Who's your daddy?

Liberals live in this child-like world where utopia is "just around the corner." Utopia is fine, wouldn’t we all love to be there. But the solution that liberals have for reaching utopia is by force. Not by choice.

The liberal plan is flawed from the beginning. It relies on Forced Higher Taxes. Forced Doctors. Forced size of cars we can drive. Forced wattage of light bulbs we can use. Forced amount of toilet paper we can have in our house. Forced temperature of our house...

Force- no matter how loosely you define it, is not freedom, nor is it utopia… AR Babonie

(note) This editorial was written with "Earth Friendly" electrons. No paper was used in the making of this editorial.


I’m trying to explain to a liberal how I view national health care. Being a conservative, liberals ask me- "how can you let 50 million Americans go without health care? How can you sleep at night knowing you will vote against a national health plan? What about those sick babies..??"

We all get this question.

All of us conservatives will be confronted like this.

You take the logical approach:

You explain that we cannot afford a national health plan right now. Medicaid and Medicare are in trouble NOW- today. Within 15 years, there will not be enough money going in- to pay for the medical treatment that people will need. 15 YEARS- (That’s all the time we have left)… This problem will effect everyone reading this editorial.

Social Security is also in trouble. Within the next 25 to 30 years, SS will not have the funds to pay its recipients.

We cannot start a new program (a National Health Plan) BEFORE we fix the old ones.

If we start a national health plan now, it will be run half-assed because the money isn’t there to run the program correctly.

This falls on deaf ears…

(Trust me folks, I have tried it many times.)

You will get the "blank stare", like a deer in a car’s headlight.

"But other countries have a national health plan, why are we so backward that we cannot afford one..??"

It is then, that you realize that you are talking to a child.

A child doesn’t want to know "How to pay for it." The child just wants it- and they want it now. That is all the child wants to know about the whole situation.

Daddy, can we get a second car because I will be 16 soon and all the other kids will have cars?

No son, we do not have enough money to pay for the first car. We cannot afford a second car right now. If you want a car, get a job and save up for a car. That is what I did.

But all the other families have second cars, why does this family SUCK..??

Folks, we are talking to children here…

They do not want to know the mechanics on "how." Nor do they want to personally work for it. They are happy if "other people" pay for it. They want it NOW, and they do not want to talk about the ramifications of this choice.

Let’s move to global warming:

Dad, the earth is warming up and humans are to blame. We should do something about this…

Where did you get this information? I have never heard of such a thing..??

Dad.. You really should study some science. It’s all over the place. America is the worst polluter of the planet. This family needs to save the earth.

(One month later…)

Son, I did some research and I’m not coming to the same conclusion about global warming. Some scientists believe climate change is natural. We need to talk about this..

Those scientists are bogus. They suck..!! They are oil company people.

OK.. If man causes the earth to warm up, why did the earth warm up 19,000 years ago..?? Man wasn’t burning fossil fuels then..??

This sucks..!! You suck..?? You don’t care about the earth. You are a "flat-earther" and you do not listen to science.

OK son, if you feel that strongly about it, then give up your car, your computer, and your cell phone and then you can save the planet..!!

You suck..!! This family is **ing screwed. I need those things. I need my car and my phone. You suck..!!

We are talking to children here, folks.

We conservatives, are trying to be logical and use facts. But we are getting nowhere because we are talking to children.

Let’s try one more…

The War on terror.

Dad, why do you agree with the War in Iraq? Those people in Iraq, that you call terrorists, could be freedom fighters trying to liberate their country from an occupier- The United States. The terrorists could be like George Washington.

Son, that is silly. George Washington didn’t target his own people. George Washington fought the British soldiers. He didn’t bomb market squares and kill innocent people.

Yea but, we made these people mad. They are using extreme measures because of our interference. We are to blame. We shouldn’t have invaded Iraq. It was unconstitutional.

Congress voted to give the president authority to remove Saddam. That made it constitutional. Saddam never followed his surrender agreement and he was shooting at American pilots. That IS an act of war. We had every reason to invade Iraq. Every reason.

But these Muslims are mad at us because we screw around in their countries. That is what caused all of this.

OK- What made Muslims mad when they attacked US ships off the coast of Tripoli in 1803? America had only been a country for 20 years. Most Arabs hadn’t heard of The United States and didn’t recognize our flag.

But.. But..

What made Muslims angry in 1603 when they tried to take over the earth? During the Ottoman Empire, when they were slaughtering anyone who got in their way, did America make them mad then? We weren’t a country back then, Junior.

I hate this family..!! You don’t care about my thoughts. You just want to prove that you are right. That is all you care about..!! I hate you..!!

We could go on with this demonstration and cover all of today’s political topics. But I believe the point is made.

Liberals do not want to get involved in the mechanics of a program or the details of history. They treat the taxpayers like a servant or a butler. Liberals proclaim: "Get me a health care plan. I need it now.."

However, in typical elitist, child- like fashion…

When a program gets in trouble, a program that democrats created, (Social Security) they do not blame themselves for an ill-conceived pyramid scheme. They blame the current servants (the tax payers)- "..how did you screw up social security? Fix it now, I command you.."

Liberals are like the children of the elite.

"Get me a health plan, get it now.."

"The earth is warming up, we should tax somebody. I want you to fix this. I need my car because I am important, but you folks should drive less.."

They are children.

And how can you be mad at children..??

A child will reach an age, (it could be 16, or 36, or 66) when they will not "willingly" accept knowledge from you anymore. They MUST learn it on their own.

I am almost, (but not completely) convinced that most children are born with liberal tendencies. They do not understand how things work. Most stuff is magical in their minds. Bad things must be a "conspiracy" because there is no way bad things could "just happen."

Most of us grow up and grow out of liberalism.

But some never do.

Liberals live in this child-like world where utopia is "just around the corner." Utopia is fine, wouldn’t we all love to be there. But the solution that liberals have on reaching utopia is by force. Not by choice.

The liberal plan is flawed from the beginning. It relies on Forced Higher taxes. Forced Doctors. Forced size of cars we can drive. Forced wattage of light bulbs we can use. Forced amount of toilet paper we can have in our house. Forced temperature of our house...

Force- no matter how loosely you define it, is not freedom, nor is it utopia.

The child demands- "Get me a health plan and get it now.."

The adult warns- "Let’s talk about this first. How will we pay for it? Will the system be better? How will the higher taxes effect people who are already over-taxed?"

If you cannot understand what I am talking about, you must head back into the world and experience more of it. And I ask you this question- "Who’s your daddy..??"

If you understand what I am saying here in this editorial, welcome to conservatism..!!

We have been waiting for you.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

How I became a conservative

I was surfing the "Internets" yesterday and found this video on a message board at Sean Hannity (dot) com.

This video is a MUST SEE for any conservative. I believe liberals should at least give it a view.

The video is done by Evan Sayet- he was a writter for 2 years for Bill Maher (Politically Incorrect- HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher).

Evan Sayet used to be a liberal, but has switched sides. He has lost a lot of work in Hollywood because once you admit to being a conservative in Hollywood, you are somewhat "blacklisted."

(Those dam "open-minded, free speech loving" liberals)

Listening to Evan’s transformation to conservatism is important in understanding the "liberal mind."

I’m paraphrasing here, but Evan says:

"..My Hollywood liberal friends use to say that they hated America. I always figured it was just something they would say. Like you hate your wife, or you hate your job. But when 9/11 happened and we were under attack, I told my liberal friends that we should do something. They said America probably deserved it, because we interfere in other countries…"

That is when Evan realized his Hollywood liberal friends REALLY DID HATE AMERICA.

I must warn you, this video is about an hour long. But I was compelled to watch the whole thing. Evan is "dead on" with much of his points on liberalism.

He should be…

After all, he was a liberal just 7 years ago. He was writing for Bill Maher..!! I have to go back to 1979 to remember what it was like to embrace liberalism.

Here is the video

Evan Sayet- discusses the liberal mind

Want more videos like this? Click here for more YouTube- Political

Thanks for reading The Angry Republican

Fitna- We haven’t forgotten

I’m not holding my breath…

These America hating fools have their eyes closed to the REAL threat to free speech.

Like many in America, I have been focused on the presidential race.

But I have not forgotten…

To many of us, this election is all about remembering what radical Islam did to us.

Even though we may not speak much about it anymore.

One American political party wants to run-

Run as fast as they can away from the Middle East. They want to shake hands with the enemy. They want to talk with them because they believe the enemy doesn’t understand us.

The enemy does understand you…

They have studied you for quite some time.

Radical Islam believes:

It’s OK to throw homosexuals off of tall buildings, or beat them to death in the streets.

It is OK, and Allah approves of the beating and killing of women to restore family honor, because a woman spoke out, or didn’t dress properly.

And Allah is MOST happy when radical Islam is killing you- a Liberal.

The other political party believes we are winning this war on terror.

We MUST keep pressure on radical Islam and use every tool we have.

Military, political, and social.

We, (America, Britain, Canada, Australia, the Iraqi people, etc) we cannot invade EVERY country that harbors terrorists. Nor would we want to.

But we have drawn a line in the sand of two Middle Eastern deserts; Iraq and Afghanistan, and the enemy CANNOT push us back.

They have tried and they have failed.

Iran and al Qaeda have tried their best, but we still hold that line in the desert sands, five years and counting.

Politically, more countries are joining us. Maybe not on the battlefield, but they now see the threat of radical Islam. France and Germany, once completely opposed to US actions, are more sympathetic today.

Socially, people like Glenn Beck and Geert Wilde are making films that remind us how dangerous this enemy can be.

The world of Islam is trying to shut down free speech.

As quick as Geert Wilde’s film "Fitna" is placed on some video sharing sites, it is pulled down. Pulled because radical Islam is offended.

Moderate Muslims want the video pulled because they are afraid that you will get a bad impression of Islam.

Geee, I wonder why..??

Those who cry out about free speech, where are you today..??

Those who claim that the CIA is infringing on free speech by tapping known terrorists phones, you are of course going to speak out about Islam demanding that Fitna be taken down..??

I’m not holding my breath. These America hating fools have their eyes closed to the REAL threat to free speech.

Radical Islam is making futile attempts at keeping people in the dark.

But we are winning this war.

It will be won by force: military, political, and social force.

Part of that "social force" is done by us bloggers when we talk about radical Islam.

Geert Wilde, a Dutch politician, has done an exceptional job of making a film that will make people more aware.

I am placing both Part one and Part two of Fitna below. Both played this morning but I do not know how long YouTube will host the video. Islamic pressure and threats of violence has caused "Liveleak" and others to drop it.

Here are both parts of "Fitna."

Warning, this video is graphic.

"There are no hopeless situations; there are only men who have grown helpless about them." - Clare Boothe Luce, American author, diplomat, member of Congress (1903-1987).

It may appear that many of us have forgotten what radical Islam has done to America.

But we haven’t..

John McCain is the only person running for president that has NEVER wavered on the topic of terrorism. Though he may talk about closing Gitmo, he does understand the threat that radical Islam holds.

Discussing the election does include the war on terrorism.

Special thanks to Bavolet for notifying me about this video. She told me Thursday about it, but I was out of town on business and couldn’t blog about it.

Terrorists and Cockroaches

Some say that you will never defeat terrorism with the military.

They say that you can fight terrorists here, and they will pop up over there. Like a "whack a mole" game that you can never win.

They are partly correct.

Except the solution that they offer will not work either.

They suggest that we talk to radical Islam. That we use the police force and arrest the bad guys. But the problem is that radical Islam doesn’t view the terrorists as "bad guys." So they get angry when you jail them. There is no evidence, nor will you ever prove to me, that radical Islam is LESS angry because their members are in jail. (As opposed to being dead.)


Do not talk to me about innocent people being killed. Radical Islam TARGETS innocent people. We do not.

Thinking about the two different approaches to dealing with terrorism reminded me about my cockroach story.

When I moved to Florida in 1980, I lived in a cheap apartment. The place was chuck full of cockroaches. The landlord promised to "call in the army" and have the place fumigated.

The exterminator bombed the place and it was free from cockroaches. In reality, he hadn’t killed all of the cockroaches. They just moved to another apartment.

But our apartment was free from these evil bugs and that was fine with us.

(For about a month…)

Then the cockroaches came back with a vengeance. They were pissed off and they wanted blood. (OK, that might be an exaggeration, they didn’t actually want blood. They wanted our box of cereal.)

Realizing that the exterminator alone wasn’t going to solve this problem, we decided to starve the roaches.

All food must be in plastic containers and sealed. Any mess must be cleaned up immediately. No dirty dishes in the sink. No glass of pop left on the nightstand after falling asleep.


This, along with one more blast from the exterminator, did the trick. We never had roaches again in that apartment.

This is a very simplistic story for a very complex problem. But I think it highlights how one solution will not fix a problem.

First, you have to turn the lights on and see the problem.

That is what Geert Wilde has done with this Fitna video. That is what many of us bloggers do by talking about radical Islam.

You must also starve them out.

Many European countries are sealing bank accounts of known terrorists and radical sympathizers. The Iraqi people are no longer looking the other way and are taking up arms against the radical insurgents in Iraq.

But you must also squash them when you find them. That is what the military is doing. Capture them, jail them. If they shoot back, kill them.

Radical Islam will be a footnote in world history. Right along side Nazi Germany, the Roman Empire, and the Crusades.

It will be won by military, political, and social means.

We can all take part in this victory.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

Will Hillary Leave?

Sniper fire was taking place...

We had to duck and run.

Will Hillary Clinton leave quietly?

A top Clinton adviser boldly claimed-

"It doesn’t matter how many states Obama wins. Hillary will be the democratic nomination by way of ’superdelegates"

This has got to send chills down the spine of any person who is supporting Obama for president. The thought that Obama could win the nomination with a majority vote from the people of America…

Only to loose it all to Hillary on a technicality.

Being a conservative, I find a tad bit of humor in the situation.

First off- The Clinton’s current actions validate all the years we conservatives spent warning people about the Clinton’s. That the Clinton’s would stop at nothing, (lying, cheating, and stealing) to gain power.

Secondly- I believe John McCain can beat Hillary Clinton in a fair match-up. I am not sure that McCain can beat Obama. Shades of JFK vs Nixon come to mind. I can see John McCain in place of Nixon, sweating profusely, while dictating his agenda. All the while, Obama gets standing ovations from the masses by saying nothing. (But saying nothing in a hell of a good fashion..!!)

I just do not believe McCain can beat Obama.

However, if I take my conservative badge off of my sleeve for a moment, I am an American first and foremost.

I hate to see anyone "take" an election, who didn’t win it.

I hated to see the 2000 election screw up.

Even though my candidate won, it wasn’t the proper way to win an election. I have always resented the fact that Al Gore decided to drag the election process through the US court system. The founding fathers already had a system in place for this type of close election and it has been used many times in the past, it is called: "The US Congress." Many times in the past, congress has selected the president when elections are too close to call.

Al Gore, knowing that republicans held congress, decided to use the court system instead. And Al Gore lost.

But still, with that said, I would rather see a clear election with the people picking the president.

So I despise the fact that Hillary may have found a way to go against the will of the people and place herself in this election.

It seems that Hillary Clinton is not going to leave quietly.

It would be easy for me to say that- "You folks on the left created this Frankenstein, by raising the Clinton’s to stardom."

I mean, it is not like you didn’t receive warnings about the Clinton’s. (What was the beginning of the TV show- "The Twilight Zone?" ’Warning, there is a signpost up ahead. Next stop, the Twilight Zone.")

There were freakin’ signposts all over the place.

We republicans did prove in a court of law that the Clinton’s do lie. There was much evidence that the Clinton’s were involved in money laundering and a shady land deal with "Whitewater." Today, you have Chinese people landing in jail for illegally giving money to the Clinton’s.

(And most importantly for this editorial.)

There was evidence that the Clinton’s used FBI and CIA files illegally, to gain knowledge on political rivals. (Rivals that might NOT necessarily be republican.)

If you are a prominent democrat who has been in DC since the 90’s, you have got to wonder what the Clinton’s know about you.

What are the Clinton’s willing to do to win this election..??

In this writer’s mind, I believe the Clinton’s will not go away quietly.

Outwardly, the Clinton’s will use ’superdelegates’ to go against the will of the people.

But I believe that behind the scenes, the Clinton’s will use every trick in the book to force top democrats to look the other way when the s**t hits the fan.

When Obama wins the popular vote, however Hillary is given the nomination by superdelegates, you will see a herd of top democrats paraded before the congressional podium, claiming that everything is on the "up, and up.."

"The Clinton’s win, fair and square.."

These top democrats will do this because of political pressure (political blackmail) from the Clinton’s, under the guise of "healing the nation."

However, I fear what will happen to America when the first Black presidential nominee is cheated out of his victory.

African- Americans, rightly so, feeling cheated by the "party of the people"…

It will tear this country apart and I do not want to see that happen.

(Even though it would benefit my Conservative Party if Hillary did all of this.)

So my short answer to the question in the title of this editorial is "no", the Clinton’s will not leave quietly.

The Clinton’s, who were once loved by the Democratic Party, will feel cheated and abandoned by them.

They will use every trick in the book to win this election.

Yes, I believe the Clinton’s will try to destroy the Democratic Party.

What can "we the people" do to stop this madness..??

First off- I can’t do anything to stop it. I am a conservative / republican. I have no rights in the way that you conduct your democratic nomination process.

Secondly- You created this Frankenstein monster, you are going to have to deal with it.

-Quit giving the Clinton’s a "pass" on everything they do. Demand that journalists inquire "why the Clinton’s were receiving illegal campaign money from the Chinese?" You would never let a republican get away with this kind of stuff, why would you let the Clinton’s. Maybe get congress involved. You hold the majority in congress. In general, quit looking the other way when the Clinton’s "pull a fast one."

-Find out who the hell these "superdelegates" are. Find out why the superdelegates are favoring Hillary Clinton? Send mass e-mails to your favorite news services. Demand that they do some "actual reporting" on why the superdelegates favor Hillary. Tell them it is "not enough to just copy the latest AP headlines." You want information on these people."

-Write to your democratic congress. Tell them that they must follow the "will of the people."

But above all, you must remind the Democratic Party that they work for you. It is not the other way around.

I realize that it will be difficult for many of you. Most liberals were trained from birth to believe that the government is "all powerful" and should control all aspects of your lives.

But that is not the way the founding fathers intended this country to run.

You must tell the democrats in congress that you pay their salary and your vote must count.


You could sit back, do nothing, and let it all happen.

(I can’t help you with that. I am a republican and democrats are not going to listen to me.)

You are welcome to grab a chair, get yourself a cup of coffee, and join me as we watch this Democratic Party train- slam into the station.

(Aaahh, sorry. You’ll have to bring your own coffee.)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

Re-post from Feburary 17th 2008

The Angry Republican Video Broadcast

What if Hillary is elected president?

Warning- This video is "shocking."

Look into Hillary's eyeball (I dare you)

It was Thursday evening, (March 20, 2008) Gov. Bill Richardson, who had worked for the Clinton’s in the past and was a friend, felt compelled to tell Sen. Clinton in person...

He called to tell Hillary that he was endorsing Barack Obama for president.

"Let me tell you: (pause) we’ve had BETTER conversations." Gov. Richardson said.

Someone should write a book about the Clinton’s.

(OK.. Hundreds of people already have.)

But there are two problems with every book written about the Clinton’s:

Every book written about the Clinton’s is either a "love them" or "hate them" type story. I have never heard of a book that includes both the good and bad stuff on the history of the Clinton’s.

The second problem with every book written about the Clinton’s: they do not include the "ending."

We are living through the "ending" right now.

This week, Hillary released sections of the documents logging her time spent at the White House.

I haven’t heard much about these documents since their release, so I can assume two things:

Everyone is still riffling through them.


No one gives a rat’s ass.

I am sure that Hillary’s team gaped over every page in these documents and there is nothing released to the public that could hurt Hillary.

However, here at The Angry Republican, we have found a couple of things in the Hillary White House documents that you might find interesting.

So we decided to focus our attention on Hillary Clinton.

(Mainly because, like everyone else, we spent a whole week picking on Obama.)

Which brings us to:

The 10th Angry Republican Video Broadcast.

This one focuses on the Hillary White House documents, and we interview a person "who knows the Clinton’s."

We call this video:

"Look into Hillary’s eyeball. (I dare you..!!)"

If you hated that video, be reassured that you never have to look at it again. (Provided that you never "click" the center button on the video.)

However, if you enjoyed The Angry Republican Video Broadcast, you can view all of our videos here:

AR’s Video Workshop and Sick Rick’s Pics

(Note)- This is a FREE site. It costs you nothing to view it.

All material, including the video, was written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican.

New to- The Angry Republican

The "Sean Penn- Fox News doomsday clock."

Sean Penn stated that Fox News’ days are numbered and NEAR the end.

So we have decided to keep track of how many days have elapsed from the date of Sean Penn’s prediction.

Hey Writers…

Have you ever wanted to write a kick ass, aggressive political editorial?

But there is one problem…

You do not want to put it on YOUR blog site because idiots will attack your free speech rights and "troll" your blog? They will flame you, until you puke.

I know the feeling..!!

Why not send that original editorial to us..??

Get that anger off of your chest without having to deal with the idiots on your own site.

You do not have to use your real name, blogger name, etc. (Unless you want to.) We, The Angry Republican, will NEVER indulge who "really" wrote an article.

What, you do not trust us..??

Well, you can mail your editorial to us with no return address. Mail to: AR Productions, PO Box 976, Meadville Pa, 16335. However, if you "snail mail" your editorial to me it will take longer because I will have to type up the freaking thing. (Unless you send it on CD disc- Microsoft compatible.)

The best way to send an editorial is by my blog site e-mail.

There is no money involved and your work remains- yours.

We are asking for conservative and liberal viewpoints. Each editorial MUST be written by you. (It cannot be a copy of someone else’s work.) Keep in mind that my "real job" takes a lot of hours, I cannot always get right back to you.

To the folks who read The Angry Republican,


I’m not running out of ideas for this site.

One of the complaints I have received from viewers is that we do not put out enough posts per week. That we "miss" some of the important news stories each week.

I have always wanted to keep this site stocked with original work. With my schedule, I cannot put out more than 3 or 4 editorials a week.

This was the best way that I could think of to solve that problem and still remain an original material site.

Thanks for reading The Angry Republican..!!

I hope you will have a nice Easter Day..!!

AR Babonie

A real eye opener

Once you folks on the left have opened up that door, you cannot shut it for your own convenience. That door is open for all to use. And use it, we will…AR Babonie

Listening to the many call-in shows this week on talk radio, I could tell the Obama- Rev. Wright story caught many Black Americans off guard.

"Why are people jumping on Obama just because his preacher said a few dumb things..??"

Welcome to the "Wonderful World of American Politics..!!"

Black Americans can now say they have had a presidential candidate get beat up by the American press.

Some of these callers seem puzzled, like they didn’t understand "the game."

If I could yell through the radio and somehow reach these callers, I would have said-

"Where were you for the past- 100 years..?? You didn’t hear all of the jokes and mud that was thrown at Bill Clinton? You didn’t hear all of the jokes and slander thrown at George Bush?"


Did you think this was something we reserved for "typical" White Guys only..??"

Hell no..

We do this for everybody who wants to be president.

So the question remains: Why did it take this long to attack Obama..??

Some of the reason may have been that people in the news media were fascinated by Barack Obama. Maybe they didn’t want to "dig deeper" into his life. So they reported current events and focused on his speeches.

I believe some of it was "fear." Reporters and News Networks- being afraid that they would be labeled "racist" if they reported negatively on Obama.

But mostly, Obama was the "great unknown." He didn’t have a long voting record in Washington. He had never run for president in the past, so we couldn’t highlight policy shifts in his agenda.

To me, this whole story is less about race and more about political rivalry.

What Rev. Wright said was racist, that is true. Obama, calling is grandmother a "typical White person" is borderline racist, (I know what Obama meant, but still- he is lumping a group of people together in a stereo- type).

Obama would be attack whether he was White or Black, that doesn’t matter. Obama would be attack because he is running for president.

I believe it has little to do with skin color.

For years, I have listen to left-wing bloggers talk about Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell when each of these preachers have said something stupid.

The left tries to paint a picture that ALL conservatives feel the way that Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell do on issues.

It is a way to scare their base, (and some moderates) into voting democratic.

I have never been to a church where Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell were preaching. I have never listened to a sermon delivered by these men.

I’m not even sure if President Bush, or Dick Cheney ever attended a service with Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell?

Just a simple Google Search on "Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell" will produce 26,800 hits. Most by left wing sites touting how these REPUBLICAN preachers are homophobic, racist, and their views on 9/11.

We can’t even prove whether John McCain or George Bush even attended several of Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell services, let alone attend for 20 years.

But it doesn’t matter, the left will lump us all together in a story.

Once you folks on the left have opened up that door, you cannot shut it for your own convenience. That door is open for all to use. And use it, we will…

It has little to do with color.

Barack Obama walked into a political game that has been taking place in American politics for years. He is just the latest victim. (But he will not be the last.)

Hillary supporters are taking part in this "game" because they want Hillary as president, just as simple as that.

Is it a fair and noble thing to do? Probably not. But we need to know whom we are electing as president.

Conservatives are taking part in this "game" because we want BOTH Obama and Hillary taken down a few pegs.

And it is working…

A recent poll in Pennsylvania shows that 19% of Hillary supporters would vote for John McCain, if Obama wins the democratic nomination.

20% of Obama supporters WILL NOT vote for Hillary, if she is the nominee. Instead of staying home, they would vote for John McCain.

Pennsylvania Poll

This is not good for the Democratic Party. This could cost them the win.

A recent Fox News Poll- (nationally) shows that if the election were held today, McCain would win. (By 9% over Obama and slightly more over Hillary.)

The Democratic Party knows they must end this political fight between Obama and Hillary.

But how..??

Good question.

I do not have that answer. (Nor, would I want to reveal it, if I knew of one.)

This has very little to do with race. This has everything to do with politics.

Obama just happened to be standing in the street when the Media trucks came flying by.

Obama would have been hit, regardless of his skin color.

For that is the nature of American politics.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

New- to The Angry Republican

The "Sean Penn- Fox News doomsday clock."

Sean Penn stated that Fox News’ days are numbered and NEAR the end.

So, we have decided to keep track of how many days have elapsed from the date of Sean Penn’s prediction.

The Angry Republican Video Broadcast number 9

"Let’s call up- Reverend Wright"