A very scary Halloween story- WARNING
Gather around kids, this story is spooky.
It seemed like a good day in Washington DC.
Better that a good day, it was a GREAT- good day, really.
The police had arrested the swine flu.
With swine flu, locked safely behind bars, it really was a GREAT- good day.
However, people should have worried; they should have been filled with fear.
For, today was Halloween and the democrats had just released their Health Care Bill.
1,990 pages of pure hell, which all of congress MUST read. This bill listed everything from vending machine food safety- to how high a new tax will be on Granny’s next oxygen machine.
It was terrifying stuff.
But, people in the community never seemed to notice. “..Why would they..??”
After all, it was a GREAT- good day, it just felt right.
A GREAT day, that is, until it turned to night.
All of the children were snuggled in their beds.
While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
When all of a sudden, from the lawn came such a clatter.
The children ran to the window to see what was the matter.
What they saw was so scary, the children started to run.
It was Florida’s democratic congressman: Rep. Alan Grayson.
With a DEEP, blood boiling voice, Grayson cried out in a roar:
“..I apologize to the DEAD. You K Street whore..”
The children ran to a closet, where they thought Grayson wouldn’t be.
But there was no hiding from The Grayson, he was on EVERY- TV..
“..Die quickly. K Street whore. I apologized to the dead..”
The words Grayson uttered was stuck in every child’s head.
The children huddled, as low as they could be.
One child look over, and shouted to me:
“..Kind sir, is there any way to kill this beast..?? Will he die..??”
“..Because Grayson is democratic, No, to say the least..” Was my reply.
“..If the Grayson were a republican, there might be a way..”
“The mainstream media would swoop in to save the day.”
Would grab their cameras, pitchforks, torches, and wait for the republican to fall.
The republican wouldn’t stand a chance.
(Anyone remember Mark Foley..??)
But, because this beast is a democrat, he will live on.
To devour your intellect, until free- thought is gone.
So, the moral of this story is:
If you are a politician, and you happen to be:
A crook
Or a crook who hides $90,000 bucks of bribe money in your freezer.
Or, you are the King of Pork and love spending tax payers money:
or you happen to be a sex pervert:
Crooked politicians, should heed my words, before joining the Fed.
Join the democrats, live forever, as the “Living Dead.”
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
PS: If this story didn’t terrify you, why not read the actual House Health bill..??
LINK: The “very scary” House bill. All 1,990 pages, if you dare..!!
AR- Here to help you democrats
AR- Here to help you democrats
I had a little extra time this weekend to check up on my friends- The Democrats.
I noticed that all of our democratic bloggers, here at WordPress, are afraid to speak out against this president.
I found this very odd..??
Our democratic friends were very vocal during President Bush’s two terms. They spoke their minds on ALL topics. Why would they go silent now..??
To be fair, liberals are not completely silent. They are still speaking out about Bush, Fox News, and Glenn Beck. (Oh, and if Joe Z is using a fake name on Blogster.) Important stuff like that.
But when it comes to stuff that REALLY matters; (health care, investigations into torture, Gay rights, Gitmo, JOBS, the shrinking dollar, etc) Liberals become VERY quiet.
Strangely quiet.
That is very odd..??
The reason I find it odd is because we conservatives had no problem speaking out against President Bush when he refused to tighten up the border with Mexico, or when Bush wanted to grant amnesty to illegals, or when Bush spent too much money on pork; we spoke out about this. You can check our past blogs for proof.
But liberals, who were VERY vocal in the past, are silent today.
Just then, the answer came to me...
Look at this picture.
When you look at that picture, what happens..??
Do words come to your head, but your mouth becomes like Jell-O, and you cannot speak? Look at that picture again. Do your fingers turn to rubber, and you cannot type?
When you listen to President Obama speak, there are things that you want to say, but you cannot. You try, but you can not vocalize?
You know that when Barack Obama pauses during a speech, you are supposed to clap your hands together and make some kind of cheering noise, like: "Aahhh Yeaaa"
You are able to clap and chant, but that is all that you can muster.
Well, I have the answer.
You are hypnotized.
What else can it be..??
As I said, I am here to help you democrats.
Take a look at this teaching tool I have prepared, just for you.
(See what I did with this teaching tool. It says: "President Barack Obama", but it is actually a picture of Bush. Clever, no..??)
This teaching tool is called: Reverse Osmosis La Oucho.
(OK, look at the picture again and repeat after me)
Mister President, it has been 8 months. Why have you not ended the "Don’t ask, don’t tell" policy in the military..??
(Look at the picture again, if it helps. OK, Lets continue.)
Mister President, when Bush didn’t like spending federal money on embryonic stem cells, BUSH JUST STOPPED IT.
Mister President; end "don’t ask, don’t tell NOW. The Gay community is asking for it. Do it now.
OK, I know that took a lot out of you, but time is running out and we MUST continue.
Take a look at this teaching tool, it will break the spell that is on you.
(Whhooa, you better look at that picture again, because this next one is a tough one.)
(OK, Ready? Repeat after me.)
Mister President, the current health plan that Reid and Schumer are pushing in the Senate allows States to "opt out" of the "single payer" part of the plan. WHAT GOOD IS THAT..?? What the hell are you guys smoking..??
Mister President, AR Babonie of The Angry Republic LIKES this new plan, so it CAN’T be good for us democrats. (I just added that in there, you don’t have to use it when actually speaking to President Obama.)
Mister President, this plan KEEPS things the way they are. With insurance companies holding all the cards, in most states. Mister President, this is no health insurance reform. This is politics as usual.
OK, let’s take a little break here, because I cannot pull you out of Hypnosis too fast. You will get gout. (Or something?)
We MUST help you to get back that vocal instinct that you once had. In the past, you spoke out about war, human rights, Gitmo, Gay rights, the constitution...
You spoke out about everything. (When a republican was in the White House.)
We MUST get you back; to being you.
OK, lets get back to your treatment.
Look at this picture VERY carefully.
(Now, repeat after me)
Mister President, Gitmo is still open. Where are the NEW prisoners of Afghanistan going? Are they safe? Are we staying in Afghanistan, or are we leaving? If we are leaving, why are men still dying? If we are staying in Afghanistan, then we MUST send them help NOW. Why are we waiting..??
Mister President, you promised investigations into torture at Gitmo. Its been 8 months and I see no REAL investigation taking place.
Mister President, you promised "No new taxes on people making less than $250,000 per year," yet cigarette taxes went up, soda pop could see a new tax. You might tax existing health plans, and the "Cap and Trade" tax will raise prices on utilities. Mister President, did you lie to us..??
OK, we MUST stop here.
If I pull you out of Hypnosis too fast, you will get gonorrhea. (Or something?)
However, some of you maybe cured, already.
Test yourself, by looking at this picture below, and repeating any of the "Mister President" statements above.
If you can look at that picture and repeat any, or all of the "Mister President" statements above, congratulations..!! You are cured. Now, go forth and speak out about the things that you believe in.
However, if you look at this picture...
And you mouth turns to Jell-O, and your fingers turn to rubber, you need more help and you must NOT give up..!!
There are only THREE reasons why liberals will not speak out against this president
(One) They are hypnotized. ("Hope for Change" type stuff.)
(Two) Liberals are actually conservative, deep down inside, but do not want to admit it.
(Three) Liberals are democratic HACKS who will NEVER speak out about a fellow democrat, no matter how much they piss on you.
Now, I cannot believe that ALL liberals are hacks. And I really don’t believe that liberals are actually conservative. (You would have to be GREAT actors, all these years.)
So, you MUST be hypnotized.
If this exercise did NOT work for you. DON’T GIVE UP.
I want you to re-read this whole post, take 2 aspirins, and call me in the morning.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
I had a little extra time this weekend to check up on my friends- The Democrats.
I noticed that all of our democratic bloggers, here at WordPress, are afraid to speak out against this president.
I found this very odd..??
Our democratic friends were very vocal during President Bush’s two terms. They spoke their minds on ALL topics. Why would they go silent now..??
To be fair, liberals are not completely silent. They are still speaking out about Bush, Fox News, and Glenn Beck. (Oh, and if Joe Z is using a fake name on Blogster.) Important stuff like that.
But when it comes to stuff that REALLY matters; (health care, investigations into torture, Gay rights, Gitmo, JOBS, the shrinking dollar, etc) Liberals become VERY quiet.
Strangely quiet.
That is very odd..??
The reason I find it odd is because we conservatives had no problem speaking out against President Bush when he refused to tighten up the border with Mexico, or when Bush wanted to grant amnesty to illegals, or when Bush spent too much money on pork; we spoke out about this. You can check our past blogs for proof.
But liberals, who were VERY vocal in the past, are silent today.
Just then, the answer came to me...
Look at this picture.
When you look at that picture, what happens..??
Do words come to your head, but your mouth becomes like Jell-O, and you cannot speak? Look at that picture again. Do your fingers turn to rubber, and you cannot type?
When you listen to President Obama speak, there are things that you want to say, but you cannot. You try, but you can not vocalize?
You know that when Barack Obama pauses during a speech, you are supposed to clap your hands together and make some kind of cheering noise, like: "Aahhh Yeaaa"
You are able to clap and chant, but that is all that you can muster.
Well, I have the answer.
You are hypnotized.
What else can it be..??
As I said, I am here to help you democrats.
Take a look at this teaching tool I have prepared, just for you.
(See what I did with this teaching tool. It says: "President Barack Obama", but it is actually a picture of Bush. Clever, no..??)
This teaching tool is called: Reverse Osmosis La Oucho.
(OK, look at the picture again and repeat after me)
Mister President, it has been 8 months. Why have you not ended the "Don’t ask, don’t tell" policy in the military..??
(Look at the picture again, if it helps. OK, Lets continue.)
Mister President, when Bush didn’t like spending federal money on embryonic stem cells, BUSH JUST STOPPED IT.
Mister President; end "don’t ask, don’t tell NOW. The Gay community is asking for it. Do it now.
OK, I know that took a lot out of you, but time is running out and we MUST continue.
Take a look at this teaching tool, it will break the spell that is on you.
(Whhooa, you better look at that picture again, because this next one is a tough one.)
(OK, Ready? Repeat after me.)
Mister President, the current health plan that Reid and Schumer are pushing in the Senate allows States to "opt out" of the "single payer" part of the plan. WHAT GOOD IS THAT..?? What the hell are you guys smoking..??
Mister President, AR Babonie of The Angry Republic LIKES this new plan, so it CAN’T be good for us democrats. (I just added that in there, you don’t have to use it when actually speaking to President Obama.)
Mister President, this plan KEEPS things the way they are. With insurance companies holding all the cards, in most states. Mister President, this is no health insurance reform. This is politics as usual.
OK, let’s take a little break here, because I cannot pull you out of Hypnosis too fast. You will get gout. (Or something?)
We MUST help you to get back that vocal instinct that you once had. In the past, you spoke out about war, human rights, Gitmo, Gay rights, the constitution...
You spoke out about everything. (When a republican was in the White House.)
We MUST get you back; to being you.
OK, lets get back to your treatment.
Look at this picture VERY carefully.
(Now, repeat after me)
Mister President, Gitmo is still open. Where are the NEW prisoners of Afghanistan going? Are they safe? Are we staying in Afghanistan, or are we leaving? If we are leaving, why are men still dying? If we are staying in Afghanistan, then we MUST send them help NOW. Why are we waiting..??
Mister President, you promised investigations into torture at Gitmo. Its been 8 months and I see no REAL investigation taking place.
Mister President, you promised "No new taxes on people making less than $250,000 per year," yet cigarette taxes went up, soda pop could see a new tax. You might tax existing health plans, and the "Cap and Trade" tax will raise prices on utilities. Mister President, did you lie to us..??
OK, we MUST stop here.
If I pull you out of Hypnosis too fast, you will get gonorrhea. (Or something?)
However, some of you maybe cured, already.
Test yourself, by looking at this picture below, and repeating any of the "Mister President" statements above.
If you can look at that picture and repeat any, or all of the "Mister President" statements above, congratulations..!! You are cured. Now, go forth and speak out about the things that you believe in.
However, if you look at this picture...
And you mouth turns to Jell-O, and your fingers turn to rubber, you need more help and you must NOT give up..!!
There are only THREE reasons why liberals will not speak out against this president
(One) They are hypnotized. ("Hope for Change" type stuff.)
(Two) Liberals are actually conservative, deep down inside, but do not want to admit it.
(Three) Liberals are democratic HACKS who will NEVER speak out about a fellow democrat, no matter how much they piss on you.
Now, I cannot believe that ALL liberals are hacks. And I really don’t believe that liberals are actually conservative. (You would have to be GREAT actors, all these years.)
So, you MUST be hypnotized.
If this exercise did NOT work for you. DON’T GIVE UP.
I want you to re-read this whole post, take 2 aspirins, and call me in the morning.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
American Jobs- Safety First
American Jobs- Safety First
(What’s in my chicken..??)
For years, many of us have worried about the job situation in America. It was difficult to bring the issue to the forefront when the unemployment figures hovered around 5%.
5% unemployment is about the best that you can do, right..??
It’s hard to "cry wolf" when most people are employed, and no one wants to listen.
"..What about the under employed? People working less than 40 hours a week, or those making much less than their skills..??"
These cries were not heard.
Today, the unemployment figures are closing in on 10%. In some cities, the unemployment rate is around 13% and for American youths, the rate is 25% unemployed.
1 out of 4 young Americans are out of work.
If the unemployment rate can double from 5% to 10% in a little over a year, it could double again next year, if we do nothing to stop it.
20% unemployment is unacceptable, and we cannot let it slip to that level. Hell, the Great Depression saw unemployment at 29%.
The time to act is now.
Republicans are clearly stuck somewhere between "liberal lite" and conservatism. Many republican politicians seem to think that they can "talk tough" on Fox News about how "conservative" they are. Yet, they head off and endorse a socialistic compromise in congress.
Democrats are stuck in campaign mode. They haven’t stopped campaigning since the election.
The "cure- all" for the democratic party is health care. Health care: that will not take place for 3 years, (which could be too late.)
If you press the democratic party on the economy and American Jobs, their answer is to use taxpayer’s money on "stimulus jobs."
"Stimulus jobs".
I saw some "stimulus jobs."
They came through my town and fixed all of our cities sidewalks and curbs. There was about 100 people fixing curbs.
The sidewalks and curbs are all fixed now. What will these people do next year..??
Maybe next year, we could take MORE tax money and have these "stimulus people" trim bushes and pick up trash..??
This is a band-aid on a broken arm. It looks like we did something because there is a cute little band-aid on there, but the arm is still broken.
We need permanent JOBS. Not a temporary fix.
American Jobs- Safety First
In my last editorial on American Jobs, I talked about a system that has broken down which would allow a "chicken" to be raised in China, butchered, placed on a ship; to sail across the ocean, to then be sold in American stores. AND IT WILL BE CHEAPER than raising the chicken here, in America.
The system is clearly broken, and we have known that for years. Yet, we cannot get the republicans and democrats to do ANYTHING about it.
We the people, are going to have to do it ourselves.
Before we get into the solution, I wanted to talk about safety.
How "safe" is it to rely on other countries for FOOD..??
Currently, we buy fruits and vegetables from Mexico because the labor is cheap, and they have a longer growing period then we do.
We also buy "farm raised" fish from China. Why..?? Because the labor is cheaper and the cost is low because some of these Chinese farms feed the fish a collection of "stuff" that I do not even want to list here. (I will NOT eat this fish.) However, the fish meat from China passes the US- FDA because the meat shows up as being: acceptable.
Soon we will be eating chicken that was raised in China.
You will never know that you are eating this "Chinese Chicken" because the restaurant is not going to list on the menu where it came from. When you buy chicken in the grocery store, the package is not going to say: "Raised in China."
You will never know.
We know the facts: Baby toys that contained lead in the paint. Poison pajamas that caused people to have allergic reactions. Canned soup that contained e- coli. Babies milk that was contaminated. All products from China.
It is one thing to import a DVD player, however...
Importing food..??
America has some of the most fertile land that the world has ever seen..!! Why are we importing FOOD..??
Food safety is a major concern.
However, there is a deeper, more dangerous concern, as well:
When talking about national security; how "safe" is it to rely on other countries FOR FOOD..??
At any time, China, Russia, and the Arab world could boycott America; for any reason. They could STOP products from coming to America.
If we import 60% of our oil, most of our manufactured goods, and now FOOD...
A boycott against America would bring this country to a standstill.
Sure, the Europeans would help us. Canada and Mexico would too. But if China held back manufactured goods and food, if the Arab world held back oil, and Russia provided the "muscle" to enforce this boycott; which one of our friends would cross this "blockade" to help us..??
Safety is a major concern when talking about American Jobs, and that is why I wanted to use one editorial talking about safety.
What is the "safest" product that you have ever owned..??
It is the product that you made, yourself.
Because you were there when it was formed from steal and wood. You watched as it was shaped and molded and transformed into a viable product. You know its weakness, and strength. You know, because you were there.
American Jobs are very important to put people back to work. But you cannot discount safety.
Facts are stubborn things..!!
It is much easier to inspect a factory in America, then it is to inspect a factory in China.
In China, we must get an OK from the Chinese government, which could take days, maybe weeks. By then, the factor will be "cleaned up."
In America, the only thing that we have to do is get proper documentation from the FDA and a judge, and we can inspect that factory on the same day. We can catch them in the act of doing (whatever it was that they were doing.)
This pretty much concludes this editorial on American Jobs- Safety First. If you folks have anything that I forgot, please comment below.
In my last editorial on American Jobs, I forgot to list "taxes" as playing a major roll in "what went wrong" with American employment. Nobullthinker pointed that out, and I hope that you will add comments on this editorial, as well.
It is real tempting to just roll right into the solution for American Jobs. But I am trying to put together a web site that is fun, entertaining, and interesting; so I am holding "the solution" back, for the NEXT editorial on American Jobs. (Besides, you folks who are reading this are very wise. You already know the solution.)
As I have said before, my site takes a look at current news and politics, and we talk about it with humor (and a tad bit of anger.) However, we also pick a topic each year and focus on that topic.
One year, we focused on "radical Islam." Last year, because of his idealism, we focused on stopping Barack Obama from becoming president. (Which didn’t work out so good.)
This year, we are focusing on American Jobs.
The editorials that we have lined up are:
American Jobs part 1- What went wrong
LINK- American Jobs part 1
American Jobs part 2- Safety First
(You just read that one.)
American Jobs part 3- The Solution
(Due out in about a week.)
American Jobs part 4- "Franklin, Adams, tell us what to do..??"
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Coming soon
To The Angry Republic
Are you a republican..??
Are you lost and confused..??
Are you thirsty..??
Why not try some GOLD water..!!
It’s refreshing, and it no longer smells like goat piss.
"..When you have lost your way, it helps to review where you have been.."
A special editorial, coming soon to this site..!!
Thanks for reading The Angry Republic
(What’s in my chicken..??)
For years, many of us have worried about the job situation in America. It was difficult to bring the issue to the forefront when the unemployment figures hovered around 5%.
5% unemployment is about the best that you can do, right..??
It’s hard to "cry wolf" when most people are employed, and no one wants to listen.
"..What about the under employed? People working less than 40 hours a week, or those making much less than their skills..??"
These cries were not heard.
Today, the unemployment figures are closing in on 10%. In some cities, the unemployment rate is around 13% and for American youths, the rate is 25% unemployed.
1 out of 4 young Americans are out of work.
If the unemployment rate can double from 5% to 10% in a little over a year, it could double again next year, if we do nothing to stop it.
20% unemployment is unacceptable, and we cannot let it slip to that level. Hell, the Great Depression saw unemployment at 29%.
The time to act is now.
Republicans are clearly stuck somewhere between "liberal lite" and conservatism. Many republican politicians seem to think that they can "talk tough" on Fox News about how "conservative" they are. Yet, they head off and endorse a socialistic compromise in congress.
Democrats are stuck in campaign mode. They haven’t stopped campaigning since the election.
The "cure- all" for the democratic party is health care. Health care: that will not take place for 3 years, (which could be too late.)
If you press the democratic party on the economy and American Jobs, their answer is to use taxpayer’s money on "stimulus jobs."
"Stimulus jobs".
I saw some "stimulus jobs."
They came through my town and fixed all of our cities sidewalks and curbs. There was about 100 people fixing curbs.
The sidewalks and curbs are all fixed now. What will these people do next year..??
Maybe next year, we could take MORE tax money and have these "stimulus people" trim bushes and pick up trash..??
This is a band-aid on a broken arm. It looks like we did something because there is a cute little band-aid on there, but the arm is still broken.
We need permanent JOBS. Not a temporary fix.
American Jobs- Safety First
In my last editorial on American Jobs, I talked about a system that has broken down which would allow a "chicken" to be raised in China, butchered, placed on a ship; to sail across the ocean, to then be sold in American stores. AND IT WILL BE CHEAPER than raising the chicken here, in America.
The system is clearly broken, and we have known that for years. Yet, we cannot get the republicans and democrats to do ANYTHING about it.
We the people, are going to have to do it ourselves.
Before we get into the solution, I wanted to talk about safety.
How "safe" is it to rely on other countries for FOOD..??
Currently, we buy fruits and vegetables from Mexico because the labor is cheap, and they have a longer growing period then we do.
We also buy "farm raised" fish from China. Why..?? Because the labor is cheaper and the cost is low because some of these Chinese farms feed the fish a collection of "stuff" that I do not even want to list here. (I will NOT eat this fish.) However, the fish meat from China passes the US- FDA because the meat shows up as being: acceptable.
Soon we will be eating chicken that was raised in China.
You will never know that you are eating this "Chinese Chicken" because the restaurant is not going to list on the menu where it came from. When you buy chicken in the grocery store, the package is not going to say: "Raised in China."
You will never know.
We know the facts: Baby toys that contained lead in the paint. Poison pajamas that caused people to have allergic reactions. Canned soup that contained e- coli. Babies milk that was contaminated. All products from China.
It is one thing to import a DVD player, however...
Importing food..??
America has some of the most fertile land that the world has ever seen..!! Why are we importing FOOD..??
Food safety is a major concern.
However, there is a deeper, more dangerous concern, as well:
When talking about national security; how "safe" is it to rely on other countries FOR FOOD..??
At any time, China, Russia, and the Arab world could boycott America; for any reason. They could STOP products from coming to America.
If we import 60% of our oil, most of our manufactured goods, and now FOOD...
A boycott against America would bring this country to a standstill.
Sure, the Europeans would help us. Canada and Mexico would too. But if China held back manufactured goods and food, if the Arab world held back oil, and Russia provided the "muscle" to enforce this boycott; which one of our friends would cross this "blockade" to help us..??
Safety is a major concern when talking about American Jobs, and that is why I wanted to use one editorial talking about safety.
What is the "safest" product that you have ever owned..??
It is the product that you made, yourself.
Because you were there when it was formed from steal and wood. You watched as it was shaped and molded and transformed into a viable product. You know its weakness, and strength. You know, because you were there.
American Jobs are very important to put people back to work. But you cannot discount safety.
Facts are stubborn things..!!
It is much easier to inspect a factory in America, then it is to inspect a factory in China.
In China, we must get an OK from the Chinese government, which could take days, maybe weeks. By then, the factor will be "cleaned up."
In America, the only thing that we have to do is get proper documentation from the FDA and a judge, and we can inspect that factory on the same day. We can catch them in the act of doing (whatever it was that they were doing.)
This pretty much concludes this editorial on American Jobs- Safety First. If you folks have anything that I forgot, please comment below.
In my last editorial on American Jobs, I forgot to list "taxes" as playing a major roll in "what went wrong" with American employment. Nobullthinker pointed that out, and I hope that you will add comments on this editorial, as well.
It is real tempting to just roll right into the solution for American Jobs. But I am trying to put together a web site that is fun, entertaining, and interesting; so I am holding "the solution" back, for the NEXT editorial on American Jobs. (Besides, you folks who are reading this are very wise. You already know the solution.)
As I have said before, my site takes a look at current news and politics, and we talk about it with humor (and a tad bit of anger.) However, we also pick a topic each year and focus on that topic.
One year, we focused on "radical Islam." Last year, because of his idealism, we focused on stopping Barack Obama from becoming president. (Which didn’t work out so good.)
This year, we are focusing on American Jobs.
The editorials that we have lined up are:
American Jobs part 1- What went wrong
LINK- American Jobs part 1
American Jobs part 2- Safety First
(You just read that one.)
American Jobs part 3- The Solution
(Due out in about a week.)
American Jobs part 4- "Franklin, Adams, tell us what to do..??"
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Coming soon
To The Angry Republic
Are you a republican..??
Are you lost and confused..??
Are you thirsty..??
Why not try some GOLD water..!!
It’s refreshing, and it no longer smells like goat piss.
"..When you have lost your way, it helps to review where you have been.."
A special editorial, coming soon to this site..!!
Thanks for reading The Angry Republic
Fairness in Talk Radio
Fairness in Talk Radio
Every so often, the topic of a "fairness doctrine" surfaces, and I feel a need to talk about it because I have a different take on the situation.
CNN has a running series on the topic of "localism", (which we have talked about before on my web site) and it brings this topic to the forefront again.
Here is the premise:
Democrats would like to break up a conservative "strong- hold" in AM talk radio.
However, no democrat (including President Obama) wants to be the one to get in front of a national audience and PUSH for a "free speech" killing bill in congress.
So, up pops the ugly idea of "localism."
LOCALISM- using local markets to push an agenda. Not using the national markets or create a federal bill.
Which means..??
Community Organizers (aaahh, ohhh) would rally and petition to change the programming at your local radio station.
This would be done across the country, city by city.
This is, really, the "back door" method in resurrecting the fairness doctrine.
How does it work..??
Say that your local AM radio station’s programming consists of this:
9am to noon- Glenn Beck
Noon to 3pm- Rush Limbaugh
3pm to 6pm- Sean Hannity
6pm to (8 or 9pm)- Mark Levin
(I am just giving a few examples, there are dozens of "Talkers" out there.)
OK, local groups of (liberals) would organize and protest this radio station to add "fair" programming that is more "neutral."
(The key wording here is "fair" and "neutral.")
(Free) Radio Stations MUST carry an FCC licence. Within that licence, is a clause that they MUST be fair, in dealing with politics. If they give an hour of air-time to a democratic politician, then they MUST offer an hour of air-time to a republican.
Sorry, folks. But that is the way it is.
Many people believe that when President Reagan dropped the fairness doctrine, this stopped the practice of "fairness" in broadcast. And it did on a nation level. However, on a local level, "public airwaves" (free radio) still MUST abide by this policy, or risk losing their FCC licence, if people complain.
This is where liberals have us. On a local level.
No one could EVER say that presenting 12 hours of conservative talk radio is being "neutral." Even Rush Limbaugh would slap you in the face if you ever called him a "neutral moderate."
This is the strategy. This is the plan.
There will be no big announcement about it. Localism will just happen. (Because it is "grassroots.")
You will hop into your car one day, turn on the radio, and Glenn Beck will be gone. You will check the radio dial to see if you have the wrong station. But Beck will be gone. In place of Glenn Beck, will be some local DJ taking calls on a proposed raise in garbage collection.
That’s how it will happen, folks.
One of your beloved conservative talkers will be GONE.
(OK, maybe I did put a little too much drama in there, sorry.)
I want us to do a little experiment right now. Everyone, pull out your AM radios.
What I want you to do is a slow scan of the AM radio dial in your area. Start at the bottom of the AM dial, and scan to the top. Count how many AM stations are in your area.
(OK, so you don’t want to play along, I get it.) I will tell you what you will find: If you are in a big market (big city), you might have 4 or 5 AM stations to choose from. If you are in a small market, you might have 1 or 2 AM stations.
On those AM stations will be a mix of politics, sports, financial, religious, and old music.
There is plenty of room on the AM dial for NEW political radio stations. Even in a big market.
Let’s move into the hypothetical realm for a moment:
Liberal "localism" comes to your town, and they protest your local AM Radio station that is playing 12 hours of conservative talk. If the station is FORCED by the FCC, (or they give in on their own) to the demands of "localism," they would probably try and hold onto a 6 hour block of conservative talk. (IE- Keep Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh back to back. OR- Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity back to back.) Then, the stations would offer an alterative show(s) in the mix.
Many liberals do not understand what they are fighting for.
I believe that many liberals have a misunderstanding and are ready to pump their fists into the air and proclaim: "..Yea, we will get Limbaugh off the air and get Randi Rhodes on.."
That’s NOT the way it goes.
Localism doesn’t allow you to pick which shows get aired. It only allows you to "protest for fairness."
Actually, I see very few stations dropping Rush Limbaugh. The fatalities would probably be Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and the dozens of other talkers in the market. (But, that is not necessarily true. And I will explain later..!!)
OK, lets say that our local AM station chooses Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh for 6 hours, back to back- live. (Sorry, Hannity fans, I am just picking an example, here.)
Our local AM station DOES NOT HAVE TO put on a "liberal talk show" in place of Sean Hannity. The only thing that they HAVE to do is offer an alternative that gives the community a voice.
A local DJ- (host), who calls himself: independent, can take calls from your community, on any topic that the community feels is important, would satisfy the FCC’s "fairness."
Many liberals think that if talk radio drops Hannity or Beck, they must put in someone like: Bill Press, or Ed Shultz, or Randi Rhodes.
Not true..!!
A local DJ- host would work out fine.
(Sorry, liberals. But "localism" may not guaranty that liberal talk is brought to the airwaves.)
Remember when I talked about " the fatalities might be Beck and Hannity." Then I said: "that may not necessarily be true.." OK, here is where we get to that part:
Lets say that I am an investor. Lets say that I have wanted to open a talk radio station, BUT, my competition; the "Big Talker AM" has Beck, Rush, Hannity, and Levin.
There is no way that I can compete against that.
If I tried to offer "liberal talk", it fails every time that it is tried. So, that is no good.
There is no way to start a new political AM station, as long as "Big Talker AM" has Beck, Rush, Hannity, and Levin.
If Liberals push "localism", and force "Big Talker AM" to drop Hannity and Levin from it’s line up, this is my opportunity to start that new station.
I could start that new AM station with Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. I could play Laura Ingram while "Big Talker AM" is playing Glenn Beck. And I could place a local host on the radio, while "Big Talker AM" is playing Rush.
Folks, this would benefit Talk Radio.
Two political AM radio stations in you community would provide twice the jobs in radio. (Sales, accounting, programming, on-air talent, etc.)
Hey, I like football. But some people do not. Rush Limbaugh could talk for a half hour on football. You would now have another station to choose from, if Rush was dealing with something that you do not find interesting.
Talent, in general-
How DID Rush Limbaugh get his start..??
How did Glenn Beck get his start..??
Both started in local markets, (one station) and they grew an audience, which led them to syndication, across the country.
Today, with many AM stations playing Beck, followed by Rush, followed by Hannity, followed by Levin...
THERE IS NO ROOM for local talent to get started.
There is no room for a future "Glenn Beck" to get noticed.
Satellite Radio offers an alternative today, but you have to pay money for it.
There is a great amount of entertainment out there, and you do not hear it, because there isn’t enough hours in the day.
There is a great show called "Brian and The Judge", and you are not going to hear it, because there is no room on the air.
Mike Church puts out a fine radio show. Not enough people get to hear it.
Neal Boortz does a great show. You probably never get to hear it because your station plays: Beck, Rush, Hannity, Levin.
I even listen to Bill Press and Stephanie Miller, who do liberal talk shows. You will never get hear them, because your station plays Beck, Rush, Hannity, and Levin.
Hell, former presidential candidate Fred Thompson does a radio show, and it is funny. You will never hear it because your station plays Beck, Rush, Hannity and Levin.
There is a lot of great talkers out there, and you never get to hear them. Because there isn’t enough hours in the day for ONE station to play them.
But if there were 2 stations, or 3 stations in your area, then we could hear all of the BIG talkers.
I find it very ironic that something the liberals are trying to do: use "localism" to break up conservative talk radio, could actually HELP conservative talk radio in the long run.
Folks, when you hear about the "fairness doctrine" or localism, don’t panic. It could actually benefit talk radio.
Localism: "..Bring it on..!!"
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Maybe you do not believe what I am saying, with the editorial above? Am I talking out of my ass..??
I have a GREAT "case in point" to prove my editorial.
The Market: Youngstown, Ohio.
(Because of a programming decision made by the station manager, they help prove what I am saying.)
Years and years ago, 570 WKBN decided to only provide Rush Limbaugh. They use local talent to fill in the time slots before and after Rush. In doing so, they have cultivated some great local talent.
Because 570 WKBN was NOT providing Hannity and Levin, they left the door open for another AM station to open.
Which is exactly what took place. AM 1330, Youngstown; began providing Hannity, Levin, and others to that market.
Because of this, Youngstown has two channels of political talk radio.
You are able to "stream" 570 WKBN, if you are interested. However, they cannot play Rush Limbaugh over the computer because of contractual agreements. Their web address is: 570wkbn.com
They provide some great local talent. (Be warned, some of it is liberal talk.)
Or maybe, because of Halloween, you are interested in "ghosts?"
Dan Aykroyd, (the original Ghostbuster) has an editorial on "ghosts."
It is a, mostly non- political, editorial about the supernatural with hundreds of comments by readers and their "ghost stories."
LINK: Dan talks ghosts
Or, how about an old post I did 2 years ago about celebrities and global warming..??
LINK: Actions and Reactions
Thanks for reading The Angry Republic
Every so often, the topic of a "fairness doctrine" surfaces, and I feel a need to talk about it because I have a different take on the situation.
CNN has a running series on the topic of "localism", (which we have talked about before on my web site) and it brings this topic to the forefront again.
Here is the premise:
Democrats would like to break up a conservative "strong- hold" in AM talk radio.
However, no democrat (including President Obama) wants to be the one to get in front of a national audience and PUSH for a "free speech" killing bill in congress.
So, up pops the ugly idea of "localism."
LOCALISM- using local markets to push an agenda. Not using the national markets or create a federal bill.
Which means..??
Community Organizers (aaahh, ohhh) would rally and petition to change the programming at your local radio station.
This would be done across the country, city by city.
This is, really, the "back door" method in resurrecting the fairness doctrine.
How does it work..??
Say that your local AM radio station’s programming consists of this:
9am to noon- Glenn Beck
Noon to 3pm- Rush Limbaugh
3pm to 6pm- Sean Hannity
6pm to (8 or 9pm)- Mark Levin
(I am just giving a few examples, there are dozens of "Talkers" out there.)
OK, local groups of (liberals) would organize and protest this radio station to add "fair" programming that is more "neutral."
(The key wording here is "fair" and "neutral.")
(Free) Radio Stations MUST carry an FCC licence. Within that licence, is a clause that they MUST be fair, in dealing with politics. If they give an hour of air-time to a democratic politician, then they MUST offer an hour of air-time to a republican.
Sorry, folks. But that is the way it is.
Many people believe that when President Reagan dropped the fairness doctrine, this stopped the practice of "fairness" in broadcast. And it did on a nation level. However, on a local level, "public airwaves" (free radio) still MUST abide by this policy, or risk losing their FCC licence, if people complain.
This is where liberals have us. On a local level.
No one could EVER say that presenting 12 hours of conservative talk radio is being "neutral." Even Rush Limbaugh would slap you in the face if you ever called him a "neutral moderate."
This is the strategy. This is the plan.
There will be no big announcement about it. Localism will just happen. (Because it is "grassroots.")
You will hop into your car one day, turn on the radio, and Glenn Beck will be gone. You will check the radio dial to see if you have the wrong station. But Beck will be gone. In place of Glenn Beck, will be some local DJ taking calls on a proposed raise in garbage collection.
That’s how it will happen, folks.
One of your beloved conservative talkers will be GONE.
(OK, maybe I did put a little too much drama in there, sorry.)
I want us to do a little experiment right now. Everyone, pull out your AM radios.
What I want you to do is a slow scan of the AM radio dial in your area. Start at the bottom of the AM dial, and scan to the top. Count how many AM stations are in your area.
(OK, so you don’t want to play along, I get it.) I will tell you what you will find: If you are in a big market (big city), you might have 4 or 5 AM stations to choose from. If you are in a small market, you might have 1 or 2 AM stations.
On those AM stations will be a mix of politics, sports, financial, religious, and old music.
There is plenty of room on the AM dial for NEW political radio stations. Even in a big market.
Let’s move into the hypothetical realm for a moment:
Liberal "localism" comes to your town, and they protest your local AM Radio station that is playing 12 hours of conservative talk. If the station is FORCED by the FCC, (or they give in on their own) to the demands of "localism," they would probably try and hold onto a 6 hour block of conservative talk. (IE- Keep Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh back to back. OR- Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity back to back.) Then, the stations would offer an alterative show(s) in the mix.
Many liberals do not understand what they are fighting for.
I believe that many liberals have a misunderstanding and are ready to pump their fists into the air and proclaim: "..Yea, we will get Limbaugh off the air and get Randi Rhodes on.."
That’s NOT the way it goes.
Localism doesn’t allow you to pick which shows get aired. It only allows you to "protest for fairness."
Actually, I see very few stations dropping Rush Limbaugh. The fatalities would probably be Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and the dozens of other talkers in the market. (But, that is not necessarily true. And I will explain later..!!)
OK, lets say that our local AM station chooses Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh for 6 hours, back to back- live. (Sorry, Hannity fans, I am just picking an example, here.)
Our local AM station DOES NOT HAVE TO put on a "liberal talk show" in place of Sean Hannity. The only thing that they HAVE to do is offer an alternative that gives the community a voice.
A local DJ- (host), who calls himself: independent, can take calls from your community, on any topic that the community feels is important, would satisfy the FCC’s "fairness."
Many liberals think that if talk radio drops Hannity or Beck, they must put in someone like: Bill Press, or Ed Shultz, or Randi Rhodes.
Not true..!!
A local DJ- host would work out fine.
(Sorry, liberals. But "localism" may not guaranty that liberal talk is brought to the airwaves.)
Remember when I talked about " the fatalities might be Beck and Hannity." Then I said: "that may not necessarily be true.." OK, here is where we get to that part:
Lets say that I am an investor. Lets say that I have wanted to open a talk radio station, BUT, my competition; the "Big Talker AM" has Beck, Rush, Hannity, and Levin.
There is no way that I can compete against that.
If I tried to offer "liberal talk", it fails every time that it is tried. So, that is no good.
There is no way to start a new political AM station, as long as "Big Talker AM" has Beck, Rush, Hannity, and Levin.
If Liberals push "localism", and force "Big Talker AM" to drop Hannity and Levin from it’s line up, this is my opportunity to start that new station.
I could start that new AM station with Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. I could play Laura Ingram while "Big Talker AM" is playing Glenn Beck. And I could place a local host on the radio, while "Big Talker AM" is playing Rush.
Folks, this would benefit Talk Radio.
Two political AM radio stations in you community would provide twice the jobs in radio. (Sales, accounting, programming, on-air talent, etc.)
Hey, I like football. But some people do not. Rush Limbaugh could talk for a half hour on football. You would now have another station to choose from, if Rush was dealing with something that you do not find interesting.
Talent, in general-
How DID Rush Limbaugh get his start..??
How did Glenn Beck get his start..??
Both started in local markets, (one station) and they grew an audience, which led them to syndication, across the country.
Today, with many AM stations playing Beck, followed by Rush, followed by Hannity, followed by Levin...
THERE IS NO ROOM for local talent to get started.
There is no room for a future "Glenn Beck" to get noticed.
Satellite Radio offers an alternative today, but you have to pay money for it.
There is a great amount of entertainment out there, and you do not hear it, because there isn’t enough hours in the day.
There is a great show called "Brian and The Judge", and you are not going to hear it, because there is no room on the air.
Mike Church puts out a fine radio show. Not enough people get to hear it.
Neal Boortz does a great show. You probably never get to hear it because your station plays: Beck, Rush, Hannity, Levin.
I even listen to Bill Press and Stephanie Miller, who do liberal talk shows. You will never get hear them, because your station plays Beck, Rush, Hannity, and Levin.
Hell, former presidential candidate Fred Thompson does a radio show, and it is funny. You will never hear it because your station plays Beck, Rush, Hannity and Levin.
There is a lot of great talkers out there, and you never get to hear them. Because there isn’t enough hours in the day for ONE station to play them.
But if there were 2 stations, or 3 stations in your area, then we could hear all of the BIG talkers.
I find it very ironic that something the liberals are trying to do: use "localism" to break up conservative talk radio, could actually HELP conservative talk radio in the long run.
Folks, when you hear about the "fairness doctrine" or localism, don’t panic. It could actually benefit talk radio.
Localism: "..Bring it on..!!"
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Maybe you do not believe what I am saying, with the editorial above? Am I talking out of my ass..??
I have a GREAT "case in point" to prove my editorial.
The Market: Youngstown, Ohio.
(Because of a programming decision made by the station manager, they help prove what I am saying.)
Years and years ago, 570 WKBN decided to only provide Rush Limbaugh. They use local talent to fill in the time slots before and after Rush. In doing so, they have cultivated some great local talent.
Because 570 WKBN was NOT providing Hannity and Levin, they left the door open for another AM station to open.
Which is exactly what took place. AM 1330, Youngstown; began providing Hannity, Levin, and others to that market.
Because of this, Youngstown has two channels of political talk radio.
You are able to "stream" 570 WKBN, if you are interested. However, they cannot play Rush Limbaugh over the computer because of contractual agreements. Their web address is: 570wkbn.com
They provide some great local talent. (Be warned, some of it is liberal talk.)
Or maybe, because of Halloween, you are interested in "ghosts?"
Dan Aykroyd, (the original Ghostbuster) has an editorial on "ghosts."
It is a, mostly non- political, editorial about the supernatural with hundreds of comments by readers and their "ghost stories."
LINK: Dan talks ghosts
Or, how about an old post I did 2 years ago about celebrities and global warming..??
LINK: Actions and Reactions
Thanks for reading The Angry Republic
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