Obama's HEAD is too big for Rushmore

While visiting Mount Rushmore, a (stupid) reporter asked Barack Obama:

"…(Have you) ever envisioned (your)self carved into the mountain" Obama replied, "I don't think my ears would fit. There's only so much rock up there…"

I do not believe Obama's ears are the problem…

Obama's head has become too big to fit on that mountain.


Come on back down to earth and join with us-

"The little people.."

To be on Mount Rushmore, you must have accomplished "something" in your political life.

Signing a bill that makes it illegal for congress to receive free food from lobbyists while sitting down is not a " face on Mount Rushmore" worthy achievement. (By the way, congress can still receive free food from lobbyists. They just cannot sit down to eat it. They can STAND at the bar and eat the food. "Standing" and eating is NOT considered a "free meal" under the Obama bill.)

Yes, I understand that Obama was participating in "self- degradation humor", and MOST of the time this type of humor shows signs of humility.

But in the case, of your face- on Mount Rushmore…

Big ears are the least important reason why your head will not appear on Mount Rushmore.

Another (stupid) reporter asked Hillary Clinton if she ever envisioned her (or Bill's) head on Mount Rushmore..??

Hillary shut the guy down and replied-

"Why don't you learn something about the monument."

When Obama has a speech written out and he can read from verbatim, he does very well.

However, when Obama just "rolls with it" and makes stuff up, he partakes in the kind of blunders that Dan Quayle made famous.

Verbal mistakes are the least of Obama's problems today.

Shady, raciest people seem to follow Obama around.

If I didn't know any better, I would say that Obama's church is trying to destroy his presidential bid.

But they are not. In a twisted manner, they believe that they are helping Obama.

Father Michael Pfleger picks up where Rev Wright left off. In this video, (featured below) Father Pfleger raises an interesting point; Pfleger claims that "we all benefited from slavery and therefore we all share in the blame. Unless we are willing to give up our current lifestyles, we share in the blame of slavery.."

As I have said many times on this web site- My grandfather came to America in the early 1900's. (Almost 50 years after slavery ended.) He did not benefit from slavery in any fashion. In fact, being Italian, he was treated as a low class immigrant.

There are millions of us Americans who took no part in slavery and received no benefit. The only crime we have committed is being born "White."

When Obama's preachers- Pfleger and Wright; talk about slavery, they do not name the plantation owners or the families that held slaves, they lump all "White" people together and blame all of us.

By putting all White people together and claiming we all share in the blame: You are being the racist..!!

The only people I see today that are directly benefiting from slavery are Father Pfleger and Reverend Wright.

Is Reverend Wright willing to give back his multi- million dollar mansion and $10 million dollar trust account because it was built on slavery..?? It is a direct benefit from slavery?

People need to open their eyes…

There are people today who make a living off of keeping the Black Man pitted against the White Man.

They hold many professions. They are Rap Stars, politicians, preachers, civil rights leaders, etc.

The LAST thing that these people want to see is you- the Black Man, and me- the White Man getting along with no problems.

That is why Barack Obama's Church video is so important today and MUST be seen by everyone.

Also featured in this video is the "now famous" Father Pfleger "sermon" about Hillary Clinton.

We have places like this church where I live.

We call them "comedy clubs."

They have names like- The Laugh Factory, and Yuk-Yuk's Comedy Club.

We generally do NOT call these places "churches."

Usually in church, people learn about God and how to treat other people with respect.

Would Jesus get a laugh out of Father Pfleger's sermon on Hillary..??

Or would Jesus rush into this church, just as he did almost 2000 years ago, and overturn tables and tell these preachers (Wright and Pfleger)-

"Get out of my Father's house.."

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

"No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true." — From "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, American author (1804-1864).

Saving the Gassy Ball

Today, in 1844, the first web broadcast in America took place.

Well, kind of...

164 years ago- today, Samuel F.B. Morse made the first telegraph transmission from Washington DC to Baltimore.

What was the first message set across the "wires" in America..??"

Mr. Morse hammered this statement out on his crude keyboard:

"What hath God Wrought?"

How prolific...

If only Mr. Morse knew that his creation would lead to this...

It is a hot, dusty world.

A dusty- hot world that is getting more dusty and more hotter every year. (Except for the last decade, which was a little cooler.)The desert tortoise use to stroll across the American deserts with pride. Today, you would have more luck getting a date with Angelina Jolie then hitting a desert tortoise with your car.


In 1999, when DEMOCRATIC President Bill Clinton was in office, the desert tortoise population was sky high in the Red Cliff Desert Preserve with 3,200.

But in the year 2000, when REPUBLICAN President Bush took office, the number of tortoises began to drop. Today, there are only 1,700 to be found.

Why would the turtles start kicking the bucket the minute a republican enters the White House..??

There can only be two reasons:

Humans are evil.


Turtles are mostly democratic, and almost never vote republican.

What can save these poor desert creatures..??


Education..?? (Education for the stupid humans, not the turtles.)

Answer- High taxation.

Democrats, (and now republicans) agree- Higher taxes will save the desert tortoise.

Evil conservatives are NOT willing to pay higher taxes to save the desert tortoise.

This makes me physically sick.

So sick, that I needed to go see a movie to get the evil conservatives out of my mind. But unfortunately, the only NEW movie was: "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull."

The movie about Indiana Jones has angered the Communistic Party in Russia and they are calling for a boycott of the movie.

In 1957, communist Russia was NOT interested in "Crystal Skulls." They were interested in satellites that could peek into the United States and carry weapons.

Steven Spielberg

should stick to anti- republican and pro Palestinian movies and leave the Communists alone.

For centuries, mankind (and woman-kind) have gazed at the image of Jupiter in the night sky.

But Jupiter is changing.

Professionals and amateurs alike are very familiar with peering into the night sky with a telescope and seeing Jupiter's large swirling storm system known as "The Red Spot."

In 2006, (during the REPUBLICAN President Bush's term but, BEFORE the democrats took control of congress) Jupiter has developed new storm systems, or MORE "Red Spots." Since democrats have taken control of congress, Jupiter may be getting stable.

However, Jupiter has experienced "climate change" and this is tragic.

As we know from planet earth, the only thing that can cause "climate change" is human pollution.

Senator (and president to be) Barack Obama stated: "We cannot keep driving our SUV's, eating a bunch of food, and keep our houses at 72 degrees..."

Those days are over, folks..!! (Not for Obama, as we see in this picture, but those days are over for you.) The sooner you understand that, the better you will be. The government will tell you how much driving you can do and how cool (or warm) you can keep your house.

The only way to save Jupiter, The Earth, and the desert tortoise is for you to shut off your heat / AC in your house. Stop driving your car, and quit eating so much food. If you do this, plus pay higher taxes, we can save Jupiter and the turtles.

John McCain, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton all believe a "cap and trade" system will solve "climate change."

It will, and I will explain:

BIG oil and BIG electricity will be taxed like crazy from the government. A guy in a lab coat, who went to State College, will choose how much pollution is acceptable to give off into our fragile world. BIG oil will have a choice of paying the taxes, or building a new multi- billion-dollar refinery.

Since we all know that the evil members of BIG oil will NOT build the multi- billion dollar refinery, they will pay the taxes, continue to pollute like crazy, and pass this cost on to us.

The evil owners of BIG electricity will also NOT build a new multi- billion dollar Nuclear power plant, so they will pay the taxes, pollute the planet like mad, and pass the cost on to us.

Not being able to afford electricity and gasoline, your personal "climate" will change drastically.

There are 6 billion people on planet earth.

Only 3 billion people have access to electricity. That is a fact..!! Only half of the worlds population can afford, and are able to get electricity in their houses, huts, adobe mounds, etc.

There is no reason why you need electricity..??

You would just waste it on cooking food and keeping soda pop cold.

It is possible that there could be hope for the turtles and the planet Jupiter. Americans paying higher taxes could save them.

You will not be able to see the success of the turtles because you will no longer have a car to drive and see them, and you will not have electricity to watch the turtles on TV.

High taxation is the way to beat global warming / climate change.

High taxation can fix everything...

The Angry Republican Video Broadcast number 5

"High Taxation can fix everything"

Today (May 25th), in 1961- President Kennedy addressed the nation that America would land a man on the moon and safely return him to earth.

Today (May 25th), in 2008- the President and congress are debating that taxing Americans MORE will save turtles.

Global Warming MUST be true, (unless it isn't)

"..Every conservative MUST do at least one; anti- global warming story each month. It is some kind of rule.."

I was watching one of those reality shows on The History Channel. This one, I believe is called: "Tougher in Alaska."

Fishermen were netting salmon in an Alaskan Bay. Last years catch was one for the record books. Best in years.

You have to ask yourself: How can that be..??

I thought polar bears and salmon were being killed off due to global warming.


Before you claim that the fishermen are taking advantage of the poor fish, keep in mind that the Alaskan Fish and Game Commission counts all the fish and will not allow fishing to start until they have reached a magic number of fish. What they do is stick a Fish and Game Commissioner in a chair, which is sitting on top of a tower. He counts as many fish as he can while they are swimming up stream to spawn. He will not allow fishing to start until enough fish have made the journey.

This is a much better system then what we have in Pennsylvania, where we electrocute the fish and count the bodies as they float to the surface. (Kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?) The electrified fish are not dead. They just look dead. Later, after avoiding the temptation to swim into that "bright light" from the great beyond, the fish return to the living and swim away.

Either way you do it, people are worried about the fish and so we count them.

Global warming seems to have been counted by all three of the presidential candidates. (Similar to the floating, electrified fish;) Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain have all said they will do "something" about global warming.

Even President Bush and Newt Gingrich are on board the global warming express.

So which ever way Americans vote this November, the trees, rocks, hissing frogs, polar bears, and Al Gore can be proud.

The earth will be saved..!!

Politicians will save the earth by taxing the crap out of oil refineries and electricity providers.

This will save the earth because oil companies will raise the price of gas to pay the tax. Electricity providers will raise your electric bill to pay the new "global warming tax", and all of the fish, polar bears, and hissing frogs will be happy.

Congratulations..!! You saved the earth.

After all, we know global warming must be happening.

President Bush, Newt Gingrich, and John McCain are here to save us. ("Us" meaning- polar bears, bugs, rocks, and the proverbial hissing frog.)

The 13th Angry Republican Video Broadcast

Global Warming MUST be true, (unless it isn't)

If you hated that video, never- ever click that little triangle in the center of the picture again. However, if you enjoyed the video, there are 12 more videos waiting for you to watch. Each one, just as bad as this one.

You can view them all at:

AR's Workshop and Sick Rick's Pics

Thanks for checking out The Angry Republican

Purging the Republican Party

This is an editorial that I never wanted to write.

I truly believe that having John McCain as president is better than the other two choices.

However, I look to the right of me and see conservatives claiming they will NEVER vote for John McCain.

When I look to the left, I am NOT seeing wacky liberals with some far out plan for the future of America. I see John McCain proposing global warming laws and wanting to build government programs.

I am a conservative, but somehow I am stuck in the middle?

Stuck somewhere between John McCain and President Reagan. My only goal with this web site was to promote conservative ideas and warn of the dangers of socialism.

I have been picking on Barack Obama, and will continue to point out his opinions because I believe Obama is the most dangerous man in America. He is the most liberal senator in DC. He has the most socialistic ideas of any of the candidates running, and people in Washington DC are afraid to oppose him. Having fear that they could be called "racist."

Hillary has done her best, but she cannot win. My party is in no shape to win against Barack Obama. I'm not really sure that conservatives want McCain to win.

Peggy Noonan, from the Wall Street Journal, says it best.

She wrote an editorial about the situation within the republican party. Noonan tells us that the chairman of the RNC- Robert Duncan, said- "We can't let the democrats take our issues. We can't let them pretend to be conservative.."

Peggy Noonan writes: "..Why not? Republicans ACT like conservatives everyday.."

In one sentence, Peggy Noonan has described the problem within the republican party.

Republicans feel the only way to win this election is to explore some of the liberal issues of the day. Conservatives do not want to win that way and would rather lose.

I have been avoiding this post for some time...

Maybe it is time for the Republican Party to be purged..??

I became a conservative because I believe it is the perfect place between the two big "L's". (Liberalism and Libertarianism.)

Liberals today, want the government to control medicine. They want the government to control what car you can drive and how warm or cold your house can be. Like the American people are children and big daddy government must force you to conserve. (As if the high cost of fuel isn't forcing you to conserve already.)

Libertarians want to CUT EVERYTHING and head back to 1886. How do you tell a young person, who has paid thousands into Social Security, that you are shutting it down. "Sorry about your luck, pal..!!" How do you tell the millions of government workers- "We are shutting down, go find a job in the private sector."

Conservatives have always been there to fix the social programs that liberals create and then liberals abandon- when things go wrong. (Welfare, Social Security, and the future National Health Plan.) Conservatives usually kept taxes lower and spending under control. This is why I have been a conservative since 1980.

But something is wrong this time out?

I have been avoiding this post for some time...

Maybe it is time for the Republican Party to be purged..??

I have listened to some conservatives talk about a "purging of the Republican Party" and they sound gleeful about the prospect.

Sure, once we have weeded out all of the "democratic light" people from our party we will be back to basics. But the road to that goal is a bumpy ride.

We will lose more seats in the house and senate. We will not be able to stop the wacky left wing ideas that will pass by congress.

We will not be able to pick judicial nominees for 4 or 8 years.

We will lose the White House.

It is not going to be easy, however I have always tried to be optimistic about the future. I feel we can find some positives in this situation.

Here is a list that may help you cope with America's political future:

Good things about an Obama presidency.

No matter what Obama does, everyone in Europe will be too afraid to say anything bad President Obama, in fear that they may offend the "political correct" Gods.

Magically, without Obama signing any bill, global warming and the health care crisis will disappear. (Remember how the "homeless crisis" and the "health care crisis" of 1993 went away without President Clinton lifting a pen to sign anything..??)

Liberals will tune out of politics with a President Obama. They will again love their country. All of the "cut and paste" stories of how mean US soldiers are, how evil America is, and how terrible all of us are to the environment, to other people, etc- these stories will all go away.

How much fun it will be watching late night comics "walk on eggs" while trying to make a joke about President Obama." David Letterman, Jay Leno, Saturday Night Live, Jon Stewart, etc- all use tons of political humor. However, all of these comedians are stuck inside a politically correct box when it comes to White and Black issues. Maybe they will all stick to the safe- "Bush is stupid" and "Clinton is a pervert" type humor. (No one is offended when you make fun of a White man.)

We will have 4 years of "Obama-isms." (Things Obama can say, but no other person can.) Like when Obama thought the United States had 57 states. (If Bush said that, people would be all over it.)

You will be able to bet on whether today will be a "flag pin day." Remember, Obama only wears his flag pin on special days. If Obama is speaking in San Francisco, you will not see a flag pin. However, if Obama is speaking to blue collar people in Michigan, you will see Obama's flag pin. In the future, with a President Obama, you will be able to head to InTrade and bet on whether Obama will wear his flag pin during speeches. (For example: if there is a tragedy in West Virginia and President Obama is heading there to speak, you have a 70% chance that Obama will wear his flag pin. Betting against the odds could make you some serious buck..!!"

With a President Obama, liberals will not be able to blame everything on Republicans- Hurricanes, tornados, high food costs, wild fires, high gas prices, etc...

OK, that last one was a joke.

We all know that liberals will still blame republicans for everything, even when they control the Congress and the White House.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

Sen. Ted Kennedy is rushed to a Cape Cod hospital. I have no details while writing this. I hope Kennedy will be OK..!! ABC News has that story.

Sea weed and algae could be made into bio-fuel. Which would not compete with food crops. Instapundit (dot) com has that story.

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." — Mark Twain (1835-1910).

Hagee equals Wright- Hillary wins

"...No democrat has ever won the presidency, without winning West Virginia, since 1916..."

The unstoppable Hillary Clinton rolls on.

With her HUGE win in West Virginia, she moves ever closer to Barack Obama, who cannot seal the deal.

The elitist liberal / progressives, who look down their nose at the rest of America, explain that the HUGE lost for Obama is unimportant because Obama still leads (for now) and voters in West Virginia and Pennsylvania are uneducated and "blue collar." They do not count.

Democrats use to care for and defend "uneducated- blue collar" Americans. Today, democrats are willing to throw the poor working class and uneducated folks under the bus to get Obama nominated.

So this is the dirty trick coming from the elitist liberal / progressives- Pennsylvania, Indiana, and West Virginia do not REALLY count because they are poor, blue collar, uneducated voters. But North Carolina does count because they voted for Obama.

Look for more dirty tricks coming from the democrats in the near future.

Here is one such "dirty trick" that the progressives are already trying. Turning Hagee into Rev. Wright.

Are you one of those people who feel that there is no difference between the relationship of John McCain / Hagee, and that of Barack Obama / Rev Wright?

If you see no difference between the two relationships, then I already know two things about you:

You are a hardcore Obama supporter.

You also have very little knowledge of religion.

Well, in a free country, you have no obligation to study religion. You can choose any religion that you want to worship, or choose no religion at all.

But if you choose to be "an expert" on religion and what effects it could have on an individual, it would be helpful to have studied religion.

I would never claim to be able to explain thermal dynamics unless I first studied the principals.

Yet, millions of Obama supporters claim to understand religion enough to claim there is no difference between the relationship of McCain / Hagee, and Obama / Wright.

Hagee may have indorsed McCain, however McCain NEVER indorsed Hagee by attending his church for 20 years.

In the little town that I call home, (about 20,000 people) I have three churches I could attend that are credited by the religion I was born into. However, there are about a dozen other churches that I could attend in this little town, which would offer teachings in line with my religion.

In the small town that I live in, I have a dozen choices of churches to attend.

So Obama MUST have, at least, a dozen churches he could attend in the large city of Chicago.

Obama attended Reverend Wright's church for one of two reasons:

Obama believed what was being preached inside.

Obama thought that being seen inside Wright's church would help his political rise in the Black community.

Either way, I believe it is a sign of bad judgement.

McCain doesn't have this problem. McCain didn't attend Hagee's church for 20 years.

But this will be the argument from the elitist liberal / progressives- John McCain is tainted by Hagee.

If you believe McCain is tainted by Hagee, then you must also concede the Obama is tainted by Wright.

That means you MUST vote for Hillary.

Democrats in the remaining primary states MUST vote for Hillary.

Yes, if Obama continues to stumble, America might see the first female president.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

(Special thanks going out to the elitist liberal / progressives who are pushing the Hagee story. You have given the remaining primaries the BEST reason to vote for Hillary Clinton..!! And keep this democratic battle going for another month.)

Bill O'Reilly "loses it" on the set of Inside Edition

Charlie Wilson's War teaches modern lessons

At the very end of the movie: "Charlie Wilson's War", Charlie is begging a congressional committee to allocate money to build schools in Afghanistan. (After the Soviets had been driven out by the Afghan freedom fighters.)

The American Congress was NOT interested in putting any more money into Afghanistan, after spending a billion in the war effort.

I'm sorry folks, but I have to paraphrase from memory because I do not have a copy of the movie handy, but Charlie Wilson makes this speech:

"…This is what we always do.. We spend the money helping spread democracy in these covert wars. But when it comes to rebuilding after the war, we leave and we do not spend a nickel.."

Charlie Wilson was correct..!!

Neither President Bush (41) nor President Clinton were willing to spend money on Afghanistan. The country fell into the hands of the Taliban and al Qaeda. Afghanistan became the training ground for the 9/11 terrorists and many Jihad's we are facing today.

Luckily, we have learned this lesson from Charlie Wilson and we will not repeat this mistake.

Not so fast, there buddy…

Two of the presidential candidates have NOT learned this valuable lesson.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Both Obama and Hillary would like to pull about 90,000 US troops out of Iraq, and leave 50,000 US troops in Iraq to…


Cross their fingers, pray, and hope to God they do not get overrun by insurgents.

How would you like to be one of the soldiers that Obama will "leave behind in Iraq"..??

It would be like a presidential candidate saying that- "New York City is a lost cause. We have had police officers in the city for hundreds of years and yet people are still dying. Police are dying. So I plan to pull out two thirds of the police from New York City. We will place the remaining police in a remote section on New York. They will only go in if it is necessary.

(Which would be every freaking day..!!)

The Obama and Hillary plans for Iraq- SUCK..!!

Either leave the troop levels near where they are so that there is some control.

Or pull all of the troops out.

You do NOT leave 50,000 troops in Iraq, trying to do what 150,000 just did.

But if we learn anything from History…

If we learn from Charlie Wilson's War…

We should not leave Iraq to fall into the hands of radical Islam.

Charlie Wilson's War

Here is one liberal leaning movie that I am not going to BBQ on my blog site. Because it might have unintended consequences that could help out.

Democrats have so little to really feel patriotic about in modern times.

Let's face it-

They hate the president- (that's a given) They want to impeach President Bush. But- for lack of "good" evidence or incompetence, they cannot seem to do it.

They hate the war on terrorism. When a democrat has to admit that the troop surge has helped in Iraq, the look on that democrat's face resembles massive gas cramps. (It really hurts a democrat to say America is winning a war.)

Democrats have been in control of congress for over a year and have done nothing. They passed a budget. (But congress HAS to pass budgets. It is part of their job and every congress, since the very beginning of this country, passes budgets.) The democratic congress renamed some post offices and wrote a letter to Rush Limbaugh.

So when you think about it:

Democrats have accomplished nothing in the past 8 years and have spent that time opposing everything. Trying to make republican political policy a crime.

They have nothing to really feel patriotic about. So they just hate everything.

But along comes Charlie Wilson's War.

Democrat-Charlie Wilson- AKA "Good time Charlie" was a heavy drinking Texas congressman. The movie depicts Wilson in a hot tub with "chicks" when he hears the news that the Soviets have invaded Afghanistan. Wilson, who hates communism, feels the need to do something about this.

Along with a CIA agent and a rich female, Charlie Wilson- single handedly buys 1 billion dollars worth of Stinger Missiles and other weapons. Wilson defeats the Russians and causes the Soviet Union to dissolve.

Wilson does this all by himself. (Well, he did have help from one rich female and one CIA agent.)

Let's forget the fact that you would have to be blind and dumb, (or at least not born yet and have no knowledge of American history in the 1980's) to not realize that President Reagan opposed the Soviets at every turn. His presidency was based on bringing down the Russians.

Actually, several Russian historians point to Reagan's "star wars" defense system that caused the most fear in the old Soviet Empire. In 1991, when the Soviets watched "The Patriot" missile shoot down Russian made "Skud" missiles, they knew the game was over. (The Russians believed America had perfected "Star Wars.") The Soviet Union dissolved shortly after.

Isn't kind of ironic to discuss the fall of the Soviet Union, when we now know the Soviets are still there. The Russian heart is beating strong and "chuck full" of communism.

However, the movie Charlie Wilson's War will bring all this conversation back.

Charlie Wilson was in no way a "lone wolf." He was the most vocal in support of Afghan Freedom Fighters, that is true. But Wilson was allowed to proceed because of President Reagan's policy of defeating the Russians. If you remember Ollie North was the main power in the covert action in Central America. Charlie Wilson was the lead figure in Reagan's covert action in Afghanistan.

If anything, this shows how agile the Reagan Presidency was. That Reagan could work covertly with conservative Col. North in Central America and democratic congressman Wilson in Afghanistan.

You just do not see that happening with President Bush or Clinton.

Today, everything is a "republican effort" or a "democratic try."

Charlie Wilson will remind democrats what it is like to "do something", instead of oppose everything.

Charlie Wilson believed communism was a threat. So much so, that he made it his goal to stop it. When was the last time you saw democrats with that much passion? The modern democrats TALK about doing things- (Like ending the war in Iraq, impeaching Bush, and creating national health care.) but they never get around to doing anything about it.

The story of Charlie Wilson, though highly embellished, might just remind democrats what it is like to have passion to love your country. Instead of a passion to change your country.

But Wilson's War will do much more than that. Charlie Wilson will remind liberals that helping the Afghan Freedom fighters was a bi-partisan effort by democrats and republicans. Started by Wilson and President Carter, continuing into Reagan's administration, this was an American effort to topple the Soviets.

We- Americans- helped the Afghan Freedom Fighter defeat the Soviets. We then backed away from Afghanistan and asked nothing in return. Radical Islam took a knife and stabbed us in the back. They attacked us for no reason.

Charlie Wilson proves that Radical Islam cannot be trusted.

We helped the Radical Islamic warriors and they turned and attacked us.

So, even though this movie uses the "superman syndrome" and shows Wilson as a "one man show", the movie might remind democrats that when America works together as a team, we can do great things.

Also, Wilson will remind you that you cannot make deals with radical Islam.

They literally stab you in the back.

Though I am not attacking this movie the way I have other anti- American war movies, I want to point out a few flaws that are skipped over in the movie.

First- The Soviets invaded Afghanistan during the last years of President Carter's term. The CIA had no clue it was happening and this was caused by budget cuts to the CIA and the military during Carter's presidency.

Charlie Wilson didn't care for the idea of "Stinger Missiles" being the main weapon for the Freedom Fighters. He felt that spending $20,000 bucks for one gun was crazy. Without Wilson's approval, Stinger Missiles were sent to Afghanistan and placed into service. When Wilson saw how easily the Stingers shot down Soviet helicopters, Wilson was on board with the Stinger. It was the Stinger Missile that turned the tide against the Soviets.

The movie's screenwriter, Aaron Sorkin is a Hollywood liberal, who hates conservatives. It was evident with his TV show- "The West Wing."

Charlie Wilson claims the main reason that radical Islam attacked us later,(Sept, 11, 2001) was because we did nothing to stop the Taliban from taking control of Afghanistan. The Taliban officially took over Afghanistan during the Clinton Presidency. President Clinton believed the Taliban might stabilize the region, so Clinton did nothing. But the Taliban ended up radicalizing the people.

I do not totally blame Clinton for that. President Bush (41) could have done something. I do not blame Charlie Wilson.

This story is a hard lesson to learn. You cannot make deals with radical Islam. You cannot trust a terrorist.

Wilson made a lot of deals with terrorists. (In a sense, we all did back then.)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

(Parts of this editorial were published on Dec 22, 2007 under the title- Charlie Wilson's War.)

Obama takes Guam (by 7 votes)

All of us Americans are quite familiar with the US Island of Guam, after spending many years studying Guam in the public schools.

Guam is the 32nd largest American Island and is shaped like a male penis.

Guam played a huge role in American politics this week, as marking a comeback for Barack Obama after losing badly in Pennsylvania.

Obama managed to take the Island, which has a population of about 155,000 people. Obama's victory by 7 votes is a sure sign that he has overcome the Rev. Wright controversy and is moving forward. The people of Guam were not concerned with Obama's past relationships. They were interested in the Guam economy, and which candidate could place a magic spell on fish; to cause then to multiply.

Let's see how the people of Guam voted:

Of those people who weave baskets, the voter turnout was about equal:

We see almost the same results when it comes to voters who make Banana fiber skirts.

It is a virtual tie.


When we look at people who chant, who also play a belembaotuyam- (a gourd type instrument), Obama has the advantage.

Clearly, Obama has won over people who play a gourd and chant.

The people of Guam were not interested in "nasty politics" and non-issues like Rev. Wright.

This could off-set Hillary's victory in Pennsylvania where Hillary appealed to voters who read the Bible, cling to their guns, eat Pork Rinds, and shun anyone who is different- (IE- people who have teeth and an education.)

Confused about Pennsylvania Voters..??

The 12th Angry Republican Video Broadcast will fill you in on Pennsylvania Voters.

Confused about Obama and Reverend Wright..??

The 9th Angry Republican Video Broadcast will educate you on that topic.

(Note) If the video is not showing up on your screen, it means that it is listed down below- somwhere.

After the stunning victory of Obama in Guam, all eyes will now turn to this Tuesday's election.

Here at The Angry Republic, we will be "on the air" Wednesday Night to decipher what took place on Tuesday.

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