If you were heading off to spend an evening at The Democratic Convention this fall, what should you bring with you..??
A shirt and shoes..??
(You will not be able to enter The Democratic Convention without a shirt and a pair of shoes- Sandals are ok.)
How about an umbrella..??
(The Democratic Convention is sure to be gloomy. Filled with talk about how "bad" America is.)
Or maybe you should bring a "Goo Gun".
("Goo Gun"- A high tech defensive weapon which shoots jets of sticky foam that immobilizes your fellow democrats. Once you have fired the "Goo Gun" at an angry- protesting liberal, the sticky foam glues their legs together and they fall to the ground. Your "peaceful" progressive protester is now firmly "glued to the ground" by the "Goo Gun" and cannot harm you or any other fellow democrats.)
18 MILLION dollars…
That is the amount of money being spent by Denver City officials on new police equipment to help control the "peaceful" liberal protesters during The Democratic Convention.
"Peaceful" progressive protesters tend to start riots and injure themselves or other fellow liberals.
The Denver police need special equipment to deal with the "compassionate, caring" democrats as they beat on each other during the Convention.
During a Denver City meeting, the topic of non-lethal weapons, such as "Goo Guns" and "Sonic Wave blasters" came up.
("Sonic Wave Blasters"- sometimes referred to as the "Puke Gun", because it emits a wave of sound that causes a liberal protester to double over, a feeling of being sick to your stomach happens, and some people vomit.)
Let me see if I understand this…
To deal with all the liberals heading to Denver for The Democratic Convention, the City is spending 18 million dollars on specialized equipment to shoot at the angry democrats?
Here at The Republican Convention, we are NOT contemplating "Goo Guns" and "Puke Guns"…
Republicans are trying to figure out which would be better- melon wedges, celery and ranch dressing, or cheese and crackers.
Some folks might think that a "riot" is exciting.
Who wants to go to a political convention and hear a bunch of politicians speaking?
The Democratic Convention is a time to bust beer bottles in the street while chanting "Yes, we can."
It is a time for rubbing fake blood on your face while holding a sign that reads: "No blood for oil", while chanting "Death to America."
The Democratic Convention is the perfect time to spray paint the words: "Earth Killer" on the side of parked cars, and then setting these cars on fire.
Who wants to spend the day at The Republican Convention, with people listening to possible future leaders, and forming intelligent conclusions based on knowledge?
The Democratic Convention is much more fun..!!
Things getting busted up.
People being arrested.
And the costumes that the liberal protesters wear…
They have such imagination.
My personal favorite is the guy who wears the President Bush mask, an orange prison outfit, and a pair of handcuffs. That guy usually gets the liberal crowd going.
Hopefully, Barack Obama will have time to stop in and give a speech at The Democratic Convention?
Obama was too busy to visit the wounded troops in Iraq. (But he did call some of them on the phone..!!)
If Obama is too busy to attend The Democratic Convention, I am sure he will, at least, call..!!
A telephone call from Obama would be nice.
The Angry Republican's- helpful tips for attending the political conventions.
(You may want to print out this list and keep it handy. You can start TODAY rounding up these useful tools for the convention.)
The Democratic Convention-
A backpack: filled with supplies for hiking. You do NOT want to park your car anywhere near the convention. Cars are a favorite target for rioting "peaceful" liberal protesters.
The Republican Convention-
A book, a handheld video game, "No Doze", Jolt Cola, or any other chemical that helps you stay awake.
The Democratic Convention-
Some type of poster / sign. It is best if your poster makes no sense, like: "If Iraq is so important, why are fish dying in Alaska." This poster causes angry liberals to STOP busting your head, and ponder what the hell your sign is saying. It has a "calming" effect on angry progressives.
The Republican Convention-
Photos of your family, your dog, your house, or any creature that you have shot with a gun. (Also bring a Bible.) This is what we conservatives do! We recite Bible verses while showing each other photos of animals we have killed.
The Democratic Convention-
Bring one jug of fake blood. If things get tricky and you find yourself surrounded by angry "peaceful" protesters, you can pour the fake blood on your head and begin chanting: "Bush killed more people than Hitler." This is not true, of course, but it doesn't matter. Angry liberals will smile, shake your hand, and leave you alone.
The Republican Convention-
A pair of dark sunglasses. If you find yourself falling asleep at the convention, please place the sunglasses over your eyes. (This way the TV cameras do not catch a bunch of people "sleeping" at The Republican Convention.) It is a "party" loyalty type thing..!!
We hope that this list will help you prepare for the up coming conventions. We have printed this list ahead of time so that you can begin collecting these various items.
So if you are looking for a convention where people exchange ideas, plan for the future, and show pictures of animals that they have killed with a gun; The Republican Convention is for you.
However, if you are looking for the excitement of watching skulls being bashed in. People wearing fake blood and being arrested for urinating on public property. If you enjoy watching your fellow democrats being shot by a "Puke Gun"; then The Democratic Convention is your ticket.
You never know…
Barack Obama just might telephone the convention and say hello. (If he has time.)
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican.
Where did I get what I got, when what I got was given..??
Denver worries about using "Goo Guns", "Puke Guns" and other police equipment to STOP angry "peaceful" liberal protesters at the friendly, but dangerous- Democratic Convention.
"Holy Puke, Batman…
The Democrats have Goo Guns..??"
Friendly, peaceful progressive protesters try and GRAB Karl Rove on the street. Find themselves being carted off to the slammer.
"The Hokey- Pokey"
Every TV channel is sending their News Anchors overseas to broadcast Barack Obama setting foot on foreign soil.
This didn't happen when President Bush last traveled overseas.
When John McCain ventured to Afghanistan and Iraq, maybe you saw some stock video footage of McCain walking and talking. However, the TV News teams did not send their "top dogs" to cover McCain's visit.
Why so much attention on this visit overseas from Obama..??
Because this is the first time that a "Black Man" has visited Europe.
I am trying to figure out why so much attention on one man traveling to Europe..??
John Kerry, who is also a democrat, traveled overseas and did not get this kind of attention. Kerry, McCain, and President Bush all share something in common; they are "White." So party affiliation has nothing to do with it.
It MUST be about skin color..!!
People in Europe have never seen a "Black Man" before, so this is an historic visit of a "Black Man" traveling to Europe. Therefore, we must send all of the TV News anchors to cover this monumental event..!!
Reverend Jesse Jackson, (who by the way, is also Black, and also ran for president) traveled overseas and did not get this kind of treatment. Jackson was lucky if a small child captured his arrival on a home video camera.
So maybe it has nothing to do with "the first Black Man traveling to Europe."
Could it be that "BIG Media" is actually pushing for a "President Obama"..??
This just can't be…
I can't believe this to be true..!!
Remember how angry Liberals get when they think that "BIG Oil" has any influence on republicans..??
So liberals WOULD NOT tolerate "BIG Media" pushing an American political candidate?
Would they..??
I must conclude that Liberals are watching "BIG Media" the same way that they watch "BIG Oil" and no "monkey business" is taking place here.
Because if there was some "monkey business" going on, our liberal "watch dog" friends would report about "BIG Media" pushing a particular political candidate.
So what could it be..??
Why would every national TV channel send it's top people to cover Barack Obama landing in foreign countries..??
Why would every News channel need to cover Barack Obama setting his foot on foreign soil, when they did NOT do this for Bush, Kerry, Jesse Jackson, or John McCain?
Could it be that every News producer in the business is infatuated with Barack Obama and his "WE COULD HAVE" speech..??
You remember Obama's "WE COULD HAVE" speech, that he delivered this past Monday?
I am paraphrasing because I do not have a copy of it here handy. (And the Obama people keep changing the Obama Web Site to match current poll results.)
Obama's speech went something like this:
The famous "WE COULD HAVE" speech, by Barack Obama.
"WE COULD HAVE" paid higher taxes and helped the poor people. People like that homeless man that I stepped over to get into my SUV.
"WE COULD HAVE" stayed in Afghanistan instead of invading Iraq. Then we would be fighting the full strength of al Qaeda in Afghanistan- a country with mountainous terrain that bogged down the Mighty Soviet Empire for eight years. Instead of fighting al Qaeda in Iraq- a flat country in which you can use tanks, trucks, and other modern equipment.
"WE COULD HAVE" hidden in the grassy knoll in 1963 and then we would know who really shot JFK.
"WE COULD HAVE" stopped our friend from eating that greasy bean burrito, and he wouldn't have puked in our car Saturday night.
"WE COULD HAVE" invested in alternative energy so we wouldn't be so dependant on foreign oil. (Duhhh)
"WE COULD HAVE" invested in Microsoft when Bill Gates was just starting out. Today we would be filthy rich and I, President Obama, could tax the crap out of all of us.
"WE COULD HAVE" stayed in the Senate a few more years and gain some experience.
Obama's national government experience- 143 DAYS in the senate. (Then he started running for president.)
McCain's national government experience- 20 years, plus almost two decades in the military.
"WE COULD HAVE" captured Osama bin Laden in Sudan when the government had him held at the border. Then 9/11wouldn't have happened, and we wouldn't be HERE right now. Instead, President Clinton told Sudan to let bin Laden go free.
I believe that is how the famous- Obama: "WE COULD HAVE" speech went. (A couple of those lines might not be totally correct. Remember that I am going from memory.)
Maybe the American TV News teams are on to something..??
Maybe the Europeans will love Barack Obama and his "WE COULD HAVE" speech?
I can just picture it now…
Obama, (standing somewhere in Europe) pick a place. Delivering the famous "WE COULD HAVE" speech…
"WE COULD HAVE" known that the colonists would start a revolution. (English, French, and Spanish colonists) We could have placed more soldiers in the New World to stop this revolution and today we would be getting tax money from America, Canada, and Mexico. Money we could use here in Britain, France, and Spain.
"WE COULD HAVE" known that the "Moops" would invade our land. We could have stopped the "Moops" in their tracks.
Oh, yes…
Obama could be a HIT in Europe.
Maybe we need to call Dan Rather. He needs to pack his bags and get on the next fight overseas.
This is big, people…
"WE COULD HAVE" stopped Hitler and also WW1. "WE COULD HAVE" stopped the creation of the gasoline engine and saved the earth. "WE COULD HAVE" stopped that crazy Monk and his Spanish Inquisition.
Written by AR Babonie, (who is not blogging much during this GREAT summer) for The Angry Republican
"I always turn to the sports page first. The sports page records people's accomplishments; the front page (is) nothing but man's failure." — Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States (1891-1974).
Every TV channel is sending their News Anchors overseas to broadcast Barack Obama setting foot on foreign soil.
This didn't happen when President Bush last traveled overseas.
When John McCain ventured to Afghanistan and Iraq, maybe you saw some stock video footage of McCain walking and talking. However, the TV News teams did not send their "top dogs" to cover McCain's visit.
Why so much attention on this visit overseas from Obama..??
Because this is the first time that a "Black Man" has visited Europe.
I am trying to figure out why so much attention on one man traveling to Europe..??
John Kerry, who is also a democrat, traveled overseas and did not get this kind of attention. Kerry, McCain, and President Bush all share something in common; they are "White." So party affiliation has nothing to do with it.
It MUST be about skin color..!!
People in Europe have never seen a "Black Man" before, so this is an historic visit of a "Black Man" traveling to Europe. Therefore, we must send all of the TV News anchors to cover this monumental event..!!
Reverend Jesse Jackson, (who by the way, is also Black, and also ran for president) traveled overseas and did not get this kind of treatment. Jackson was lucky if a small child captured his arrival on a home video camera.
So maybe it has nothing to do with "the first Black Man traveling to Europe."
Could it be that "BIG Media" is actually pushing for a "President Obama"..??
This just can't be…
I can't believe this to be true..!!
Remember how angry Liberals get when they think that "BIG Oil" has any influence on republicans..??
So liberals WOULD NOT tolerate "BIG Media" pushing an American political candidate?
Would they..??
I must conclude that Liberals are watching "BIG Media" the same way that they watch "BIG Oil" and no "monkey business" is taking place here.
Because if there was some "monkey business" going on, our liberal "watch dog" friends would report about "BIG Media" pushing a particular political candidate.
So what could it be..??
Why would every national TV channel send it's top people to cover Barack Obama landing in foreign countries..??
Why would every News channel need to cover Barack Obama setting his foot on foreign soil, when they did NOT do this for Bush, Kerry, Jesse Jackson, or John McCain?
Could it be that every News producer in the business is infatuated with Barack Obama and his "WE COULD HAVE" speech..??
You remember Obama's "WE COULD HAVE" speech, that he delivered this past Monday?
I am paraphrasing because I do not have a copy of it here handy. (And the Obama people keep changing the Obama Web Site to match current poll results.)
Obama's speech went something like this:
The famous "WE COULD HAVE" speech, by Barack Obama.
"WE COULD HAVE" paid higher taxes and helped the poor people. People like that homeless man that I stepped over to get into my SUV.
"WE COULD HAVE" stayed in Afghanistan instead of invading Iraq. Then we would be fighting the full strength of al Qaeda in Afghanistan- a country with mountainous terrain that bogged down the Mighty Soviet Empire for eight years. Instead of fighting al Qaeda in Iraq- a flat country in which you can use tanks, trucks, and other modern equipment.
"WE COULD HAVE" hidden in the grassy knoll in 1963 and then we would know who really shot JFK.
"WE COULD HAVE" stopped our friend from eating that greasy bean burrito, and he wouldn't have puked in our car Saturday night.
"WE COULD HAVE" invested in alternative energy so we wouldn't be so dependant on foreign oil. (Duhhh)
"WE COULD HAVE" invested in Microsoft when Bill Gates was just starting out. Today we would be filthy rich and I, President Obama, could tax the crap out of all of us.
"WE COULD HAVE" stayed in the Senate a few more years and gain some experience.
Obama's national government experience- 143 DAYS in the senate. (Then he started running for president.)
McCain's national government experience- 20 years, plus almost two decades in the military.
"WE COULD HAVE" captured Osama bin Laden in Sudan when the government had him held at the border. Then 9/11wouldn't have happened, and we wouldn't be HERE right now. Instead, President Clinton told Sudan to let bin Laden go free.
I believe that is how the famous- Obama: "WE COULD HAVE" speech went. (A couple of those lines might not be totally correct. Remember that I am going from memory.)
Maybe the American TV News teams are on to something..??
Maybe the Europeans will love Barack Obama and his "WE COULD HAVE" speech?
I can just picture it now…
Obama, (standing somewhere in Europe) pick a place. Delivering the famous "WE COULD HAVE" speech…
"WE COULD HAVE" known that the colonists would start a revolution. (English, French, and Spanish colonists) We could have placed more soldiers in the New World to stop this revolution and today we would be getting tax money from America, Canada, and Mexico. Money we could use here in Britain, France, and Spain.
"WE COULD HAVE" known that the "Moops" would invade our land. We could have stopped the "Moops" in their tracks.
Oh, yes…
Obama could be a HIT in Europe.
Maybe we need to call Dan Rather. He needs to pack his bags and get on the next fight overseas.
This is big, people…
"WE COULD HAVE" stopped Hitler and also WW1. "WE COULD HAVE" stopped the creation of the gasoline engine and saved the earth. "WE COULD HAVE" stopped that crazy Monk and his Spanish Inquisition.
Written by AR Babonie, (who is not blogging much during this GREAT summer) for The Angry Republican
"I always turn to the sports page first. The sports page records people's accomplishments; the front page (is) nothing but man's failure." — Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States (1891-1974).
Obama- TALK this way
Obama speaks about mis-speaking, when he spoke about how we speak.
When he spoke, about speaking, Obama was speaking about the spoken education on speech.
He wasn't speaking about the speech that an American bloke had spoke, if the "spoken bloke" would speak about speech..!!
(He) told me to: Walk this way, TALK this way
"…instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English — they'll learn English — you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish…" (Said by Barack Obama, July 2008)
He told me to "walk this way, talk this way.."
"…You know, it's embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is 'merci beaucoup!'" Obama said, laughing…" (Obama- July 2008)
To quote Aerosmith one more time…
(He) told me to "walk this way, talk this way.."
"…While the Obama campaign says that Obama speaks a little bit of Indonesian, Obama himself admits that he isn’t bilingual.
"I know because I don’t speak a foreign language. It’s embarrassing!" he said…"
I listened to many, many talk shows on this topic of Obama and foreign languages, and to me; most people are missing the big picture.
The reason that Europeans, who come to America, can speak several languages is because mostly- these people are affluent.
The poor and the middle class in other countries cannot afford to travel around the world.
However, in America our standard of living is such that a middle class person, who may not have any college education, can afford to travel to France, Germany, or Spain.
Many Americans, who are affluent, can also speak several languages.
(Fact)- 70 % of American school children ARE learning a second language.
So what the hell is Obama talking about..??
He must have this cartoon image of Americans (named- Bubba and Bertha) heading to Europe, looking for a hotdog with cheese fries, and a Bud Beer…
Obama, like many on the left, does not have high regards for Americans. I blame liberals in the education system for this. However, children should reach beyond their schooling. (Remember, I was once a liberal. But after educating myself further on how social programs stunt human growth and potential, I became conservative.)
Most of the people, who I know that learned a foreign language in school, have forgotten most of it because they never use it here in America.
America isn't Europe…
In Europe, with many countries clustered together, you would have an opportunity to meet people that speak other languages on a daily basis.
However here in America, where most people speak English, it isn't that valuable of a tool.
Matter of fact, when I lived in Los Angeles, knowing Spanish wasn't that important. Most of my bosses spoke English. My boss was the only person that I needed to understand. If I wanted to be a manager, foreman, or team leader, I would just place a bilingual person as my- second in command.
I'm not sure why Obama decided to take this stand..??
It doesn't make sense..?
Out of all the issues of the day, learning a second language is important to Obama..??
I might place Math a little higher on the importance scale.
Maybe proper English and writing…
How about that one Obama..??
How about kids learning to speak proper English- First..!!
I would place science and engineering much higher on the scale, than a second language.
Why do so many liberals want to "change" America into "little Europe?"
If you LOVE Europe so much, go visit the place..!!
(Learn the language first, however. Obama will be "embarrassed" of you, if you only speak English.)
Why is Obama "embarrassed" about this anyway..??
Embarrassment is formed in your mind when you believe that you, (or the Europeans) are BETTER than average Americans.
Obama has proved once again that he is a snob. Obama is an elitist.
Obama insulted my State of Pennsylvania by saying "we cling to our guns and religion because we are bitter…"
Now Obama has insulted middle class America because we do not speak French.
What the hell do I need to speak French for..??
I know one French guy, and he has lived in America most of his life. He doesn't even know French. And he doesn't plan on going back to France, anytime soon.
If you love Europe so much Obama, you can always go live there. (Word to the wise) You better stay in America and make several more millions first, before you head over there. You will need it. A cheap apartment goes for $300,000 US, gas is $9 bucks a gallon, (buy a scooter), food is expensive, and you will pay tons in taxes.
If you love Europe, then go live there.
We are NOT changing America into "little Europe. Not on my watch, Pal…" We fought a war and paid tons of money to break away from Europe.
I have said this many times and will probably say it a hundred times before this election is over-
When Obama reads a prepared speech from a teleprompter, he does pretty well.
However, when Obama wonders around the English language- searching for a coherent idea (that he can call his own,) Obama sucks big time.
Obama screws the pooch, every time.
There is one way that John McCain will win this election… (That would be) if Obama continues to screw up the only thing that Obama has going for him:
Public speaking.
Hard line left-wingers are pissed at Obama's "right turn."
The Reverend Jackson is pissed at Obama, and his "Black-ness."
And even the die-hard democrat: Actor- Robert Redford concludes; "…I hope (Obama will) win. I think he will. If he doesn't, you can kiss the Democratic Party goodbye…"
There is no unity in the Democratic Party.
The "party of the people" has insulted it's "people" because we do not speak French.
False democracy shouts "Every man down" to the level of the average. True democracy cries "All men up" to the height of their fullest capacity for service and achievement." — Nicholas Murray Butler, American educator (1862-1947).
Tony Snow has passed away do to cancer. Tony was 53 years old.
My first thought when I heard this news this morning was: "Well, those bastards at The Daily Kos got their wish.. Tony Snow is dead."
(You may remember that when Tony Snow's cancer returned, commentors at Daily Kos were happy that Snow had cancer. Because Tony Snow worked for President Bush and was conservative. Because Tony Snow was a republican, he should be dead. Was the thinking at The Daily Kos.)
My second thought was sadness. These men, Tony Snow and Tim Russert, who pass away in their 50's, are missing a lifetime.
We see John McCain in his 70's, starting out on a new career as president. George Burns was still doing stand- up comedy in his 90's.
Cancer and heart failure…
We still have a long way to go in this medicine.
I am beginning to wonder if the traditional thought- that men who reach age 50 should check for colon cancer- might be too late?
Maybe at age 45, men should start being checked periodically. If you can spot colon cancer early enough, it is not deadly.
Tony Snow will be missed.
If you are interested in the life of Tony Snow, just tune into Fox News, (anytime today.) They will do a much better job of recalling Snow's achievements, than I ever could.
Other stories covered in this editorial:
Robert Redford says: If you don't vote democrat, then this party is over.
Obama speaks about mis-speaking, when he spoke about how we speak. When he spoke, about speaking, Obama was speaking about the spoken education on speech. He wasn't speaking about the speech that an American bloke had spoke, if the spoken bloke would speak about speech..!!
You follow me on that one..??
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican
When he spoke, about speaking, Obama was speaking about the spoken education on speech.
He wasn't speaking about the speech that an American bloke had spoke, if the "spoken bloke" would speak about speech..!!
(He) told me to: Walk this way, TALK this way
"…instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English — they'll learn English — you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish…" (Said by Barack Obama, July 2008)
He told me to "walk this way, talk this way.."
"…You know, it's embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is 'merci beaucoup!'" Obama said, laughing…" (Obama- July 2008)
To quote Aerosmith one more time…
(He) told me to "walk this way, talk this way.."
"…While the Obama campaign says that Obama speaks a little bit of Indonesian, Obama himself admits that he isn’t bilingual.
"I know because I don’t speak a foreign language. It’s embarrassing!" he said…"
I listened to many, many talk shows on this topic of Obama and foreign languages, and to me; most people are missing the big picture.
The reason that Europeans, who come to America, can speak several languages is because mostly- these people are affluent.
The poor and the middle class in other countries cannot afford to travel around the world.
However, in America our standard of living is such that a middle class person, who may not have any college education, can afford to travel to France, Germany, or Spain.
Many Americans, who are affluent, can also speak several languages.
(Fact)- 70 % of American school children ARE learning a second language.
So what the hell is Obama talking about..??
He must have this cartoon image of Americans (named- Bubba and Bertha) heading to Europe, looking for a hotdog with cheese fries, and a Bud Beer…
Obama, like many on the left, does not have high regards for Americans. I blame liberals in the education system for this. However, children should reach beyond their schooling. (Remember, I was once a liberal. But after educating myself further on how social programs stunt human growth and potential, I became conservative.)
Most of the people, who I know that learned a foreign language in school, have forgotten most of it because they never use it here in America.
America isn't Europe…
In Europe, with many countries clustered together, you would have an opportunity to meet people that speak other languages on a daily basis.
However here in America, where most people speak English, it isn't that valuable of a tool.
Matter of fact, when I lived in Los Angeles, knowing Spanish wasn't that important. Most of my bosses spoke English. My boss was the only person that I needed to understand. If I wanted to be a manager, foreman, or team leader, I would just place a bilingual person as my- second in command.
I'm not sure why Obama decided to take this stand..??
It doesn't make sense..?
Out of all the issues of the day, learning a second language is important to Obama..??
I might place Math a little higher on the importance scale.
Maybe proper English and writing…
How about that one Obama..??
How about kids learning to speak proper English- First..!!
I would place science and engineering much higher on the scale, than a second language.
Why do so many liberals want to "change" America into "little Europe?"
If you LOVE Europe so much, go visit the place..!!
(Learn the language first, however. Obama will be "embarrassed" of you, if you only speak English.)
Why is Obama "embarrassed" about this anyway..??
Embarrassment is formed in your mind when you believe that you, (or the Europeans) are BETTER than average Americans.
Obama has proved once again that he is a snob. Obama is an elitist.
Obama insulted my State of Pennsylvania by saying "we cling to our guns and religion because we are bitter…"
Now Obama has insulted middle class America because we do not speak French.
What the hell do I need to speak French for..??
I know one French guy, and he has lived in America most of his life. He doesn't even know French. And he doesn't plan on going back to France, anytime soon.
If you love Europe so much Obama, you can always go live there. (Word to the wise) You better stay in America and make several more millions first, before you head over there. You will need it. A cheap apartment goes for $300,000 US, gas is $9 bucks a gallon, (buy a scooter), food is expensive, and you will pay tons in taxes.
If you love Europe, then go live there.
We are NOT changing America into "little Europe. Not on my watch, Pal…" We fought a war and paid tons of money to break away from Europe.
I have said this many times and will probably say it a hundred times before this election is over-
When Obama reads a prepared speech from a teleprompter, he does pretty well.
However, when Obama wonders around the English language- searching for a coherent idea (that he can call his own,) Obama sucks big time.
Obama screws the pooch, every time.
There is one way that John McCain will win this election… (That would be) if Obama continues to screw up the only thing that Obama has going for him:
Public speaking.
Hard line left-wingers are pissed at Obama's "right turn."
The Reverend Jackson is pissed at Obama, and his "Black-ness."
And even the die-hard democrat: Actor- Robert Redford concludes; "…I hope (Obama will) win. I think he will. If he doesn't, you can kiss the Democratic Party goodbye…"
There is no unity in the Democratic Party.
The "party of the people" has insulted it's "people" because we do not speak French.
False democracy shouts "Every man down" to the level of the average. True democracy cries "All men up" to the height of their fullest capacity for service and achievement." — Nicholas Murray Butler, American educator (1862-1947).
Tony Snow has passed away do to cancer. Tony was 53 years old.
My first thought when I heard this news this morning was: "Well, those bastards at The Daily Kos got their wish.. Tony Snow is dead."
(You may remember that when Tony Snow's cancer returned, commentors at Daily Kos were happy that Snow had cancer. Because Tony Snow worked for President Bush and was conservative. Because Tony Snow was a republican, he should be dead. Was the thinking at The Daily Kos.)
My second thought was sadness. These men, Tony Snow and Tim Russert, who pass away in their 50's, are missing a lifetime.
We see John McCain in his 70's, starting out on a new career as president. George Burns was still doing stand- up comedy in his 90's.
Cancer and heart failure…
We still have a long way to go in this medicine.
I am beginning to wonder if the traditional thought- that men who reach age 50 should check for colon cancer- might be too late?
Maybe at age 45, men should start being checked periodically. If you can spot colon cancer early enough, it is not deadly.
Tony Snow will be missed.
If you are interested in the life of Tony Snow, just tune into Fox News, (anytime today.) They will do a much better job of recalling Snow's achievements, than I ever could.
Other stories covered in this editorial:
Robert Redford says: If you don't vote democrat, then this party is over.
Obama speaks about mis-speaking, when he spoke about how we speak. When he spoke, about speaking, Obama was speaking about the spoken education on speech. He wasn't speaking about the speech that an American bloke had spoke, if the spoken bloke would speak about speech..!!
You follow me on that one..??
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican
Obama- George Bush's third term
As Obama gains experience, so to comes wisdom.
It is easy to stand on the soapbox and tell The Daily Kos bloggers that you intend to pull all the troops out of Iraq- quickly.
(Frankly, you can tell those people at Kos just about anything, and they will believe you. Just as long as it is anti- military and anti- American.)
However, when you gain experience and knowledge, you realize that you cannot pull the troops out of Iraq- quickly. Insurgents will overrun the country and you will look like an ass.
With experience and wisdom comes the realization that you cannot set a "pull out of Iraq date", (such as 16 months- the time frame that Obama told his liberals worshipers.) Because the enemy will wait until that date, overrun the country, and you will look like an ass.
Barack Obama doesn't want to look like an ass.
So Obama has decided to NOT stick to a "pull out date" and NOT leave Iraq- quickly. Obama wants to end the war, but now he cannot tell YOU when.
It is easy to stand on the soapbox and tell people like EKYprogressive and Strider that you are against wiretapping without a warrant and that you would like to see the telephone companies, that help the United States Government, SUED because they helped eavesdrop on terrorists.
However, with experience comes wisdom.
Obama now realizes that to catch terrorists in the act, you may not have time to get a warrant. Telephone companies are helping the government and therefore it does not justify criminal punishment.
It is easy to stand on the soapbox and tell the Black community that you cannot throw your church or your reverend under the bus for things he may have said.
However, with experience comes wisdom.
After Obama actually took the time to listen to Reverend Wright, he quickly tossed the reverend under the- diesel sucking, 5:35- blue route- metro bus.
As a conservative, it would be easy for me to grab a pair of rubber flip-flops and wave them in the air, while chanting "flip-flop.. flip-flop.."
But I am not going to do that with Barack Obama.
If you people are intent on electing Obama as the 44th president of this great country, I dam sure hope he "flip-flops" on these and many other issues.
I applaud Obama on his "flips," and I encourage Obama to do more "flipping- flops."
But it is interesting to note that Obama has been telling liberals exactly what they wanted to hear. (But that isn't what Obama will do, once he is president.)
Let's sum this up for the peanut gallery, shall we…
Obama doesn't mind if the government listens in on terrorists phone calls. Obama doesn't want the phone companies punished, in court, for helping the government. And Obama is NOT going to give a date for the end of the Iraq War. Obama will pull the troops out, but he will not commit to how many, and when.
Isn't that what we already have right now under President Bush..??
So, which candidate would be George Bush's third term..??
Sounds to me like George Bush's third term is Barack Obama.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican
The "flipping" Obama story from the AP.
The Angry Republican Video Broadcast number 8
"Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ..??"
(Note) This video was done in humor, (and revenge.) Idiot- lefties claimed President Reagan was the "anti- Christ" in the 1980's)
Thanks for reading The Angry Republican
It is easy to stand on the soapbox and tell The Daily Kos bloggers that you intend to pull all the troops out of Iraq- quickly.
(Frankly, you can tell those people at Kos just about anything, and they will believe you. Just as long as it is anti- military and anti- American.)
However, when you gain experience and knowledge, you realize that you cannot pull the troops out of Iraq- quickly. Insurgents will overrun the country and you will look like an ass.
With experience and wisdom comes the realization that you cannot set a "pull out of Iraq date", (such as 16 months- the time frame that Obama told his liberals worshipers.) Because the enemy will wait until that date, overrun the country, and you will look like an ass.
Barack Obama doesn't want to look like an ass.
So Obama has decided to NOT stick to a "pull out date" and NOT leave Iraq- quickly. Obama wants to end the war, but now he cannot tell YOU when.
It is easy to stand on the soapbox and tell people like EKYprogressive and Strider that you are against wiretapping without a warrant and that you would like to see the telephone companies, that help the United States Government, SUED because they helped eavesdrop on terrorists.
However, with experience comes wisdom.
Obama now realizes that to catch terrorists in the act, you may not have time to get a warrant. Telephone companies are helping the government and therefore it does not justify criminal punishment.
It is easy to stand on the soapbox and tell the Black community that you cannot throw your church or your reverend under the bus for things he may have said.
However, with experience comes wisdom.
After Obama actually took the time to listen to Reverend Wright, he quickly tossed the reverend under the- diesel sucking, 5:35- blue route- metro bus.
As a conservative, it would be easy for me to grab a pair of rubber flip-flops and wave them in the air, while chanting "flip-flop.. flip-flop.."
But I am not going to do that with Barack Obama.
If you people are intent on electing Obama as the 44th president of this great country, I dam sure hope he "flip-flops" on these and many other issues.
I applaud Obama on his "flips," and I encourage Obama to do more "flipping- flops."
But it is interesting to note that Obama has been telling liberals exactly what they wanted to hear. (But that isn't what Obama will do, once he is president.)
Let's sum this up for the peanut gallery, shall we…
Obama doesn't mind if the government listens in on terrorists phone calls. Obama doesn't want the phone companies punished, in court, for helping the government. And Obama is NOT going to give a date for the end of the Iraq War. Obama will pull the troops out, but he will not commit to how many, and when.
Isn't that what we already have right now under President Bush..??
So, which candidate would be George Bush's third term..??
Sounds to me like George Bush's third term is Barack Obama.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican
The "flipping" Obama story from the AP.
The Angry Republican Video Broadcast number 8
"Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ..??"
(Note) This video was done in humor, (and revenge.) Idiot- lefties claimed President Reagan was the "anti- Christ" in the 1980's)
Thanks for reading The Angry Republican
4th of July- Freedom
I thought about writing an editorial on the American colonists who declared Independence and freedom on this day in 1776.
However- declaring freedom and WINNING freedom are two different things.
From my understanding of history, most colonists were scared shitless from the thought of fighting the mighty British Army. Many Americans gave the "revolutionaries" little hope of beating the British.
In reality, the 4th of July- 1776, would have NOT been a very "free" day for this young country, because we had a hell of a job ahead of us.
Today, we can enjoy the freedom that all those poor souls fought and died for long ago.
So that is what I wanted to talk about today…
Today, I am free to live where I want to live, in America. If I feel like moving- anywhere; I can do so.
(Note) that is until some liberal / environmentalist / socialist realizes a little thing call "population management."
What is the one problem facing every State, every City..??
Answer- too many people living in one region, while not enough taxpayers are living in another region.
A future socialist, using "population management", will TELL you where you can live. (It will, of course, be for the "good of the planet." It will, of course, "save the earth.")
Today, you are free to see a doctor, or NOT see a doctor. You are free to eat what you want and live how you like.
However, some future socialist, under the guise of "national health care", will tell you what to eat, when to go to the doctor, and how you can live your life. (It will be done, of course, to make you "more healthy" and "more productive.")
Today, I am free to work wherever I choose. I can study any field or profession, and make that my occupation.
However, some future socialist will discover "employment management."
As a child, you will be given several choices on profession that you can go into. You will have to pick from those choices given by the government. These "choices" will be derived from the current "job market." If the government believes we need more plumbers in the workforce, then you will become a plumber. (This will be done, of course, for "the good of THE PEOPLE.")
Today, you are free to excel in your chosen profession. If you do something better than anyone else, and you become rich by doing it…
Let me shake your hand brother, you are living the American dream.
(Hard work) + (new ideas) = wealth
Wealth = a better life for you and your employees.
However, some future socialist will demand higher taxes on the rich. "Why should THEY make more than us..??" 50 % of your income will be taken from you. Then 65 % will be stolen from you.
How "free" would you be, if the government took 65 % of YOUR income..??
"Free" to build..??
"Free" to create..??
There will be no incentive to "work harder" and create new things. "The more you make, the more they take." So you will NOT work harder. (This will be done, of course, for the "good of the poor.")
Today, you are free to set up your dream house in the fashion that you choose. If you want to create a "studio room" with artwork and photographs, you can. Display that artwork with bright lights, so the detail can be seen.
However, some future socialist will tell you how bright the light bulb can be. (This will be done, of course, for the "good of the planet" to save "the earth.")
Freedom isn't free.
It takes muscle, blood, and brainpower to remain "free."
We have to be smarter than the politicians.
Socialism (does NOT equal) Freedom.
Socialism is the opposite of freedom.
The zenith of socialism is a jail cell.
Prison is the pinnacle of socialism.
Everyone is equal in prison.
Everyone has health and dental care in jail.
You are told when to wake up.
What to eat.
When to exercise, when to read a book.
You are confined to a small area, the total area is no less or greater than anyone else.
You are given a bed to sleep in and three meals a day.
You should be happy.
You have everything you need to exist. There is no worry on "how will you provide for yourself."
You should be satisfied.
You are, in fact, a caged animal.
And you are the one who built that cage around you.
This 4th of July, I wanted to talk about freedom.
But more precise, how easily freedom can slip away.
When the founding fathers decided to fight for freedom, I am quite certain that they never envisioned a future American government taxing a citizen $30 bucks to catch a fish in a nearby river. So I can say with conviction that the founding fathers wouldn't be concerned with how much "lamp oil" you used to brighten up your living room.
So the fight for freedom never ended in America.
Celebrating the 4th of July is a great way to remember the battles for freedom, from the past. (Plus, it gives you a reason to shoot fireworks into the air, blow stuff up, and drink booze.)
However the battle for freedom rages on today.
Socialists want to take away more of your freedom.
Patriots want to return some of that freedom to you.
I am not trying to act like a philosopher. There is no wise man here. I am some guy who is spilling his brains out on paper, while having my morning coffee.
"How can anyone BE- a socialist..??"
I mean, I can sympathize with a socialist, to some extent, I fall victim to liberalism, from time to time.
But my love of freedom is too great to give it up.
Wouldn't it be nice to help the poor..??
But helping the poor by stealing money from others, isn't freedom.
Wouldn't it be better to help the poor by giving them YOUR money? ("Giving"- being the optimal word here. As opposed to stealing, taking, taxing.)
Wouldn't it be nice to help the fish, and the trees and the birds..??
But why do we need to pass a federal law forcing people to help the fish, and the trees, and the birds?
Can't you help the birds and trees on your own?
You could do that today, if you wanted to. You need not wait for the government to pass a law, or a new tax. Just head out and buy a few bushes and trees. Plant them in your yard. The trees and birds will love you. As for the fish, donate some money to your State's Fish and Game Commission. They love raising baby fish in a State owned water tank and then throwing the baby fish into a nearby lake. (To be eaten by bigger fish.) But hey, it seems to work, somehow..!!
Freedom is personal responsibility.
You need not wait for the federal government to save the poor, or the Earth, or the fish. You can do that, on your own, today.
So, as I celebrate this 4th of July, 2008, I am remembering the importance of "freedom."
Freedom has not yet been won in America.
If anything, we face one of the more challenging battles for freedom, yet to fight.
This election has grown beyond the labels- "Democrat and Republican."
It has little to do with "Liberal" and "Conservative." (In the traditional sense.)
This election has everything to do with socialism.
Both candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, have socialistic tendencies.
"More freedom" is NOT an option in this election.
My vote, this election, has nothing to do with who is "conservative." It has more to do with who will do the least socialistic damage to this great country. I am, as always, certain a future / wiser generation will fix the damage socialism has caused in America, because history shows this to be true.
The 4th of July is a celebration of freedom in America…
But the fight for freedom continues.
Freedom = (the freedom to choose)
Can we pass a law making Americans "free" to choose..??
How about passing a law that makes it illegal to make new laws?
(Naww, that would never pass congress. Thousands of democratic lawyers rely on new laws so that they can drag you into a courtroom for breaking their laws that they passed.)
So screw that, let's get ready to drink beer, cook greasy meat, and blow stuff up with colorful explosives..!!
I believe that stuff is still legal..?? (Greasy meat, booze, colorful explosives.)
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican
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