Women live longer than men because they DO NOT pass gas

Women live longer than men because they DO NOT pass gas.

There was a study from Chicago that reports the "pig flu" (Swine Flu- H1N1) will hit like a "Som Bitch" (rural slang for "a really bad thing") this fall and early winter.

The study reported that the "pig flu", (the aforementioned "swine flu" H1N1) will effect Hispanics and Black people most of all.

Another study added that old people, (of all races and genders) should be worried about "pig flu."

Also, children (again, of all races and the many genders: IE: male- female- transgender- transsexual- trans axil, etc) should be concerned about the "pig flu."

Children, Black people, Hispanic people, old people, and poor people need to be concerned about the pig flu. (Because the "pig flu" has your number and is coming for you.)

The only group of people who seem to have it easy this fall, free from the terror of the "pig flu", are those idiots we call: The Middle Class (and Rich) White people.

Not only do Middle Class (and Rich) White people have a good portion of America’s wealth, (and quite a few of America’s pretty women) this study now proves that the Middle Class (and Rich) White men can french kiss trashy women, put on a pair of "pig boots" and roll around in a pig stall, and use the restroom WITHOUT washing their hands; never once giving any concern about the "pig flu."

This is terribly unfair..!!

Why should White people be free to breath the air that someone just coughed in, or run a round the house with a sharp pair of scissors in their hands, without a care about receiving the "pig flu"..??

Someone needs to step up and be heard..!!

Someone needs to equal this playing field..!!

There is no reason why the White people should have it so easy this fall.

(In fairness and FULL disclosure; the writer of this editorial, (me) happens to be one of those "White peoples.")

But even my "whiteness" (or lack of "darkness") cannot blind my ability to see how unfair this "pig flu" has become.

If only America had some type of government medical system, we could rectify this dilemma.

With the horrible medical system that America has today: "Medicine for Profit"; where a doctor fixes you up and then the doctor gets a paycheck, (similar to the American system called "Chicken dinner for a Profit" or: "A guy builds you a house and you pay him MONEY and he makes a Profit" system) with the "Medicine for Profit" system, White people are able to pay a doctor and stay healthy.

This is NOT fair..!!

But with the current American system, "Medicine for Profit", we have no way of preventing White people from paying doctors and getting themselves fixed up.

With a government controlled health care system, we could make "pig flu" more "fair" to all people.

Now, no one is suggesting that we "infect" White people with the "pig flu" virus to equal things out. (IE: if two Black people get the "pig flu", we infect two White people.) That probably wouldn’t be right. (Plus it would cost a lot of money.)

But, what if we FORCED White people to visit sick Black people, while they are infected and coughing..?? If four White people are locked in a room with one sick Black person, odds are that at least one White person will get the "pig flu."

This will "equalfiy" the "pig flu" and make this virus "more fair" to everyone.

There is no doubt that a government health care system would be a valuable tool to fix many of our "social ills."

Why do women live longer than men..??

We used to think that women outlived men because men had stressful / physical jobs and women stayed home. But today, women are out working, right along side men. (Plus, there is nothing that is "calming" about staying home and raising children.)

Some believed that women lived longer than men because men ate dangerous food, smoked and drank more booze than women do. But anyone who has visited Bubba’s Roadside Bar and watched Bertha suck down a plate of greasy ribs and pitcher of beer, while she had two cigarettes burning in an ashtray, knows this isn’t true.

I believe that women live longer than men because women do not pass gas in public.

What else could it be..??

With our current system: "Medicine for Profit"; there is no way to make women kick the bucket at the same age as men do. Women have money and they can run to the doctor, pay the price, and get themselves fixed up.

However, with a "government controlled" medical system; we could make "life" a little more fair for everyone; Men and Women. (Note) at this point, we are not including you folks who are "transgender" or "transsexual" because you are currently somewhere in the middle. However, once you have chosen a "sex", you will be given a "number" and placed into the system.

Forced Flatulence...

If my theory is correct. If women live longer than men because women do not pass gas in public, well- "Forced Flatulence" would solve this problem.

A government mandated "Forced Flatulence" program, (I probably do not need to go into detail on how this government program would run) could solve the problem of women living longer than men.

Plus, we could also force all men to take Beano.

A government controlled medical system would be MUCH better than that stupid "Medicine for Profit" system that we now have.

Just think about all the stuff that I could force you to do, for your own good..!!

Why, just look at what you are doing right now. You are spending hours looking at a computer screen. You know that looking at a computer screen is BAD for your eyes? I can stop you from spending all this time on the computer.

Matter of fact, with President Obama’s, and Sen. Jay Rockefeller’s bill: S.773; we will be able to shut the Internet down for just about ANY reason, and stop you people from getting that NASTY "free speech" information.

LINK: Obama can stop you from using free speech.


(It is, after all, for your own good; and the good of the American taxpayers who would have to buy you reading glasses when your eyes go bad, and "re-educate" you after receiving all that "free speech.")

Those stupid Republicans who cry about fixing Medicare and Medicaid FIRST, and then adding a "catastrophic" policy for the uninsured; those dumb Republicans don’t understand that if we did than, I couldn’t dictate what you can eat or how you live.

If we did what the republicans claim, I wouldn’t have the government power to force you to exercise, eat broccoli and tofu, and leave all that "junk food" behind.

Republicans do not understand that Americans want to be told what to eat, what to read, where to live, and what profession to take as a job.

Republicans still believe that Americans want freedom. The freedom to succeed, and the freedom to fail.

But if we did that...

If we followed the republican model...

I would never have the government power to peek over the backyard fence and see how you are living.

"Do you have health insurance..?? NO..?? If you make over $40,000 per year, I will force you to BUY insurance. If you make less than $40,000 per year*, I will give it to you, free. Because I am government."

"What kind of food are you eating..?? Are you crazy, that food is no good for you and it is costing the American taxpayers too much money to treat you. I will show you how to live- healthy. Because I am government."

"What kinds of books are you reading..?? What sites are you visiting on the Internet..?? Are they making you happy, or sad..?? The books that you are reading are no good. They are making you restless. I will show you what to read. You will be happy. Because I am government."

We must give the government MORE power..!!

How else will we ever have "Forced Flatulence" and how will we make "pig flu" more "fair" for everyone..??

Remember: The government is the only body in the world, whom is wise enough, experienced enough, and powerful enough, to force you to pass gas.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

(NOTE*) The $40,000 per year figure is mine. One of the scary things about the democrat’s current Health Care bills is that they DO NOT spell out each fact. They have left too many holes to be filled out later on.

Death Panels- part 2- Jon Stewart

Death Panels- part 2- Jon Stewart

A couple readers of my last post, titled: (Death Panel Member- an exciting NEW job in Obama-Care) these readers told me that I was basically uninformed and that I was "missing the point" on Obama- Care and "living wills."

As I do, from time to time, is answer a question WITH a question:

"...Does having a ‘living will’ make you MORE healthy..??"

We are talking about a "health bill", right..??

If we were talking about a "death bill", then I could understand the relevance in having a "living will" attached to it.

But we are not talking about a "death bill."

So, again; does having a living will make you MORE healthy..??


The decisive answer from the left would play on compassion. "..The government CARES about you and they want to make sure that you have a living will so that you do not burden your children with the tough decisions during ‘end of life."

As I proved with my last post, a living will can place a bigger burden on the children because many old people demand NOT to be kept alive on machines, yet the doctor may have a cure. The living will can stop this "cure" from taking place.

Compassion is the only explanation that the left has to explain "living wills" being placed in a "health care bill."

I say:

If the government truly cared about us, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because we wouldn’t have 47 million uninsured Americans. Politicians: republicans and democrats alike; would have solved this problem 30 years ago.

Armed with this knowledge, I tend to not give "compassion" a role in this story.

"Living wills" are in the "death bill", excuse me, I mean "health bill" because the government knows that most old people will say that they do not want to be kept alive by machines. "..If it is my time to die, so be it. I do not want to lie in some bed for years.."

The government also knows that most children will ask a doctor to do "all he can to save their parents."

The living will takes the heat off of everyone involved.

The government does not have to pay for big medical procedures IF a person signed a living will. The children, who paid thousands in tax dollars, cannot DEMAND that the government pay for life saving cures, because: "your Mom signed a living will saying she didn’t want to be kept alive by machines, sorry.."

There are FAR TOO MANY people concerned about this bill for it to be a conspiracy by drug companies. (As the left claims.)

Let’s take a look at a couple of current polls. These polls will show how support for this health care bill is slipping.

This important voter block was asked:

"..Are you happy with Obama’s health care bill- No or Yes..??"

However, when we look at another important voter group, it gets a little closer. But still, voters seem unhappy about this bill.

Folks, there is more here that needs to be talked over, and WE SHOULD TALK. But all I am hearing is a debate taking place on TV that sounds like this:

You are wrong, I’m right.

NO- I’m right. The bill doesn’t say that, you are wrong.

No- you are wrong. On page 345,678 of the health care bill, it says...

(And so on, and so on. That is what TV News sounds like, to me.)

Hence, we enter the realm of Jon Stewart.

Where the news is FUNNY. A happy place for liberals to dwell.

Jon Stewart interviews Betsy McCaughey on the health care bill.

I am going to explain who these two people are by using the oppositions definition:

"...Betsy McCaughey is a lying liar, who lies about lying. She lied about Bill Clinton’s health care bill in 1993. And now, today, she is lying about Obama’s health care bill. Betsy lies about lying, even when lying about the lies she lied about.."

(That is who Betsy McCaughey is; as described by the left.)

Now, who is Jon Stewart; as described by the right?)

"...Jon Stewart is a hack, who used to be a stand-up comedian. (A stand-up comic: the perfect person to give "trusted" news.) Stewart has his head so far up the ass of the democratic party, that he reads his scripted lines off of the democrats tonsils. The only thing that Jon Stewart has done right, was steal the 30 year old format from Saturday Night Live’s "Weekend Update."

OK, so now we know who these two people are.

On Thursday night, these two "scholars" met, and went head to head, on the health care bill.

(If you would like to view this exchange, click here.)


I may surprise you, but I believe that BOTH Jon and Betsy were being "hyperbolic and dangerous."

The simple fact that two people, (who both claim that they read this bill) can come up with two different meanings for aspects of it, scares the crap out of me.

Because these are two (some what) average Americans.

Just wait until congress, lawyers, and dozens of "special interest" groups get a hold of this health care bill..!!

I thought OJ was guilty..??

I figured that Michael Jackson was guilty..??

I was surprised to find out that I was wrong on both accounts. (Or was I..??)

YOU might be surprised to find out what a slick lawyer, backed by millions of funds from some special interest group, can do with the wording in this health care bill.

Forget the dam "republicans are wrong", "democrats are wrong" bullshit.

This bill is wrong because it means different things to different people.

Congress MUST deliver a bill that everyone can understand. Things MUST be spelled out. Defined.

We need to know how much it will cost, and what we stand to lose in the way of current health care quality.

The simple fact that you and I are arguing about "death panels" and free abortions for everyone, means the wording MUST be changed.

And most of all...

There should be NO DOUBT whether this bill will "pull the plug" on grandma.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic


(10) Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters.

(9) Directions to your doctor's office include "Take a left when you
enter the trailer park."

(8) The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles.

(7) The only proctologist in the plan is "Gus" from Roto-Rooter.

(6) The only item listed under Preventive Care Coverage is "an apple a day..."

(5) Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you gave to
Goodwill last month.

(4) "The patient is responsible for 200% of out-of-network charges," is not a typographical error.

(3) The only expense covered 100% is "embalming."

(2) Your Prozac comes in different colors with little M's on them.


(1) You ask for Viagra and they give you a Popsicle stick and Duct Tape.

(Note) I cannot take credit for the top ten list. It arrived by e-mail. I am not sure who wrote.??

Death Panel Member- An exciting NEW job in Obama- Care

Death Panel Member- An exciting NEW job in Obama- Care

The minute that Sarah Palin opened her mouth, and spewed out the now famous line- "Government controlled Death Panels"; the liberal left has their panties in a bunch, and they have gone nuts.

"...Palin is a whack job. Who would be stupid enough to believe that President Obama is going to have ‘death panels’ that will pull the plug on Grandma..?? Palin is nuts.."

Could Sarah Palin be correct..??

Did democrats want to KILL Grandma..??

Or, are the people at The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, and Maureen Dowd of The NY Times correct? That Sarah Palin is a nut and a liar..??


The truth might not be found in words...

The truth might be found in actions.

In the middle of Washington DC, in the middle of the night...

The exact line of the Health Care Bill, (section 1233 of HR 3200) that Sarah Palin was talking about, is being REMOVED from the Senate version of the health care bill.


Because it COULD create a panel of government workers whom would decide who is too old and too sick to receive the latest treatment. (In a round- about way, it is a "Death Panel", and I will explain later.)

So, who was crazy..??

Sarah Palin: for reading the Health Care bill carefully and reporting on a section that caused her alarm..??

Or the left: who DIDN’T read the bill, and just labeled Sarah Palin- Crazy..??

Why would President Obama promote a bill that ‘could’ KILL grandma..??

Because President Obama didn’t read the bill.

No one has.

Not one person has read the bill because there are about 3 different bills being passed around, with about a "kijillion" pages in them.

Not one American has read every section of every bill, AND understands what the hell congress was talking about, in these bills, when congress put these dam things together.

And democrats were demanding that congress pass these bills- FAST..??

I ask...

Who is "crazy"..??

Before I get into an editorial on "Death Panels", I wanted to make a point:

I read The Huffington Post, not because I agree with them, but because I want to know what liberals are talking about.

I check, and double check any information I find on these liberal web sites; and most of the information is based "loosely" on mis-information, or stuff taken out of context. However, every so often; a scandal involving a republican will erupt, and it WILL NOT be covered by Fox News, or Rush, etc, right away.

I do not believe that many liberals do this.

Liberals immediately dismiss a person like Rush, or Sarah Palin as "crazy", and they miss very important details, because they are only getting one side of a story.

Why would you do that to yourself..??

Arm yourself with only half of a story and walk around uninformed..??

OK, let me get into this editorial:

"Death Panels"

I believe that a "living will" is a very personal thing. It should NEVER be forced. Or persuaded.

I will prove, to all who reads this, that "living wills" and "end of life" counseling can be perverted, by the wrong people.

But first, I experienced the problems of a "living will" on a personal level.

My Mother signed a living will. Without going into details, my Mother did not want to be kept alive by machines.

(She had done up this will ten years earlier. Hence; therein lies the problem.)

Medical science moves very fast. There are things that they can do today, that they could not even conceive of five, or ten years ago.

My Mother, when she fell ill, was only in a comma for two days, but because of her living will, they would have to "pull the plug" on my Mother.

You see, even a "feeding tube" (can be) considered "a machine" that is keeping you alive.

People have revived from a state far worse than my Mothers condition, and there was a new procedure that the doctors could try. This procedure could restore my Mother back to a relatively healthy life.

But the "living will" that my mother signed ten years earlier, stopped all of this.

This would be the end of the story.

(Except, that we live in the greatest country on earth. America, the land of the free.) And we conservatives want to keep it that way.

Between my Mother’s doctor, the surgeon of the hospital, the hospital’s lawyer, and myself; we were able to "over-ride" my Mother’s living will, and try this new procedure.

I, having known my Mother better than anyone on this earth, (far better than President Obama or any government worker) I knew that my Mother wasn’t a quitter.

Yes, my Mother didn’t want to "cling to life" on some machine, being a burden on everyone, for months.

But we were not talking about months. We were only talking about a couple of days.

Between the hospital staff and myself, we were able to over-ride this "living will", I took power of attorney, and the procedure went on.

To make a long story short, the procedure didn’t work. All of the doctors agreed that my Mother wouldn’t make a recovery, and we then preceded with my Mother’s wishes.

I had to try.

I could never live with myself if we didn’t try. And I remembered the last words from my Mother was that she wanted to go home. She didn’t say that she wanted to die. She said that she wanted to go to her house and sit on the porch. That is what we (the doctors and myself) tried to do.

It didn’t happen.

But we had to try.

That was over three years ago and I am at peace with it all, now.

"Living Wills" and "End of life" counseling

I want to show you how a "living will" can be perverted.

If I asked you:

"..Do you want to be kept alive by machines, lying in a bed like a vegetable. You are drooling on yourself for months, while your loved ones miss work, and are tortured with the sight of seeing you like this, do you want to be kept alive..??"

You would say- no..!!

Hell, I would say "pull the dam plug", send me off to "where ever" or what ever is next, after life.

Most people, especially at old age, do not want to be a burden, and would not want to be bedridden in a comma and kept alive by machines.

But what if I changed the thinking:

What if I asked the question this way:

"..You have fallen ill and are unresponsive. Machines are keeping you alive. The doctors and your children believe that a new procedure could restore you to health. Do you want the to hospital and a government worker to KILL YOU and NOT try this new procedure..??"

(Aaahhh, I am waiting for your answer..??)

OK, I understand how someone on the left could remind me that the "wording" in the living will can be drawn up to take in many different scenarios, including time lines. But most people do not consider this. Most people just claim that they do not want to be kept alive by machines. (Which could include a feeding tube.)


Let me speak blunt, here:

A living will is a very selfish thing.

It only takes in consideration what YOU want. It doesn’t consider the wishes of the ones who love you.

That is why the government should NOT be involved in "living wills" and "end of life" counseling.

Have you ever known anyone who had to fight with the government for unemployment compensation..??

Have you ever known anyone who had to fight with the government for disability payments..??

I cannot imagine what it would have been like fighting with the government on my Mother’s "living will" to get that new procedure done..??

The government would have been charged with saying "Yes" or "No" on my Mother’s "living will", under President Obama’s health care.

(You see, my Mother was on Medicaid and Medicare. She was 71 years old at the time. And she was very sick.)

A "living will" is a personal matter that a family should talk about. The government SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN THIS MATTER, at all.

Hopefully, "living wills" will be removed from all the bills. (Just incase one of the bills gets passed.)

(The stupid) Sarah Palin found a serious flaw in Obama’s health plan and she blurted out a phase (death panels) that cause US politicians to READ parts of this bill. These politicians also became alarmed and are removing this section.

(The inexperience and uneducated) Sarah Palin did a better job than your local politicians had done.

No one believes that President Obama would want to "pull the plug on Grandma."

That is just plain silly.

However, because President Obama DIDN’T read this health care bill, he didn’t even know that the government would form a panel of government workers, that would educate people on end of life choices, that would lock people into "living wills."

President Obama didn’t know that the only way to over-ride these "living wills" would be government workers on a "panel."

These "panels" of government workers would decide who could live, and who was too sick and too old to spend money on.

These panels would decide "life" or "death."

They were: "death panels."

Just as (the ignorant) Sarah Palin had described.

Death Panels

(You know, that might not be a bad job for us conservatives to get into.)

What if Obama’s health care gets passed, as written..?? (Remember, democrats don’t need us republicans to pass this horrible bill.)

We conservatives could "stack the deck" and get jobs on Obama’s "death panels."

Since most of the time, we conservatives choose "life" over death, we could give a thumbs up to everyone’s Grandma.

Not one person would be sentenced to death by Obama’s death panels, if we conservatives ran them.

That might be a GREAT job to have..??

You would go home every day thinking that you helped save a life..!!

(Except, if too many liberals get on the "death panel" and vote to "pull the plug" on Grandma.)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

Mess makers- shut your mouth

Mess makers- shut your mouth

When talking about "angry" Americans who are speaking out at Town Hall meetings, President Obama said:

"..I don’t want the folks who created this mess to do a lot of talking.."

Yes, Mister President...

The people who caused this mess SHOULD STOP TALKING.

They SHOULD shut their dam mouths.

(And they should READ the health care bill that they "might" sign.)

I agree with President Obama- 100%.

The people who caused this mess SHOULD STOP TALKING.

However, the American people DIDN’T cause this mess.

The American people did what they were suppose to do. They went to work, took care of their families, and paid their taxes.

The mess that we are in, (the banking crisis, job loss, health care mess, etc) was caused by the politicians.

Unlike Bill Maher*, I know that the American public is NOT stupid. We can follow a time-line on all of these problems and we can trace them all back to politicians.

Take the banking crisis, for example: It was the democrats who pushed for "looser" lending practices in home mortgages to help first time home buyers get the house of their dreams. (That they couldn’t afford.)

And we know that the republicans didn’t stop this practice, while republicans held the White House, the Senate, and the House for 6 years.

The Health Care Crisis...

(Just do a Google search on: "Ted Kennedy- HMO". Need I say anymore..??)

The current unemployment figures...

I wish I could say that it was only the democratic party who caused the mess that we are in today, but that would be dishonest. It was a team effort between democrats and republicans who delivered us into this "stink hole."

This current finger pointing by the White House and the democrats is making me want to puke because they are equally to blame.

Now these same politicians want us to trust them on a Bill that THEY DIDN’T EVEN READ..??

So, I agree with President Obama...

The people who caused this mess (the politicians) should shut their freaking mouths and listen to the American public.

Aaahh, that would also include you, President Obama.

After all, first and foremost, Barack Obama is a politician. He was in the Senate before becoming ruler of the United States.

Might I suggest that ALL politicians use their month long August vacation to READ THE DAM BILL before they sign it.

Might I also suggest that the people who caused this mess, (the politicians) shut their freaking mouths and LISTEN to the American voters at these Town Hall meetings.

(That would also include you, Mr. President.)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

*- Bill Maher- host of HBO’s "Real Time" called America a "stupid country." (See my last post.)

Now, Bill Maher, (in clarifying his comments) claims that- "..America is like a college chick after two Long Island Iced Teas; America can be talked into anything, like wars, and America can be talked out of anything, like health care.."

So now Bill Maher feels the need to insult college girls..??

First you insult America by calling it a "stupid country." Then you claim that college women are "easy", after two drinks..??

I just do not understand the American left..??

Bill Maher reminds me of a sick dog that shows up in your back yard, tired and hungry. You feel sorry for this old dog, so you give it a bowl of food. The dog chows down the bowl of food and then bites you on the leg. Which causes you to kick this dog in the ass.

The next day, that sick dog shows up again, tired and hungry. For some reason, you feel bad for kicking that dog in the ass, and you give him another bowl of food. The sick dog eats the food and bites you on the leg again.

That is Bill Maher.

After the terrorist attack on NY City, Maher said that it took "courage" for the terrorists to fly planes into the World Trade Towers. Maher, (in referring to the US military) said it DOESN’T take courage to sit 200 miles away from the battle field and bomb a target.

After that statement, Bill Maher lost his job on the ABC Network and was unemployed. (Like the sick dog that we fed, only to get bitten in the leg.)

However, for some reason, people felt sorry for Bill Maher and they gave him another chance. (HBO- "Real Time.")

And, just like the sick dog, Bill Maher BITES these people on the leg AGAIN, by calling them "stupid." Maher went on to say that politicians "shouldn’t listen to (Americans) at these Town Hall meetings because (Americans) do not know what they are talking about." Bill said that instead of Town Hall meetings, we should have "study hall" meetings.

You know, I like having Bill Maher around. Because with Maher in the public’s eye, I do not have to "build a strawman" when talking about liberals; I can just point to things Maher has said and done. Bill Maher helps prove my point that liberalism is mean, elitist, and just plain wrong for America.

Say what you want about Rush Limbaugh, but I have never heard Limbaugh call America "stupid." In fact, Rush pushes you to be your best.

If you are interested in my post on Bill Maher’s movie: "Religulous", click below.

Click here for my post on Bill Maher's movie


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