Tonight, everything goes dark

Today is "Earth Friendly," make it dark, "I love the earth", put your arms around this lovable rock and give it a big french kiss- day.

In order to make people more aware of what filthy- stinking pigs they are, everyone MUST turn their lights out at 8:30 pm tonight.

This would be 8:30 YOUR TIME.

Not 8:30 eastern time.

(This is so that the planet earth becomes like a giant football stadium doing "the wave" with lights, as people all over the globe turn their lights out.)

Now, there is no reason why you have to just sit in the dark for one hour and do nothing. Here at The Angry Republic, we have compiled a list of things that you can do with no electricity.

First- you are going to need candles. Do not use regular candles because of the pollution that is caused in the making of regular candles.

Get in your car and drive about 100 miles to "Bubba’s Recycled Candles." Bubba’s candles are made of 100% recycled wax. Bubba uses old toilet gasket wax to make his candles. (It has a very pungent aroma- Bubba’s toilet wax candles are: "earthy.")

Now that you have your "earthy" candles burning on "earth day", you are going to need some type of activity to occupy one hour of time.

SEX- is out of the question...

SEX- can create babies...

Babies smell bad, they are expensive, and babies grow up and KILL the earth.

PLUS, sex only lasts 2 minutes. (If you "do it right"), and you have an entire hour to fill.

Might we suggest a game of Yahtzee or Go Fish..??

This is a GREAT form of family entertainment, however, if you are spending "earth day" alone, it might be hard to play with yourself.

Might we suggest- meditation.

Meditation is a GREAT way to get in touch with your "inter-self."

You can meditate on why you are such a selfish bastard for destroying the earth. "What has the earth ever done to you..??"

The earth just sits there, spinning- like a mentally confused dog.

And you have the gull to spit, puke, and pour carbon gas on mother earth..??

OK- maybe you are NOT ready for meditation.

How about a good old fashion BBQ..??

Now, I know what you are thinking...

How can using a propane grill be environmentally good..??

Well, you are NOT going to be using a "propane grill."

Jump into you car and drive 100 miles to "Bubba’s Recycled Candles." Bubba sells 100% methane BBQ grills.

These grills are 100% environmentally safe because they burn methane gas. (Cow flatulence.)

You are NOT going to want to cook up some kind of animal meat on your new grill, because that isn’t any good for the earth.

Might we suggest some form of tofu or soybean steaks..??

"Fake- Steaks" are GREAT for the earth and you will feel good while you are cooking "fake steaks" over your methane (cow flatulence) grill.

Or maybe you would prefer to do nothing.

Maybe you could rap yourself in a "Snuggie" blanket and stare blindly out the window?

Whatever it is that choose to do with your "one hour- without power," remember to think about the earth.

The Earth- that cute little blue ball filled with metal- melting magma.

Hot magma- hot enough to burn the hair off of your backside.

So, start saving the earth..!!

Turn out those lights at 8:30pm.

Fire up your methane grill and your toilet wax candles.

Put on your "Snuggie" blanket and meditate on how much of an ass you have been.

The Earth thanks you..!!

My question for the democrats

My question to the democrats

Is this what you wanted..??

"Tea Baggers"- (I thought I would NEVER use that term, unless I was referring to a porno flick?)

Tea Baggers are growing in numbers. They will become a force to be reckoned with, regardless of how much "fun" people make of them.

The "Baggers" will haunt President Obama during his first term. Questioning every presidential decision on it’s merits of constitutionality.

My question to the democrats:

"Is this what you wanted..??"

When you were questioning the authority of the Bush administration on wiretaps, war prisons, and interrogation technics, DURING A WAR; did you ever consider what will happen when YOUR president makes unpopular decisions..??

Decisions like using the government to break an agreement between an employer and an employee. (90% tax on AIG workers who make over $250,000.)*

This is, without a doubt, a breach of The Constitution. If the feds can go after the banking system and set pay levels, nothing will stop them from going into other institutions and doing the same.

If we move closer to national health care, the feds might decide that nurses make too much money. They could cut nurses salaries in half.

Where are the concerned members of the left? Where are those people who worried that President Bush would listen to private phone calls?

I read the Huffington Post and I am not seeing the ANGRY liberals: worried about President Obama stepping on the constitution?

Hey, I know...

Lets ask Rosie O’Donnell:

Aaahh, Rosie seems kind of busy right now.

So, now, today; we have angry mobs of liberal groups like Code Pink hanging out at AIG members houses, screaming death threats at these AIG family houses.

Is this what you wanted..??

We have congress members telling AIG executives that they should commit suicide..??

We have some guy dressing up like a founding father. His videos on YouTube are grabbing millions of hits and he was featured on Glenn Beck. He is telling Americans that they should "tar and feather" a fellow American for using his freedom of speech rights.

Because an "idiot" in the Obama administration said America has become a nation of cowards because we do not talk about race; this "modern" founding father thinks we should ship him off to another country, or tar and feather him.

"..He called you a nation of cowards... and you do nothing..."

I’m sorry folks, but ignorance is wasteful.

The "actual" founding fathers never called for violence until after the British used force on the colonies.

John Adams and Thomas Paine NEVER called for an ANGRY mob to do "anything", much less tar and feather someone for using free speech.

John Adams wanted representation in Britain, he was not looking for revolution. Not until the British took, by force, two Massachusetts cities, did Adams make a call for arms against the British.

(Keep in mind, John Adams had to write his "freedom" essays "anonymously" in fear that the British might snatch him up. And yet, John Adams STILL didn’t call for violence.)

My question to the left...

Is this what you wanted..??

When you were poking fun at President Bush. Highlighting every gaffe and verbal mistake, you must have known that it would come back to haunt you?

Or did you think that you are so high on that pedestal that any president that YOU picked "could never be as bad as Bush.."?

It was a terrible thing that President Bush played a round of golf while America was at war. (Highlighted in a Michael Moore film.) However, there is nothing wrong with President Obama bowling or having a few laughs on the Jay Leno show while America faces the worst economy since the Great Depression..??

Where is Michael Moore..??

Where is the outrage..??

Is this what you wanted..??

When you were calling for Dick Cheney to resign because he once owned stock in Halliburtin, you must know that today you have to call for Chris Dodd and Barack Obama to resign; because they received campaign cash from AIG.

Fair is fair, right..??


Your congress passed the biggest spending bill in American history and no one in congress read the bill before signing it. (Including President Obama.)

This is a very sad display of leadership, and this bill WILL destroy your party, once we all go through it. (The AIG bonuses are just the tip of the iceberg.)

You can blame Bush all you want, but the fact remains: this bill was passed and signed by your congress. The people that you elected to watch over your interests. (And they never took the time to read the bill before signing it.)

My question to the democrats...

Is this what you wanted..??

Let me take you to, what I believe, will be a very sad day in American history.

Picture a well dressed couple heading to a hotel. They are not democrats, nor are they republicans. This couple happens to own a business in the community and wanted to attend a political event, to listen to a politician and determine if this candidate has their interests in mind.

An angry crowd has gathered near the entrance to this hotel. This mob begins to spit on the well dress woman, while calling her a "whore" and a "slut."

Her companion begins to scorn the crowd, telling them to "back the fuck off.."

Three members of the crowd surrounded the businessman and ask: "What are you going to do about it..?"

What the rowdy crowd members didn’t know was this businessman happened to be a Black Belt in martial arts. They soon found out and took off running.

Unfortunately, the businessman lost track of his wife in the mob of thousands. He spent the next 15 minutes frantically looking for her, being spit on and taunted the whole time. He even climbed a light post to try and find his wife.

On the other side of the hotel, a grandfather in a wheelchair was making his way to the hotel. A thirty-year-old protester, wearing a mask, stepped in front of the wheelchair and said: "..Where do you think you are going..??"

The wheelchair bound man replied: "I’m going to the reception, if this were reversed and you were me, I would let you pass.."

Another "masked" protester told his friend: "Let the old bastard go.." Hotel security saw the old man and helped him through the crown.

City police were of no help.

They had their own problems.

The president was due any minute, and this could get ugly, real fast.

The presidential motorcade was having problems making its way to the hotel, through the thousands of protesters.

Just then, a rock was thrown at the president’s car and it made a loud "thud" as it hit the window. "How the hell did city police allow..."

Before the secret service member could finish his sentence, a protester lunged for the president’s car and slammed his body on the fender.

"...The package is being routed to plan- B" "I repeat, the package is being routed to plan B.." was the call that went out to the secret service and local police.

Out the window, the president could see signs being held up by protesters.

One read: "Fuck you, mother fucking fascist."

Another sign read: "(The President)- wanted dead or alive." The protester put an "X" over the word "alive."

One sign read: "Impeach the court appointed junta and the fascist, egomaniacal, blood- swilling beast.."

President Bush turned to his aid and replied: "I’ve been called a liar and an idiot... But... blood swilling beast..??"

The president smiled and demanded the event go "as planned."

And now you know the rest of the story.

I wasn’t talking about some future protest against President Obama, "by mean, angry neo-cons."

I was talking about an actual protest that happened in Portland, Oregon in 2002.

This out of control, display of ignorance, was not conducted by angry republicans against President Obama.

This "dark day" in American history. A complete lack of respect for fellow Americans, was carried out by liberal democrats.

So, my question to the democrats...

Is this what you wanted..??

Now that you see "this" coming back on you..??

I used to think that America would be better if more people were involved in politics.

I no longer feel that way.

Some people SHOULD focus on their own lives and stay away from politics.

(Of course, I am NOT talking about you.)

I am talking about the people who care more about their party winning, and care less about America winning.

In the past, I have been called a "puppet" or a "mouthpiece" for neo-cons.

Today, I have been called "a liberal leaning republican." Or, "I am walking in the middle."

Behind my back, some have question whether I was ever a true conservative. Yet, I have never in my life voted for a democratic president.

It really doesn’t matter to me.

At times, I may have a thousand people read my site. Other times, it is less than ten.

Year after year, I have been here.

What is said about me, or how many people read this site, is of little consequence. I am just some little blogger who speaks his mind.

(And will continue to, God willing.)


I feel the anger inside. I too, worry about socialism.

However, I never want to witness a spectacle like what took place in Portland Oregon in 2002. President Obama needs to be free to travel and conduct business where ever he sees fit. And liberals MUST be able to attend these rallies without being harassed, or spit upon, in the manner that they did to us.

We conservatives are bigger than that. We are wiser than that.

This problem that we Americans face today must be solved with wisdom, not anger.


President Bush and his team are all gone now.

Presidents Carter and Clinton are out of government.

There are only a few people involved in politics today who helped create this financial crisis we face today.

Chris Dodd and Barney Frank.

If liberals want ANY credibility.

If you want anyone to listen to you in the future, you MUST remove these men from office, as soon as possible.

I’m not sure how much proof you need..?? We have Barney Frank on video tape saying Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac need no further federal regulation because there are no problems. That was just a year before the financial collapse. And Chris Dodd help author the bill that allowed the AIG executives to receive their bonuses.

And liberals...

Do we need this MUCH spending..??

I know that President Bush started this "stimulus" spending, but that doesn’t mean we have to continue it.

Some say anger motivates men to action.

However, I say anger motivates people to spit on an old man in a wheelchair, who is trying to attend a Bush rally.

Wisdom solves problems.

Anger just makes people angry.

(Yes, I see the irony of a guy called: "The Angry Republican" lecturing about the evils of anger.)

So, with that, I will begin my conclusion with some ironic words from Winston Churchill.

Mr. Churchill said:

"America always does the right thing. (Once they have exhausted all other options.)"

It is, without a doubt, one of Churchill’s funniest lines. But it is so true.

We may not always "get it right." but in the end, "we make it right."

We made it through slavery and today, we can live side by side.

We forced Native Americans from their land, but yet today; we can live side by side.

We made it through a Civil War and several World Wars, and today; we can live side by side with our past enemies.

Some of us treat homosexuals like they are not human beings, and yet; we can still live side by side.

This mountain that sits in front of us, is not too high to climb.

America has survived MUCH greater challenges then this financial crisis.

You are JUST as strong as those who walked this path before.

(It’s just that no one tells you that.)

Because the pundits are too busy selling fear. (On both sides.)

Fear turns to anger.

And anger solves nothing.

*(note) At the time of writing this, President Obama was questioning whether he would sign a bill that would add a 90% tax on AIG executives. But, Obama hadn’t yet made a decision.

Valuable things that you need

Since the economy is not real good right now, people are looking for ways to make money.

Here at The Angry Republican, we have compiled a list of "things" that could become valuable over time, because of their historical content.

If you see any of these things, you may want to save them because they could be valuable in the future..!!

Let’s get started...

President Obama’s new Food and Drug Administration Chief is Margaret Hamburg. So, be on the lookout for a headline that reads:

"..Hamburg warns of the danger of eating hamburg.."

(OK, I admit that one was too easy. Let’s try another...)

If you can find any picture that shows what Republicans think that Democrats are talking about, when Democrats talk about "sex education for school children."

That picture could be valuable in the future, also...

Keep any official government document with the term "terrorist" or "enemy combatant" written on it. This government document could pull in some decent buck..!!

President Obama has stated that he will no longer use the terms: Terrorist, or enemy combatant, or prison camp.

The new term that President Obama wants you to use is: "social confinement commune."

It’s a great term..!! (Social Confinement Commune.)

A commune is a happy place where everything is provided for you. You need not do a thing or lift a finger. It is social, there are LOTS of people around you. And you are confined and cannot EVER leave.

Look for Big money from BIG places...

Look for and save a copy of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" where he tears into "Mad Money’s Jim Cramer."

It is valuable because it shows a democrat going after someone who TALKS about the economy, (as opposed to going after someone who actually hurt the economy like: Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Alan Greenspan, or Hank Paulson.)

Stewart winds up, he swings, and slams the ball into LEFT field..!! (Out of bounds, strike one.)

For Jon Stewart’s next "hard hitting" interview, he will address steroid use in baseball. Jon Stewart will whip the crap out of Bob Costas. (Bob Costas: is a sportscaster. Costas doesn’t play baseball or take steroids, however he does talk about baseball on TV.)

Also valuable one day...

Modern "Tea Parties" are becoming a common thing. These people gather to protest BIG government spending and BIG government power over your freedom.

A printed notice of one of these "tea parties" during the Obama administration is not very valuable because there are many of them. However, a printed notice of a "Tea Party" during the Bush administration is worth money.

(Think about that one, for a minute..!!)

Also valuable...

A copy of former college professor Ward Churchill singing: "God bless America" or "The National Anthem" will sell for a million bucks. Snatch one up if you can find it.

(Come on... Ward Churchill had to have attended a baseball game. Maybe he started to mumble "The National Anthem" or "God bless America" by accident?)

Also valuable to collectors...

Rush Limbaugh is sick from a cold or flu, twice every month. Matter of fact, Rush was sick last Monday and almost didn’t do his show. If you can find an audio tape of Rush Limbaugh selling "Airborne" cold remedy (Airborne: is supposed to stop or shorten a cold) snatch that audio tape up. More valuable yet: if you can find a commercial with Rush selling Airborne while hacking and coughing; you have struck gold..!!

The money rolls in...

If you can find a video tape of Barack Obama telling America that he will stop earmarks. Any video clip where Obama stated that he will not sign bills filled with earmarks, will be as valuable as President George HW Bush saying: "Read my lips, no new taxes."

Here’s another one...

If you can find any property with one of Glenn Beck’s bomb shelters built on it, BUY IT. It will be valuable.

(How to recognize a Glenn Beck bomb shelter?)

Glenn Beck’s bomb shelters are similar to other bomb shelters as in: it is filled with can food, guns, survival books, and bottled water. However, Beck’s shelter is different because it is filled with copies of the book "The Christmas Sweater" to sell to the masses after he peeks outside.

And Beck’s Bomb shelter comes complete with a radio broadcast booth and transmitter so he can continue to broadcast "Mor-on Trivia" even after the fall of Western society.

(Note) don’t be confused with the "old" bomb shelters that Beck built for terrorism 3 years ago.

(Also Note) don’t be confused by the bomb shelters that Beck built for Mexican people flooding into America last year.

We are talking about the current Beck bomb shelters; built to protect Beck from total economic collapse of the Western World.

And finally...

President Obama’s: "Hope and Change."

If you can find it...

It’s really, really valuable..!!

Selling fear- buying tons

I have been very tough on conservatives as of late. (And I promise this will be the last post in a while on this topic, I’m going back to comedy.)

I just hate to see us turn into a wacky "mirror" image of the far left.

I remember reading a liberal web site in 2007 that theorize that President Bush was going to "claim marshal law" over the "dangerous" country of Iran, in an attempt to remain in office forever. "Bush was going to cancel the 2008 election..!!"

This liberal site even had facts and legal bills that "sort of" PROVED what they were claiming. Tons of liberal readers were chiming in to warn of this pending doom.

It sounds funny now, doesn’t it..??

And it would be funny, except I am starting to see the same thing coming from the right.

If we were talking about political fighting and policy debate, I got no problem with that and I often take part in it.

However, today we are talking about the American economy and a possible depression.

What made the Great Depression so GREAT..??


Fear and panic.

When rich people FEAR the future, they hoard their money. They begin to move money overseas, they no longer invest in American interests. This causes a loss of jobs, stagnation in construction, and a lack of new ideas for industry. (Or ideas head overseas; along with the rich peoples money.)

When average people FEAR the future, they quit spending. This also causes a loss of jobs and companies that rely on your spending begin to close stores.

Unlike many of the political issues that we have debated in the past, this selling of fear, AT THIS TIME, is dangerous.

We could SCARE ourselves right into a Great Depression.

Folks, I got to say this...

I consider this as equal to the crazy liberals who called American soldiers: "torturers and terrorists" while these poor soldiers were trying to with a war.

We conservatives saw this as an attempt to lose the war for political gain.

Today, I see this "selling of fear" by the conservative media as an attempt to bring on a depression for political gain.

(Not that I believe any decent conservative really wants to bring on a depression. Just as I never believed that any America loving liberal really wanted to see America lose a war.) We just get misguided from time to time.

Do I want to see this kind of federal spending coming from Washington..??

Hell no. I prefer a smaller government that stays out of our lives. (And our wallets.)

But I refuse to SCARE people into a Great Depression.

What goes around...

Comes back in your face.

Sometimes we feel that TODAY we are experiencing something "new" that America has never seen before.

That our two party system of government is "out of control" and gone too far.

This is what I love about studying history...

There is nothing that CAN BE DONE, that cannot be "undone" later on.

The politics of today is no worse than it was in the past.

Take this flyer from 1963...

The flyer shows Democratic President JFK and claims that he has committed (sic) treasonous acts against America. For the war in Vietnam, his dealings with Cuba, and it lists other "so called" crimes against the constitution.

Now, I’m not willing to say that this flyer was put out by the republican party. However, it was done by people who wanted democratic JFK out of office.

I bring it up because in modern times we saw progressive members use this very same tactic on President Bush. Though each member of the progressive movement saw, "with their own eyes", their democratic congress vote with President Bush to give the authority to remove Saddam from power in Iraq. It didn’t matter to them, they still used the political tactic of calling Bush a "war criminal."

Let’s do one more...

This political cartoon is from 1901.

This cartoon shows America as a "ship" and Uncle Sam is booting off a person who doesn’t agree with the way the ship is being run. The person being booted off represents the old way of doing things. Also, a person who speaks out about change.

This cartoon was favoring Republican Theodore Roosevelt and his policy of busting up BIG railroad trusts and setting aside land for National Forests. Fighting against the greed of the past.

Today, this same tactic is being used by President Obama. Because of "greed from the past", we must attack corporate America today.

Anyone who disagrees with the "Obama ship" should be cast off the side. (As in President Obama telling people not to listen to Rush Limbaugh, etc.)

I find these very interesting. They display so well that things you do to the "other political party" can come back to haunt you.

Also, spreading FEAR about a depression could actually cause a depression.

FACTS are stubborn things..

Current jobless rate- 8%

The last time the jobless rate was at 8%

1983- During President Reagan.

Jobless rate during the Great Depression-



Take a deep breath.

We are not in a Great Depression.

We are not going to be a communistic country.

There is nothing that can be done, that cannot be undone later on.

Political traps- watch where you step

There are traps being placed all over the American landscape.

Political traps.

A politician must tread lightly.

Trap 1-

Get republicans crying about the current President Obama spending bill. Get famous republicans and conservatives (on tape) whining about the earmarks and the spending in Obama’s bill.

Then, in 2010 and 2012: you can show this video, (of the republican crying about Obama’s bill) along with all the earmark spending that republicans signed onto during President Bush’s 8 years in office.

This will showcase the hypocrisy of the republicans, and guaranty a democratic victory in 2010 and 2012. This will be done on a local level with local newspapers and TV commercials. It will knock out conservative Reps. and Senators.

Trap 2-

Make Rush Limbaugh the voice of the republican party. (Rush- A strawman who pours gasoline on himself and hands you the matches, along with directions on how to light the matches.)

Once Rush is firmly the leading voice of the republican party, you can then play radical "things" that Rush has said in the past, (out of context, naturally.)

Trap 2 will also give democrats a clear victory in 2010 and again in 2012.

Most Americans DO NOT like Rush Limbaugh.

Now, if you listen to 3 hours of Glenn Beck, then 3 hours of Rush Limbaugh, followed by 3 hours of Sean Hannity. Then you turn on Fox News to round out your evening...

Well, your not going to understand what I am saying. You have probably began to tune me out. You are tuning me out because I am not saying the things that you want to hear.

Rush has about 20 million listeners each week. (There are 300 million Americans.)

In a resent poll, people: age 40 and under- only 11 percent claim that they like and listen to Rush Limbaugh.

There are those conservatives, (and people who call themselves Libertarians) who will say: "FINE- I am NOT compromising my principals for anyone.."

That is fine, that is great..!! And you will sit in your little world, being ruled by liberal democrats.

Yes, it is very wise for Team Obama to make Rush Limbaugh the ultimate republican strawman.

Then, you must add in the spectacle of the RNC Chairman Michael Steele apologizing to Rush for comments he had made about Rush, which is being broadcast in humiliating fashion via the Internet and making the RNC a 3 ring circus, complete with a grandstanding showman: Rush.

It is a circus..!!

The focus shouldn’t be on us.

We lost.

The focus should be on President Obama who picked another cabinet member who cheated on their taxes.

We should not focus on earmarks in Obama’s bill because republicans spent quite a bit on earmarks when they held power.

I have come to the conclusion that people do not want to hear republicans condemning President Obama when he has only been in office for a few weeks. (Just the same way as we did not care for liberals attacking President Bush early on.)

So, what can I do? If I do not talk about Obama’s spending (because it is a trap..??)


A funny thing happened to me during this last election. (My candidate: Mitt Romney didn’t get nominated. Then, my adopted candidate: John McCain, didn’t win.)

And, I happened to re- watch the HBO mini series: John Adams.

This caused me to re-think: national politics.

Don’t get me wrong, on a national level, government is VERY important. The person in the White House does effect our lives. People in the Senate can redefine the Constitution.

But consider this...

Your president and senate could do everything that you ask of them. They could give huge tax cuts, across the board, to everyone.

Then some local or state government VOIDS those tax cuts by raising local taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, and the likes.

This caused me to re-think politics.

I began to be drawn closer to localism.

What is happening in my state.

What the leaders are doing in my city.

Yes, the Internet is helpful in reaching the people in your community. However, your local newspaper is still the best way.

Most of your city officials still read the local newspapers. Through the newsprint, it is the best way to reach out.

You could write a letter to your local politician, and you might get a response back. But many times your issue ends right there.

However, if you write a local column about an issue and it causes your city officials to respond, you have made the whole town aware of the confrontation.

So, I decided to return to writing a newspaper column and editorial cartooning.

(I forgot how much work it takes in putting a political cartoon together..!!)

As a result of this, my web site: "The Angry Republican" has suffered. (Some might say it has been suffering for years.)

My last two editorials have no political pictures that I snag from the media and place dialog boxes with goofy sayings in them. And my posting rate is next to nothing.

But, I feel that localism is an important place to put political efforts.

Doing work for the newspaper doesn’t reap great financial rewards. The pay is very little.

However, there is something more to it..!! Like you are part of this huge machine. A machine that is controlling the direction of local policy.

And for a short period, they let you take the steering wheel of this machine.

One of my last political cartoons poked fun at City Council for wanting to place a new tax on residents under the guise of "safety."

So, my political cartoon happened to be in the newspaper the same day of a scheduled City Council meeting. I tuned into the meeting (on TV) because they would be debating this new "safety" tax.

Low and behold, the City Council each had a copy of my political cartoon and began to debate its merits.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. This was bigger than I expected..!!

One Council member said: "The Times (a competing newspaper) could have done a MUCH BETTER job of making fun of us.." The Council laughed.

This was, of course, an insult on my "cartooning abilities."

However, you cannot insult my cartooning abilities because I am a terrible artist. I know it, and I am not really sure why they pay me to do it..??

Another Council member tried to reassure the City that this "safety tax" was for our own good, and that no money would be left over, after paying for the "costs" of the safety program.

A third member, (who maybe more conservative) said that he was GLAD someone was doing local political cartooning, "because we just do not see it much anymore."

We just do not see it much anymore...

For 100 years, our local newspapers have been our voice.

Your local newspaper has been one sure way that you can get your opinion out to the community. (Via: Letters to the Editor. Advertising, etc.)

These local newspapers are in trouble today.

With the Internet grabbing readers and advertiser, it is getting tough for a newspaper to survive.

I realize that it is foolish to try and save a business that prints "news" on paper. (When an electronic version is ready available.)

Yet, many local newspapers are caught in the middle. Trying to build an electronic version of their paper, while hanging on to the printed- paper form.

Some local papers are giving up entirely. Closing both the printed and electronic versions.

I know that many conservatives would say that we should let these "liberal rags fail," but it is the local voice of our community.

I do not want to see a newspaper bailout by the government..!!

But the only other alternative is for me to support them.

For years I have bitched about a "liberal media."

I have bitched about it on my web site. (And this, of course, achieved nothing.)

Why didn’t I join the newspaper and change it..??

Why don’t more conservatives join the news business and change it..??

Why don’t more conservatives become teachers in our school systems, and change the liberal bias in school..??

So, there you have it...

By answering these questions, you can see why I did what I have done.

It is great!

I can support local newspapers while getting more involved in local politics.

The republican party needs a shakedown and it MUST start at the local level. From bottom to top.

On a national level...

We all agree that the path that President Obama is taking will not work.

We must trust our instincts and let Obama fail on his own.