Well, I did something I probably shouldn't have done. I went and checked out some of the liberal blogs. This is so funny to me. In a conversation that had nothing to do with God or religion, an atheist liberal brings up God and religion. I started checking around Blogster and more atheist liberals were taking about religion and God. "Am I missing something?? Didn't you guy's fight hard to get God and religion out of schools and government? You talk more about God than I do."
I wasn't going to do a post on religion today. But with so many atheist liberals talking about God, they have made God a "current event."''Separation of church and state'' means that it is OK to talk about religion in schools. As long as you are saying bad things about religion. If you talk about the Crusades, that's OK because it is History, (and of course it is an example of how BAD religion is). If you are talking about the Spanish Inquisition, it is OK to mention GOD. BUT, Don''t you dare say anything GOOD ABOUT GOD. They will kick you out of the Liberal cheese club quicker then you can say: "Can I clean out my desk first?" (They have very open minds in that liberal party.) The Bible is history. You may not believe what is written inside, but the Bible has been read by more people then any other book ever written. IT IS PART OF HISTORY.
Now.. If I were an educator, and I decided to teach young students about the German people and Germany. I would teach it this way..Ok.. This guy named Hitler came along.. He was a bad egg. He killed a bunch of people. Then he grabbed power. He printed up a bunch of money to build roads and factories and tanks and planes. Then he attacked everybody. People got ticked off and attacked him back. Hitler shot himself in the head, or maybe he took poison. The Russians got hold of his head and they have Hitler's head somewhere in Russia. That is the story of Germany and the German people…This is ridiculous, in no way does this teaching resemble the true Germany. I have taken only a slice of history and given it to my students. Ridiculous yes, but it takes place in American schools everyday. Kids learn nothing about the GOOD religion has done. They only learn about the bad.
Religion is Deep in American history. Early towns that grew up near creeks and roads and railroad crossings had no federal funds to rely on. PEOPLE PAID NO TAXES. (Unless they bought foreign goods.) These towns would build a church. That church would double as a schoolhouse. Do you think the pioneers were worried that a religious teacher was educating their children.. HELL NO. They were happy someone would teach them to read and write. Some towns did build a separate schoolhouse or the church would donate their old building. But many of the teachers were still giving Bible lessons.
Out of these religious type schoolhouses grew the most powerful nation the world has ever seen.
Religion is not the evil. Certain people are. Let's look at more religious influences:
Martin Luther King
Jimmy Carter
The YMCA- One of the first groups to bring inner city kids a recreation center. I spent many hours there as a kid. No one ever PREACHED to me.
Soup Kitchens
Homeless shelters
Ethnic Block Parties
A second chance at life
Hope to slaves in Egypt
This list could go on forever, because the church never stops giving….AR…