Why I LIKE President Obama
During the entire 8 years of President Bush, I was always hoping that at least one liberal would come out and complement Bush for- something (anything.)
Maybe this liberal could have said: "..Well, Bushy did keep us safe here in the US for 8 years.." But I never heard a liberal say this. If anything, they argued that we were LESS safe because we pissed off everyone. (IE- the Iraq War)
Maybe this "opened- minded" liberal could have said: "..Well, old Bushy did work with Sen. Kennedy on the ‘No child left behind’ program. Which happens to be one of the other passions of the late Sen. Kennedy- education.." This didn’t happen either, and in fact, many liberals tossed poor Ted Kennedy under the bus to claim that ‘No child left behind’ was a failure.
There were many opportunities for a liberal to say something nice about President Bush, but it never really happened.
I guess the closest that I have seen; came from Bill Maher (host of Real Time- HBO) and Michael Moore who BOTH said something like this:
(I am combining both of their comments together)
Moore and Maher said this:
"...Bush was a horrible president. The worst. He was an evil man. The devil. Disgusting, and Bush made me want to vomit. However, Bush didn’t care if he was popular, (Bush) continued to work on his goals and got things passed, even when Bush became unpopular. Obama needs some of that..."
That was it folks...
If I was looking for a liberal to complement President Bush, I will have to settle for that.
But, that is BIG.
It is a big statement. What Bill Maher and Michael Moore have said, is something that I have always said on this Web Site: "..I am a conservative, who votes republican because republicans get things done. Democrats ‘talk’ about a lot of stuff. But democrats never seem to get their ‘stuff’ off of the drawing board.
So, with the exception of Bill Maher and Michael Moore’s backhanded complements, I really do not have a list of liberals who said great things about President Bush.
If I expect a democrat to say "nice" things about one of my presidents, shouldn’t I say a few "nice" things about one of theirs..??
Fair is fair, right..??
So, here it goes...
(This is where I get kicked out of the "conservative club" folks, a man without a party. A rebel without a cause.)
Actually, I do have a "cause", if you read to the end of this post.
Why I like President Obama
By AR Babonie
Barack Obama is a great speaker.
I first noticed this during the 2004 democratic convention. I watched Obama speak and I said: "Holy crap, that guy can speak." At the time, most of us knew nothing about Barack Obama, and many news casters couldn’t even pronounce his name right, but I knew that he was destined for higher office. (But NOT right now.)
As I have said many times on this site, I would have held Barack Obama back in the Senate for a few years, to gain experience, before running him as president, if I were a democrat. (But that didn’t happen.)
President Obama and the missile shield / Russia / Iran
I have been mostly silent on this issue. Mainly because I wanted MORE info before I shot my mouth off.
I understand the fear that my side has, and the issue of Russia.
However, I watched closely last year during the missile "ordeal" with North Korea. While Lit’ Kim Jong was testing his missiles, we (America) tested a missile shield that KNOCKED down a missile, similar to what North Korea is using.
This "missile shield" that we used in the Pacific Ocean, near Korea, was mounted on ships and subs. And it worked out great.
Technology moves very quickly, my friends. The old thinking that a missile MUST be lodged somewhere on land, is old "cold war" thinking.
Placing missiles on land makes for an easy target. Your enemy knows where the missile silos are. A low flying, Tomahawk style missile COULD take them out.
If you mount the missiles on trucks or trains, you still have the problem of being visible by satellite.
But by mounting a missile shield on submarines, you become invisible. I trust our military officials, and I believe that a mobile shield can be just as effective as a land based shield. (More so, because you can move it to the "hot spots" in the world.)
So, I agree with President Obama on the missile shield decision. And if it makes the Russians happy, jackpot..!!
(Though, I wouldn’t put too much stock in EVER making the Russians happy. They buddied up with President Bush during his first term. That didn’t go well. The Russians are NOT going to help us with Iran.)
With President Obama, THE WORLD LOVES US, again.
Even a blind man can see this.
People feared and despised President Bush. Sometimes that is a GOOD thing. (And sometimes that is a bad thing.)
If you are fighting a war, you want your enemy to fear you. If the enemy believes that you are a crazy "som bitch" who will do anything- including start WW3, they are less likely to screw with you.
However, if you are trying to build a coalition of countries to help you, having people despise you doesn’t help.
The world loves Obama.
And right now, that is a good thing.
Just as I did five years ago, the world is now hearing President Obama and they are saying: "..Holy crap, that guy can speak.."
Everyone needs friends.
America needs to be "liked" again.
For this, President Obama can be a great embassador for our nation.
If I really thought about it, I could probably come up with many more reasons why I like Barack Obama. (However, we still have a few years to go with Obama as president, so there is no reason to push the issue further, today.)
My hope, with this post, is that some young liberal / progressive will read this post and it will stick in their mind. Then, in the future, when there is a republican president and we are involved in a bitter policy debate, this liberal could speak a few kind words about the person they oppose. And it will take the debate down to a civilized discussion.
So we do not have democratic politicians standing on the House floor with a poster that reads: "The Republican Parties health plan- Die quickly."
And we do not have a republican politician screaming at President Obama: "You lie.."
(You may have noticed that I left out Sara Palin and her "death panels" from the above examples. Say what you want about Palin, however she did wait until she resigned as Governor and became a private citizen, before she claimed Obama wanted "death panels." There is a difference. Sitting members of congress, the Senate, and Governors need a little more respect for each other.)
As I said early in this editorial, I do have a "cause."
From time to time, the "cause" of my web site changes. I write posts about current topics, that doesn’t change. However, the "cause" does change.
Last year, the "cause" was trying to stop Barack Obama from becoming president because I didn’t care for his policies. (That didn’t work out so good..!!)
Stopping Global Warming laws has always been a "cause."
And a in 2005, I did several posts on "what is radical Islam."
My "cause" this year (the winter blogging season) will be: "jobs."
American jobs.
We have become a country that doesn’t "make" anything.
We sell things.
We "service" things that we sell. We service people (doctors, prostitutes, etc), and provide services for people.
But we do not MAKE anything, anymore.
This winter season, I will be putting out a series of posts on jobs. What happened to American jobs, where we went wrong, and how to get them back.
It will be a learning experience for me, and I hope you will enjoy it as well.
As always, Thanks for reading The Angry Republican
Health Care SOLVED- in less than one blog post
We will solve the health care "crisis" in less than ONE blog post, but first I want to tackle a misconception that I am reading.
This is my current favorite:
"...Those people call themselves Christians and they are protesting to stop people from getting health care..?? That is NOT very Christian- like..!! What hypocrites..!!"
This is the old: "What would Jesus do" morality play.
What would Jesus do..??
Well, I do not claim to be an authority on Jesus. However, I do not believe that Jesus would force people to BUY health insurance and FINE those who do not, $1,900 bucks. (And Jesus wouldn’t throw a person in jail who didn’t pay the fine- LINK)
To my knowledge, Jesus wasn’t a BIG government type guy.
In fact, Jesus would have been born in his nice warm house, (instead of being born in a stable) if it wasn’t for the fact that Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to pay their freaking taxes.
(I’m not sure that Jesus is a great example for democrats to use, to justify growing the government BIGGER. Remember, that whole BIG Roman government crucifixion stuff..?? ) Nope, Jesus is not a very good subject to argue for BIGGER government.
Everyone in America has a right to health care. It is against the law for a hospital to turn away a sick person.
Health CARE is not at question, here.
What is at question is who will pay for the hospital treatment: The person who is sick? All of his neighbors? Or some "rich guy" who lives somewhere down the road?
I guaranty that religious people donate more money to charity than most other people of the same income level. Religious people do not need a FORCED government tax to make them help the poor, they do it out of the goodness of their hearts, (and all of the guilt that is forced upon them in church.)
I am not against giving people health insurance, I am against this (these) current bill(s).
Forcing people to BUY insurance. (Very wrong) Throwing them in jail if they do not buy insurance. (Very, very wrong.)
Living Wills and end of life counseling. (Wrong, the government has no right in your personal choices.) Does having a Living Will make you MORE healthy..??
If President Obama was pushing a "Death Bill", then I could understand the Living Wills and End of Life Counseling.
OK- here we go- solving health care
If health care is a crisis, shouldn’t we do something NOW..??
Republicans cannot stop this bill. We do not have the votes to stop it.
So the "hold up" on passing this bill falls squarely on the democrats, fighting with each other.
If it truly is a crisis. If, as President Obama stated, people are dying because they do not have health care, then we MUST act now. Why are the democrats stalling..??
Didn’t we get upset when President Bush took too long to help the people of New Orleans during hurricane Katrina..?? Thousands of people were standing on their roof tops, waiting for help.
Today, MILLIONS of people are waiting for help. They have no health insurance and they are dying.
The democrats and Barack Obama are taking TOO long to help these people, who are dying with no health insurance.
We have a crisis, people are dying, and the democrats are fighting over words.
Here is the solution:
The reason that the "Blue dog democrats" have problems with this health bill is because the bill sucks.
I can’t say it any plainer than that.
I do not believe that there actually is a health care crisis, but lets work from the premise that there is a crisis.
President Obama can convince congress to draft a bill that would provide catastrophic medical coverage to those who do not have coverage. If you get a belly ache, or you need more Viagra, you are going to have to pay for that yourself. However, if you get cancer, the health coverage kicks in, and you do not loose your house.
President Obama could do this Monday and congress could pass it by the end of next week. (I mean, if we really have a crisis.)
The bill should have a limit. It should not be free for everyone. If you make $75,000 per year, you must pay for your own coverage. About $100- single. $250- family: per month. If you make between $74,000 and $35,000, you pay half. Under $35,000, you pay nothing.
NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED TO BUY HEALTH INSURANCE, PERIOD. We do not force you to buy flood insurance for your house.
This bill should have an expiration date. Just like the "Bush tax cuts" or the Patriot Act, Catastrophic health care would expire in 3 years. Congress would have to vote on it again.
Blue Dog Democrats would vote for this emergency Bill, (remember, we are in a "crisis", and people are dying) and a few republicans would probably sign on. The bill would pass.
(Second) President Obama could direct congress to draft a bill making it illegal for an insurance company to refuse coverage to people who have an existing illness. This would be across the board and apply to all health insurance providers. (I do not believe that anyone is against this..??)
(Third) The democrats and President Obama could promise to continue to work on another health care bill, explaining to their far left base that this catastrophic bill was for emergency only. This way the democrats could take their time and draft up a logical bill that doesn’t have loopholes for big drug companies, BIG lawyers, and BIG hospitals that gobble up little hospitals.
We need REAL health care reform. Not this crap that congress tossed together. REAL reform might take a few years to hammer out the details.
And we the people, MUST continue to protest this crap- filled bill that benefits BIG drug companies. (Protest the RIGHT way. Not like the liberal protesters who busted up our city of Pittsburgh.)
President Obama could put together catastrophic health care tomorrow, if he wanted to.
If, as Obama says, we are in a crisis and people are dying, why are democrats waiting..??
Again, democrats do not need republican votes to pass any of these bills.
Democrats; blaming republicans for the delay on this health care bill, would be like a football team blaming the audience because their kicker missed a field goal. "The audience was making too much noise and it distracted our kicker."
People wake up...
Democrats could pass this bill Monday, without republican votes.
What are they waiting for..??
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Thanks for voting- Obama, now go away you White racists
Thanks for voting- Obama, now go away you White racists
I REALLY really thought that after America elected a Black President, we could put all this "racist" stuff behind us.
"..How could America be racist if we have a Black president..??"
Think about it, we are miles ahead of everyone else.
Has France EVER had a Black president..?? Has Britain ever had a Black King or Black Prime Minister..?? What about Germany..?? Has Sudan ever had a Black president..?? (OK, scratch that last one, can you really call Sudan’s leader a "president"..??)
So, how can America be racist?
Remember, it was White America that got Barack Obama elected president. (Current census- there are 41 million Blacks in America. There are 199 million White Americans.) Any idiot can see that Obama would NOT be president today if White people didn’t vote for him.
So how can America BE racist..??
I will tell you...
Remember how we used to surf the Inter-web with our stories on how Bush was a liar. "Bush lied, people died." (That was great..!!)
It was not racist when we called Bush a liar because Bush was stupid, mean, and evil. Bush was a beast, really, when you think about it. Bush was sub- human.
Today, when people call President Obama a liar, IT IS RACIST because a Black man cannot lie. You should NEVER say that President Obama is a liar, because he is Black.
Remember when we made that movie: "Death of a president" where we showed Bush being killed..??
That was great..!!
Remember when we used to make up funny little posters about Bush and head to our Iraq War protests..?? Those were the days..!! We would draw up posters that made Bush look like Hitler. I remember people wore masks that looked like Bush, Rummy, and Condi Rice. They had handcuffs on and carried posters reading "war criminals." That was great stuff.
Do you remember the political cartoons about Condi Rice..??
They were really great..!! They used to make Condi Rice look like Bush’s slave, or a parrot on Bush’s shoulder, or even a monkey.
There was nothing wrong with these political cartoons because Condi Rice was an evil republican and the people who did these cartoons were just speaking out about the president’s cabinet. Besides, Condi Rice is sub- human. She believes that Saddam needed to be removed from Iraq, which makes Condi Rice an evil beast. There is nothing wrong or racist in poking fun of the Black Condi Rice.
But today, when people make fun of President Obama, it is evil, and of course, it is racist. Because Obama is Black. You can NEVER say mean things about a Black Obama. You cannot disagree with Obama. It is racist. (However, it is OK and you can still disagree and make fun of the Black Condi Rice or Michael Steele. It is NOT racist because The Black Condi Rice is an evil republican bitch.) And lets face it: Is Michael Steele really Black? He is republican. Steele is NOT down with the struggle.
Remember when we used to laugh about the "truthers"..??
We used to smile when the truthers blamed Bush and Condi Rice for the 9/11 attacks.
Instead of defending Bush, (which we would NEVER do) we helped out this conspiracy by adding little phases like: "why did tower 7 fall, it didn’t get hit..??" (That was great and funny stuff..!!)
There was nothing racist or wrong with allowing the truthers charge against Bush, Rice, Rummy, and Cheney to stick because it was challenging the opposition. Keeping them on their toes.
However, today; the "birthers" are evil and racist. Just because Obama’s relative says Obama was born in Kenya... (Like we are going believe one of Obama’s relatives, duh..!!) These idiots want to push this stupid theory. And the other republicans are racist too for letting this theory fester.
So NOW you see...
America is racist because people are being mean to Barack Obama. (Because he is Black.)
Back when we did this stuff to George Bush, it wasn’t racist, or evil, or mean; because Bush was a monkey, an idiot, a sub- human.
Today, people who call President Obama a liar, or they disagree with Obama, are racists.
They are racists because Obama is Black.
And you cannot say "that stuff" about a Black man.
(Ok, let me step out of my "sarcastic liberal voice" for a moment.)
We have found the answer to the question that started this editorial:
"How can America be a racist country after electing the first Black president..??"
I will explain the answer in a minute, but first, some background:
One of my best friends happens to be Black. (Or "exceptionally Black" as he might say.) We grew up together, both from single parent homes, we had a lot in common, and we both pulled ourselves out of the ghetto with just our willpower and talent.
My friend can call me a stupid greasy Italian, and I can call him a dumb coon. We laugh about this stuff because these "names" hold no meaning. We have seen it all, and been down many roads. Our skins are very thick.
There is no name that you can call me that will hurt me, because I never give you THAT MUCH POWER, to hurt me.
I asked my friend one day if he ever was hurt by racist White people, and he said:
"..I would rather people speak their mind around me because then I know who I am dealing with. It is the "smiling faces" that hurt more. People who act ‘different’ around me, they are the ones who hurt.."
THAT, is the answer.
If you have ever wanted to say something in public, but stopped yourself and thought: "..I better not say ‘that’ because someone might think I’m a racist..." You are a racist.
You are acting ‘different’ because someone is Black, or Asian, or Hispanic.
You are a "smiling face."
And "Smiling faces, sometimes, they don’t tell the truth."
"Smiling Faces" preformed by "The Undisputed Truth.
Extended version (11 minutes) The Temptations- "Smiling faces"
(Here are a couple lines from the song "Smiling Faces")
"Your enemy won’t do you no harm, because you know where he is coming from."
"Beware of the pat on the back. It just might hold you back."
"The impossible task, is to find out which smile is a mask."
(Lines from the song "Smiling Faces")
I may have just handed you an impossible task.
If you speak your mind and say something stupid, you are a racist.
If you hold back your thoughts, (because you might offend someone) you are a racist, because you are hiding behind a mask. A "smiling face."
(Yes, I know. You are dammed if you do and dammed if you do not.)
Remember, the word "racist" is just a name. Not unlike the term "dumb greasy Italian, or the "n" word.
It is "name-calling", and I am not going to get into a name- calling match with the democrats.
Are there stupid White people who say dumb things..?? You bethca..!!
Are there dumb Black people who say stupid things..?? Kanye West, anyone..??
Just remember what my friend said: "It is better to know what people really think, because you know who you are dealing with..!!"
I will NOT treat President Obama any different than I treated Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, or any other president.
The pinnacle of equality is when we treat everyone the same, regardless of skin color, or gender.
So, if you are speaking out about President Obama because you do not care for his policies, welcome to equality. Welcome to 2009, and the FIRST Black president.
However, if you are holding back your TRUE thoughts because Barack Obama is a democrat (and he is Black...)
Well, you need to do a little soul searching, my friend..!!
It is racist to hold someone back, or push them forward, because of their skin color.
The pinnacle of equality is when we treat everyone the same, regardless of skin color, or gender.
(And I WILL treat President Obama the same as any past president.)
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
I REALLY really thought that after America elected a Black President, we could put all this "racist" stuff behind us.
"..How could America be racist if we have a Black president..??"
Think about it, we are miles ahead of everyone else.
Has France EVER had a Black president..?? Has Britain ever had a Black King or Black Prime Minister..?? What about Germany..?? Has Sudan ever had a Black president..?? (OK, scratch that last one, can you really call Sudan’s leader a "president"..??)
So, how can America be racist?
Remember, it was White America that got Barack Obama elected president. (Current census- there are 41 million Blacks in America. There are 199 million White Americans.) Any idiot can see that Obama would NOT be president today if White people didn’t vote for him.
So how can America BE racist..??
I will tell you...
Remember how we used to surf the Inter-web with our stories on how Bush was a liar. "Bush lied, people died." (That was great..!!)
It was not racist when we called Bush a liar because Bush was stupid, mean, and evil. Bush was a beast, really, when you think about it. Bush was sub- human.
Today, when people call President Obama a liar, IT IS RACIST because a Black man cannot lie. You should NEVER say that President Obama is a liar, because he is Black.
Remember when we made that movie: "Death of a president" where we showed Bush being killed..??
That was great..!!
Remember when we used to make up funny little posters about Bush and head to our Iraq War protests..?? Those were the days..!! We would draw up posters that made Bush look like Hitler. I remember people wore masks that looked like Bush, Rummy, and Condi Rice. They had handcuffs on and carried posters reading "war criminals." That was great stuff.
Do you remember the political cartoons about Condi Rice..??
They were really great..!! They used to make Condi Rice look like Bush’s slave, or a parrot on Bush’s shoulder, or even a monkey.
There was nothing wrong with these political cartoons because Condi Rice was an evil republican and the people who did these cartoons were just speaking out about the president’s cabinet. Besides, Condi Rice is sub- human. She believes that Saddam needed to be removed from Iraq, which makes Condi Rice an evil beast. There is nothing wrong or racist in poking fun of the Black Condi Rice.
But today, when people make fun of President Obama, it is evil, and of course, it is racist. Because Obama is Black. You can NEVER say mean things about a Black Obama. You cannot disagree with Obama. It is racist. (However, it is OK and you can still disagree and make fun of the Black Condi Rice or Michael Steele. It is NOT racist because The Black Condi Rice is an evil republican bitch.) And lets face it: Is Michael Steele really Black? He is republican. Steele is NOT down with the struggle.
Remember when we used to laugh about the "truthers"..??
We used to smile when the truthers blamed Bush and Condi Rice for the 9/11 attacks.
Instead of defending Bush, (which we would NEVER do) we helped out this conspiracy by adding little phases like: "why did tower 7 fall, it didn’t get hit..??" (That was great and funny stuff..!!)
There was nothing racist or wrong with allowing the truthers charge against Bush, Rice, Rummy, and Cheney to stick because it was challenging the opposition. Keeping them on their toes.
However, today; the "birthers" are evil and racist. Just because Obama’s relative says Obama was born in Kenya... (Like we are going believe one of Obama’s relatives, duh..!!) These idiots want to push this stupid theory. And the other republicans are racist too for letting this theory fester.
So NOW you see...
America is racist because people are being mean to Barack Obama. (Because he is Black.)
Back when we did this stuff to George Bush, it wasn’t racist, or evil, or mean; because Bush was a monkey, an idiot, a sub- human.
Today, people who call President Obama a liar, or they disagree with Obama, are racists.
They are racists because Obama is Black.
And you cannot say "that stuff" about a Black man.
(Ok, let me step out of my "sarcastic liberal voice" for a moment.)
We have found the answer to the question that started this editorial:
"How can America be a racist country after electing the first Black president..??"
I will explain the answer in a minute, but first, some background:
One of my best friends happens to be Black. (Or "exceptionally Black" as he might say.) We grew up together, both from single parent homes, we had a lot in common, and we both pulled ourselves out of the ghetto with just our willpower and talent.
My friend can call me a stupid greasy Italian, and I can call him a dumb coon. We laugh about this stuff because these "names" hold no meaning. We have seen it all, and been down many roads. Our skins are very thick.
There is no name that you can call me that will hurt me, because I never give you THAT MUCH POWER, to hurt me.
I asked my friend one day if he ever was hurt by racist White people, and he said:
"..I would rather people speak their mind around me because then I know who I am dealing with. It is the "smiling faces" that hurt more. People who act ‘different’ around me, they are the ones who hurt.."
THAT, is the answer.
If you have ever wanted to say something in public, but stopped yourself and thought: "..I better not say ‘that’ because someone might think I’m a racist..." You are a racist.
You are acting ‘different’ because someone is Black, or Asian, or Hispanic.
You are a "smiling face."
And "Smiling faces, sometimes, they don’t tell the truth."
"Smiling Faces" preformed by "The Undisputed Truth.
Extended version (11 minutes) The Temptations- "Smiling faces"
(Here are a couple lines from the song "Smiling Faces")
"Your enemy won’t do you no harm, because you know where he is coming from."
"Beware of the pat on the back. It just might hold you back."
"The impossible task, is to find out which smile is a mask."
(Lines from the song "Smiling Faces")
I may have just handed you an impossible task.
If you speak your mind and say something stupid, you are a racist.
If you hold back your thoughts, (because you might offend someone) you are a racist, because you are hiding behind a mask. A "smiling face."
(Yes, I know. You are dammed if you do and dammed if you do not.)
Remember, the word "racist" is just a name. Not unlike the term "dumb greasy Italian, or the "n" word.
It is "name-calling", and I am not going to get into a name- calling match with the democrats.
Are there stupid White people who say dumb things..?? You bethca..!!
Are there dumb Black people who say stupid things..?? Kanye West, anyone..??
Just remember what my friend said: "It is better to know what people really think, because you know who you are dealing with..!!"
I will NOT treat President Obama any different than I treated Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, or any other president.
The pinnacle of equality is when we treat everyone the same, regardless of skin color, or gender.
So, if you are speaking out about President Obama because you do not care for his policies, welcome to equality. Welcome to 2009, and the FIRST Black president.
However, if you are holding back your TRUE thoughts because Barack Obama is a democrat (and he is Black...)
Well, you need to do a little soul searching, my friend..!!
It is racist to hold someone back, or push them forward, because of their skin color.
The pinnacle of equality is when we treat everyone the same, regardless of skin color, or gender.
(And I WILL treat President Obama the same as any past president.)
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
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