goldwater.)
Thanks for reading The Angry Republic
“Bad News” and “The Angry Republic” present:
The NEW adventures of Barry Goldwater
(A modern “re- telling” of a man born 50 years ahead of his time.)
We enter a world that is not much different then our own world, today.
People are people, after all.
The people of both worlds want the same thing: A place where you are free to make your dreams a reality. A place where you can meet someone to love. A decent place to raise a family. A place where you do not fear growing old.
In this respect, our worlds are not much different.
However, in the form of government rule, we would not recognize the world in which Barry Goldwater lived. It would be totally alien to us.
Democrats ruled the land for twenty years. And Democrats would have ruled for another twenty years more, if it had not been for a couple of men.
In this parallel world, it was a totally “alien” democratic party. A democratic party that locked away thousands of Americans in internment camps. Americans, who’s only crime was that they were “different.” (Japanese, German, Italian)
A democratic party that pushed the “proverbial” BUTTON, that unleashed nuclear weapons. The ONLY time that nuclear weapons have ever been used by anyone, to kill people.
In Barry G’s world, these were the days of the brutal democrat. They called themselves: “New Dealers.”
Some Americans began to quip: “New Deal my ass. It is the democrat’s way, or you go to jail. That’s the New Deal.”
But change was in the air.
The year was 1953.
There was no “Fox News Channel.”
No “Rush Limbaugh” broadcasting for three hours a day.
There wasn’t even a conservative magazine called: “National Review.”
In 1953, conservatives exchanged ideas mostly by word of mouth, on the streets.
It was your neighbor who shared your vision of America, with a smaller government and MORE personal freedom.
It was the occasional editorial in the Chicago Tribune that warned of the dangers of communism, which was spreading around the world.
Conservatism could be found in a quaint story about a “small town America” where you didn’t have to lock your doors, and people helped each other. These people didn’t need the government to pull money out of their pockets, by taxation, to help the poor. People helped people because they wanted to. You could find these stories in “Readers Digest” and “The Saturday Evening Post”.
There were conservatives out there. But it could hardly be called: “A movement.”
That is, until Barry Goldwater.
The date- January 3rd, 1953.
Barry Goldwater is about to be sworn in as an American Senator from Arizona.
We are about to peek into Goldwater’s personal journal, and learn from our republican past.
An alien world, far-far away.
Goldwater writes:
“...There were a few conservatives in congress during those days. Although Dwight D. Eisenhower had just become the first republican president in twenty years, the nation was still moving left.
Liberalism dominated not only the country’s political and educational lives...
Liberalism dominated the media.
It was extremely difficult for a conservative to be heard, much less understood.
From my early days, I never accepted the notion that conservatism was a primer for the past- that we didn’t have a vision of or faith in the future.
We (conservatives) saw the future of America in the hands of the MANY, not the self-anointed few.
For forty years, the nations liberals had conjured up false conservative, capitalistic stereotypes- of selfish people with inordinate wealth, intellectually rooted in a ‘dead yesterday.’
(On the contrary,) liberals offered to plan your life out for you.
Liberals would plan out your whole life under (the rule of HUGE) Democratic administrations, complete with “Great Societies” and “New Dealers.”
Behind all of the promise of the (liberal) planners lay a cynical contempt for the individual freedoms which make America different. (Individual freedoms which have driven millions of people, from everywhere on this earth, to make it to America, or DIE trying.)
My political mission is to restore those individual freedoms, despite the welfare state.
(While raising my hand and becoming a Senator), I took comfort in the oath to support and defend the Constitution of these United States. I was at home with the Constitution. I told myself that enterprising America, in the surge of new nations around the globe, was a good representation of rising expectations.
We ARE the world’s REAL revolutionaries.
Our principals, (contained in The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution) are lighting political fires never dreamed of by Lenin or world communism.
(My political goals...)
I have little interest in streamlining government, or in making it MORE efficient, for I mean to reduce government’s size.
I will not undertake the promotion of welfare, for I propose to extend freedom.
My aim is NOT to pass NEW laws, but to repeal them.
My goal is not to create NEW government programs, but to cancel old programs that do violence to the Constitution, or have failed in their purpose, or programs that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden.
I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is needed, BEFORE I determine if this legislation is constitutionally permissible.
And if in the future I am attacked by a constituent for not minding his interests, I will remind him that I was charged with protecting his liberty.
In that cause, I have done my very best.
Today, these are respectable political views. However, in 1953 when I started in the Senate, these ideas were revolutionary...”
Barry Goldwater
Will Barry Goldwater find his voice within the HUGE liberal Senate..??
Can Goldwater start the conservative movement..??
The only way to know for sure is to tune in for another exciting episode of:
Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World
Our next exciting episode is titled:
“Barry G- The attack of the Slush Fund Liberals”
Can Barry G survive the “Slush Fund Liberals”? Or will this story be over before it begins?
Tune in next time..!!
DVD extras and editorial “special features”:
“The making of: Barry G- Lone Conservative in a Liberal World”
“Barry G: Fact-toids:” Facts about Barry Goldwater.
Some people have asked me if I was making fun of Barry Goldwater with this promo picture that we used to promote our editorials on Barry Goldwater.
Actually, this was an inside joke, and a funny story about Barry Goldwater.
When Goldwater was running for president, a person in charge of publicity thought it would be great to make a soda pop called: “Goldwater”, (because Barry’s name sounded like a drink, anyways.)
The first idea was that this soft drink should be a gold / yellow color and flavored like lemons.
“Lemons”..?? ( Not good for a politician) Plus- gold / yellow, the color of urine..??
So, that idea was scrapped and they made the “Goldwater” soda drink with orange coloring and flavor.
When Barry Goldwater first tasted the “Goldwater” soft drink, he said it tasted like goat piss.
Goldwater never cared for the promotional soft drink and later cleaned up his explanation of why, for the public: “It tastes like gnat urine.”
Goldwater, who served in the military during WW2, was asked what he thought about Gay people serving in the military?
Goldwater replied:
“..I could care less if a man is straight, I only care if he can shoot straight...”
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic (with actual quotes from Barry Goldwater.)
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