If I were a progressive, I would-

If I were a progressive, I would-


Here I go again, heading off into territory where I am not welcome. Progressives will not listen to a conservative, so this post could be considered futile.

However, it is important to point out when the opposing party is screwing up.

Let’s look at some current news, and consider what progressives should do.


Thank God that the Christmas Bomber was NOT successful. I am so proud that people on these planes are taking action today. No longer will people sit like sheep and allow al Qaeda to kill thousands.

23 year old Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, who said he was directed by al Qaeda, tried to blow up an airliner landing in Detroit on Christmas.

Passengers snatched Abdul; either while he was igniting an explosive device, or after he lit it, (or the device malfunctioned, fact not known while I was writing this) and passengers dragged Abdul away from other passengers.

One of the passengers who saved this plane was Jasper Schuringa.


I am looking forward to hearing more stories from the passengers of this flight, because we have some heros created on Christmas Day.

President Obama is keeping inform of the situation from a safe distance in Hawaii. If anything else were to happen, President Obama is ready to act.


Now, if I were a progressive, AND I WAS BEING CONSISTENT, I would report this airliner story like this:

Because YOU KNOW that if President Obama were a republican, progressives would report this story like this:

“..That dam President Obama is making us LESS SAFE. Look, we were almost attacked. Obama is letting the US military HELP the Yemen government, which is pissing off al Qaeda, and now we have MORE terrorists. We now have terrorists coming from Nigeria. Obama is creating MORE terrorists with his actions.

Yemen didn’t attack us on 9/11.

So why is Obama screwing around with Yemen. President Obama is making us LESS safe and creating MORE terrorists..”

If progressives were being consistent. If everything that they say wasn’t for political gain, that is how they would report this story.

However, (you and I both know) because Obama is a democrat, progressives will sit quietly about any US military actions in Yemen.

Or, the progressive will claim that Obama is being proactive in fighting the terrorists- in Yemen. (Which translates: Progressives being proactive is GOOD; Conservatives being proactive is BAD.)

Which is the point of this editorial. We are taking a look at what progressives SHOULD do to correct the problems that they currently have.

To fix the political problems, progressives should vote for republican candidates in 2010 to send a message to the democrats that the progressives are NOT happy. Vote republican..!!

(OK, that was a little joke, there. Let’s continue...)


If I were a progressive, I would:

Ask: If people on my side are unhappy with this health bill because it doesn’t contain a public option, because it will only cover 12 million people and leave 17 million people uninsured and paying a $750 dollar fine / tax. If this bill doesn’t stop insurance companies from raising their fees...



We know that the republicans will beat us over the head, in 2010, with aspects of this health bill. (A bill that many of us do not care for, anyway.) So why are we putting our leadership and power on the line for a bill that we do not care for..??

“..Well, it’s a start..” is the reply from some progressives.

It is..??

From my understanding, written into the bill by Harry Reid, (in the middle of the night, of course) is a provision that no future congress can change, alter, or drop aspects of sections of this bill.


So how can this be “a start” if no future congress can “change it”..??

This bill is the whole ball of wax, my friends. And it is one- very: waxy ball.

If I were a progressive I would drop this health bill and have my congress write up a NEW health bill that better fits what Americans want. This bill would NOT take effect until 2014, so what is the freaking rush..??


If I were a progressive, I would:

Listen to the Chairman of Al Gore’s presidential campaign who warns:

“..Either we plot a more moderate, centrist course or risk electoral disaster not just in the upcoming midterms but in many elections to come..”

Bill Daley, a lifelong democrat who Chaired Al Gore’s campaign; reminds progressives that FIVE democrats are either switching sides and becoming republicans, or dropping out of politics.

President Obama’s approval rating is at 49%. However, more important; only 41% of independents say they approve of the president, and these people got Obama elected.

A recent Gallup generic congressional ballot shows republicans leading democrats in almost EVERY race, across the country.

If I were a progressive, I would heed this advice. If the democrats do not reconnect with the American people, AND FAST; they risk losing all power in congress. They will never pass any of the other ideas that they cherish, and the only accomplishment achieved will be a crappy health bill that many progressives do not care for.

If I were a progressive, I would:

Heed the advice coming from the Black Community.

A recent poll on AOL’s “Black Voices” states that 55% of Black people believe that President Obama and Attorney General Holder do a LOT OF TALKING, but not much acting.

Progressives LOVE to claim that they represent minorities. However, that “claim” might be slipping away, FAST.

Dr. Boyce Watkins, founder of “Your Black World Coalition” gives President Obama some advice:


“...(President Obama), please stop giving us the same answers: That "rising tide will raise all ships" argument is played out, Mr. President. Intelligent black folks with a critical eye on politics know when they've heard the same thing multiple times. You can't come off like a broken record.

If you can't make policies for any particular group, why does it seem that you are doing it for everyone else? I've seen special committees/task forces for the automobile industry, the protection of Israel, the gay/lesbian/bi-sexual community, the environment, bankers, immigrants, etc. Perhaps mentioning a task force to deal with the black unemployment gap or mass incarceration of African Americans might at least appease some of your Black critics..”

Progressives are quickly losing their ability to say that “they care” for the minorities if 55% of the Black Community is not happy.

If I were a progressive, I would ask myself if Global Warming laws, and a badly written health care bill, are what the American people want?

Maybe the American people are concerned about JOBS..??

Just maybe..??

Why would a conservative like myself take the time to write an editorial like this..??


(In reality) Progressives will never listen to a conservative. If they read this editorial, they will scoff at it. (Which makes for a very rewarding: “I told you so” in about 10 months from now.)


(Psychologically speaking) An editorial like this could cause progressives to become MORE determined to stick to their current agenda.


(The obvious) If Americans are moving away from President Obama and the progressives, it would be nice to have these people moving towards conservatives.


It is far, FAR too early for conservative / republicans to list our parties ideas for the 2010 elections. Why would we EVER give the democrats extra months to attack these ideas? We all know that democrats are very good at attacking. But democrats are not very good at leading. (As proof, the democrats are passing a health bill that many democrats do not care for.)


If it is too early to cover our plans for 2010, we can however, connect with the American people who are leaving the progressive democrat party, by pointing out why we all are unhappy with this president and this congress.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic



Santa goes GREEN, by turning blue

Santa goes GREEN, by turning blue


Each year, Hollywood lowers itself and treats us “Christmas type” people with a holiday movie.

As with every Hollywood movie, there MUST be an important moral message tucked inside the story line that will slap us humans in the face, and remind us that we have been fat- slobs.

Some years, we “Christmas type” people are treated to a movie that shows if a person wants to skip Christmas, the “zombie like” religious neighbors will haunt these “Christmas skippers” until they cave in and celebrate Christmas the right way. (Christmas with the Kranks- Jamie Lee Curtis and Tim Allen)


Or sometimes Hollywood teaches us that people can get so hung up on Christmas gifts and holiday lights that they make their life a living hell. (Deck the Halls, Christmas Vacation, Jingle all the Way)

But in the end, Hollywood always teaches us the TRUE meaning of Christmas:

“The birth of Jesus..??”

(Are you freaking crazy..?? What the hell are you smoking..??)


No, the TRUE meaning of Christmas, Hollywood style, is...

Place Tim Allen in a “fat suit”, stick a beard on his face, call it “Santa Clause part 5", and make 100 million dollars at the box office.



You could re-due the movie: “A Christmas Carol.” You could stick Jim Carey into a cartoon and promise that this version will be totally different than the other 100 times this story has been told.

But the top movie this year is turning everyone GREEN, by turning us all blue.


Yes, we are talking about: “Avatar”, or as it is being called by some: “Dances with Smurfs.” (A cross between Kevin Costners’ “Dances with Wolves”, and those blue cartoon people called: “Smurfs.”)


I’m sorry folks, but I just cannot get excited by a “cartoon.” Yes, I understand that it is in 3-D. And I understand that they spent 300 million to make this cartoon.

But it is still just a cartoon.


It’s not that I am old-fashion. I really enjoyed the newest “Star Trek” movie. But Star Trek used REAL humans for it’s main actors, they hired dozens of electricians and carpenters to modify sets, and create new visual images. Yes, Star Trek did use CGI computers for some scenes, however, they tried hard to keep it real.

I guess the time I spent living in LA taught me about the thousands of people who work behind the scenes in the movie business. The tons of people it took to build the sets, paint the background, wire up the explosions, etc.

I remember all of the actors who spent months physically training to not only “act the part”, but to “look” the part.

All of this gone, because the action takes place in a cartoon world.

The movie: “Beowulf” was the spoiler for me.


Beowulf took actress Angelina Jolie and turned her into a cartoon woman so that they could “physically enhance” her body.

Hollywood tried to “physically enhance” Angelina’s body..??



There isn’t anything that you guys could have done with your cartoon computer, to improve Angelina.

However, the REAL insult with “Beowulf” was the hero.

Beowulf was this huge, physically fit, “Viking” type guy. (At least that is what you see in the movie.) The actor playing Beowulf is actually a pudgy, balding, dumpy looking guy. The type of guy that women would toss a beer on him after he made some perverted joke.

Hence, the future of Hollywood.

Actors no longer have to “look the part.” They only need to “sound good.” The CGI cartoon computers will fix the rest.)

Hollywood claims that “Avatar” is a BIG step forward in movie making.

I say it is a BIG step backwards. With Avatar, Hollywood has taken a step back to the old “radio days”, when you could only hear the actors, you never saw the actors.


Let us NOT forget the special moral message for us humans, in the movie: Avatar- “Dances with Smurfs.”

WARNING- Spoiler alert

Avatar: The Moral Message

Humans are stupid, filthy, terrible people. They kill, or destroy everything that they come into contact with. The earth would be so much better if humans were gone. I hate those stupid humans. I wish I were a blue Smurf- like person with a tail and I lived in a tree.


In a comment on a post about the movie Avatar, a fan of the movie wrote this:

“..Destroying less technologically capable cultures has been done many times in the past and it's contemptible. That's what this movie is about: soulless avarice. Think about that the next time you drive by an Indian reservation..”

Well, I drive by a “Native Reservation” all the time. The “Seneca Nation of Native Americans” in NY State.

The Natives are very nice to me, there.

They have these HUGE buildings called: Casinos. The Natives are always asking me to come on in, because: “The winning is only the beginning.” They feature GREAT Native American bands like “ZZ Top” who play traditional Native songs like: “Give me all your loving” and “Cheep Sunglasses.”


Truth be told, Natives on the Reservation have a choice on how they want to live. They could pitch a tent and live in the forest. There are plenty of deer, bear, and fish to hunt and eat. A person could live out their life in the Allegheny Forest.

But you will not see many tents set up in Seneca. Because modern Natives CHOOSE to live- modern. Why..??

I happen to live in the heart of the Amish community in Pennsylvania. The Amish have shunned modern technologies and they live the way people lived in the 1800's. (Right..??)

Do you know what the popular toys for Amish kids are..??

In-line roller skates and skate boards. Amish boys are very good at skateboarding.

I will never forget the first time I saw an Amish guy with a cell phone, brief case, and calculator. I thought: “What the heck..?? Don’t Amish people shun stuff like this..??

This Amish man builds houses for a living and the Amish community Elders allow him to use the cell phone because he employees most of the men in his community. (However, he is not allowed to drive a car. He must pay someone to drive him.)

I laugh as I drive by an Amish community and see an Amish woman using a gas powered weed wacker to trim the lawn. (Hey, it’s a hell of a lot easier then using a sickle and trimming by hand.)

Stop into any Wal- Mart in Amish country and you will see the Amish children standing in front of the HUGE flat- screen TV’s. Their eyes fixated on the images displayed.

Images like this:


The Hollywood Liberal would be disgusted by what I just said. I could picture the Hollywood liberal saying:

“..The Amish live a pure life without all those carbon creating devices. And look at those EVIL TV sets corrupting the young Amish children..”

Yet, the Hollywood Liberal makes a living from those “evil TV sets,” and movies like Avatar.

I do not see it the way that the Hollywood Liberal sees it. I see human nature being played out.

When I see an Amish woman, with a huge smile on her face; and in her shopping cart is a sewing machine, I realize that her life has just become MUCH easier. The community Elders must have allowed her to get electricity and a sewing machine. No longer will she have to make hundreds of shirts by hand with needle and thread.

Human nature is curiosity. The ability to find better ways to make life easier. To do anything otherwise, is to shun human nature.


Movies like Avatar, by design, are built to fill young children with guilt. Humans are such evil creatures. If only we could be like those blue Smurf creatures. We could sit around and tell stories all day. We could eat and sleep. And when we are board, we could use a USB computer cable and plug ourselves into our pet and become “as one” with our pets.

Well, I have a cat. I am not sure that I want to use a computer cable to plug myself into my cat. There is a very good chance that his little head is empty and he is not thinking of anything. Or, he might be thinking: “Get off the couch and feed me, then go away and leave me alone. You are the reason I cannot have sex anymore, you beast. Getting me fixed. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING..??”

Plugging into our pets might not be a good idea.

So Avatar “The Movie” is there to fill us full of guilt, this Holiday Season.

There is not a White child alive today, who forced a Native person off of his land.

But yet, we MUST fill children’s heads with guilt because White people did, long ago.

There is not a Native child alive today who was forced off of his land by White people. But yet, we MUST fill this Native child’s head with anger because long ago, someone did force his people off of their land. “What purpose does this anger serve..??

There is not a White child alive today who ever kept a Black man as a slave. And yet, we MUST fill this child’s head with guilt, because it happened long ago.

There is not a Black child alive today who was held as a slave. Yet, we MUST fill this Black child’s head with anger because White people did this, long ago. How will this anger help this child..??

There is not a child alive today who built that smokey factory that sits up on the hill. Yet, we MUST fill that child’s head with guilt because this child is “killing the earth.”

We MUST fill our children’s heads with GUILT and ANGER.


Children cannot even go to a movie without being “preached to”, and filled with guilt.

This Christmas, I would like to apologize to all of the young people out there. I am very sorry that my generation is so screwed in the head..!!

It’s no wonder that young people walk around with i-pod headphones on listening to their music, and they stay connected with each other by phone, with text messages. THEY ARE TRYING TO TUNE OUT all the idiots from my generation. All the guilt and anger that my generation wants to pile on them.

It’s no wonder that young people rush home to play video games.

If I had to listen to the assholes from my generation preaching guilt and anger, I would try and escape into a “video game world” too.

Kids, I’m not sure what happened to my generation..??

We were Hippies who preached FREEDOM, love, and peace.

Today, my generation preaches guilt.


Guilt, because you children are destroying the earth. Guilt, because long ago, people were “mean” to each other.

Guilt that when you turn 16 and want to drive a car, you will be killing a polar bear, just by driving that car.

This Christmas, I want to make a promise to young people out there...

There are millions of folks who believe like I do.

I promise, for as long as I am able, I; and millions like me, will try and rid the world of the “guilt police.”

You deserve to have what we had when we grew up. A chance to live and love life without all this freaking guilt and anger that my generation wants to fill your head with.

So, hang in there my young friends. Download a few more songs to get by and it will not be long.

Soon, we will rid the earth of the “guilt police” and we can get back to loving life. We can get back to feeling good about being human.

Which is what Christmas is all about, in my opinion.

A new start.



Why I am a conservative

Why I am a conservative


I believe that every so often a person needs to look inside themselves and analyze WHY they believe the things that they do.

I had that opportunity just recently here at Blogster.

I know exactly why I am a conservative. And I can explain it to you with relative ease. More so than any post I have written this past year, this editorial is writing itself.

A post was placed on Blogster recently that was so blatantly false that it had to be challenged. Many of us conservative DID challenge it.

I am going to change the names of the people involved in this post because I do not want to be kicked off of Blogster. (LOL)

I have been here since the beginning of this site. I have seen a lot of people come and go and I have defended past Blogster owners when people were complaining about changes to TOS and enforcing the “no profane pictures” rule which stopped people from placing dirty pictures in other peoples comment section.

So it would be a shame to be kicked off of Blogster now.

But if it happens, if I am kicked off of Blogster, so be it. Sometimes; certain things MUST be said.


(Again, I am going to change the names of people involved, and the name of the post...)

The post in question was put out by a blogger named- Testicle Gazer. The name of the post was - “A president was KILLED the last time right wing people spoke out.”

The premise of the post was that conservatives should be very careful of what they say about President Obama because one of the crazy right-wing people might kill Obama.


(And this is the “rub”.)

The last time those “crazy” right- wing people were this rude, JFK was killed.

OK, this post was the pinnacle of propaganda.

First off, American justice is the rule of law in this land. It is all we have..!! The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald was the “lone gunman” that killed JFK. That is a fact.

Whether you choose to believe the Warren Commissions findings is your opinion. However, once you disregard the Warren Commissions findings and choose to believe any other reason for Kennedy’s assassination, you are using a theory.

I am seriously beginning to wonder if some people understand the difference between FACT, and theory? (But, I will get into that in a moment.)

Oswald cannot be linked to the republican party, or the democrat party. He was a loner who actually lined himself with the communist party. He spent some time in Russia and married a Russian woman.

So using facts, it would be impossible to claim that republicans caused JFK to be killed.

Many of my conservative friends tried to point out that liberals were equally, if not MORE SO, rude and crude about President Bush. This was to no avail. The liberals kept on as if they shared no blame, ever; on the political discord that appears here and on other web sites.

I guess I was looking for “at least” one liberal to recognize that: YES, wacky liberals DID treat President Bush very bad. But that never really happened. Not on this post.

Instead, I was treated to this:

(Again, I am changing the names of the people involved.)

A Female blogger, we will call her: SouthwestCad

SouthwestCad made a comment: “Those republicans do not use FACTS. They use nothing but half- truths. Never facts.”

OK, so I wanted to do a little test on SouthwestCad. I handed her an undisputed truth. I handed her a FACT that anyone can check. All the history books, all political science books, and even online reference sites will show that my fact is true. I said:

“Of the 4 American Presidents who have been assassinated, 3 have been republican, and 1 was a democrat. So if rage from an opposing political party is killing American presidents, shouldn’t you lecture yourselves..??”

This did not sit well with SouthwestCad. She came back with a thunderous reply. She basically told me that all the history books are wrong. All of the political science books are wrong. Everything is wrong BECAUSE: “The political parties SWITCHED during the 20th century.” You see: republicans are now democrats. And democrats are now republicans.

(How convenient..!!)

SouthwestCad had just said that republicans do NOT use facts. That republicans use “half-truths.”

And here is SouthwestCad using a “half-true” theory to dispute my FACT.

I’m sorry, but it is a fact- of the 4 American presidents assassinated, 3 were republican (McKinley, Lincoln, Garfield) and one was a democrat- (JFK).

I gave SouthwestCad three opportunities to clarify herself. At anytime she could have reiterated: “Yes, Mr. Babonie; what you say is a fact, however I have this theory that the political parties switched.. Blah, blah, blah.”

But she never did that. She stuck to her guns that the history books are wrong. That McKinley, Garfield, and Lincoln were democrats and were killed by angry republicans. She believes this because ‘some guys’ have a theory that the parties switched.

So the history books are wrong and SouthwestCad is right..??

This is why I am a conservative.

I enjoy reading history. I want to base my opinions on proven facts. I would never claim that President Nixon was actually a democrat, and present some half-assed theory, just so that I could make the republican party “look good.”

Nixon was a republican and he was a crook. President Bush spent too much money, he wasn’t conservative. John McCain is a nice guy, but he is a moderate, and that is why we lost the election.


I like the fact that I can speak my mind and no one will kick me out of the republican party.

I have had bloggers tell me that they like my posts, but they cannot comment because the liberal bloggers attack them for doing so.

Liberals cannot speak freely. They MUST always consider what the “political correct” response would be.

Remember, I wasn’t always a conservative. Back before the 1980's, I was very much liberal. Back then, I believed that the democrat party stood for freedom.

Man, oh man was I wrong..!!


The democrat party has a collection of people who look over the neighborhood fence, into your back yard and ask: “Hey, that is a really BIG car you have. You could kill polar bears with the carbon coming from that car. Your kids are fat. You should exercise. I want congress to remove junk food from schools. You keep your house VERY warm, you should conserve. I am gong to make congress FORCE you to conserve. Were you smoking? You know that I do not like cigarette smoke. I am going to get congress to force you to quit smoking anywhere near me.

That’s not freedom..!!

That is anything BUT freedom.


Conservatives believe in less government. The smaller the better. Americans are smart enough to know what to do. We do not need nosey neighbors telling us what to do.

I conserve resources because energy and fuel are too dam expensive to waste. I do not need a liberal government peeking over the backyard fence and telling me how to live my life. I do not need government laws telling me what to eat and how to live.

That is why I am a conservative.


I want you to have the freedom to be who you are.


Never lose your individuality to the “progressive group think.”

Be who you are.

So I was very interested in this post about angry republicans and how “we” could cause President Obama to be killed. Because I wanted to see if one of the top liberal bloggers would acknowledge that democrats were also tough on Bush.

That didn’t happen, instead I was treated to this:

(We will call this blogger: eKY-jelly)

The blogger: eKY-jelly is stuck in the year 2004. He cannot get past that year.


It doesn’t matter what the topic of a post is; it could be about health care, or how to make the perfect lemon frosting for a cake, eKY-jelly will always reply like this: “Bush and the republicans are involved in vote caging, and torture. Bush put razor blades on peoples genitals. Bush illegally attacked two countries that had nothing to do with 9/11. And Bush took away our privacy to talk to terrorists on the phone..”

Claim down boy, we were talking about lemon frosting..!! I’m not sure what president Bush has to do with frosting a cake..??

So, I decided to challenge eKY-jelly about his beliefs. Because I wanted to see if he had dropped his beliefs to defend a political party.

I basically asked eKY-jelly: “Why are you not fighting for Gay rights now? Wouldn’t this be the perfect time to fight for Gay rights? You have a democrat president. A huge democrat congress. Now would be the time to fight for your rights. Would ML King take 4 years off from fighting for civil rights because he didn’t want to offend a political party?

The reply that I got from eKY-jelly stunned me: “Well President Obama is kind of busy right now fixing all of the messes that Bush left him, plus I have other issues..”

President Obama is too busy..??

President Obama is too busy to sign his name on a document that would repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell”..??


Obama is too busy to make a national speech about Gay Rights..?? Obama has made hundreds of speeches since taking office, speeches ranging from global warming to the proper amount of air in your car’s tire.

You see, eKY-jelly cannot speak out about Gay rights now. It would make the democrats look bad if he did. So he will let that belief slip away, for now.

But, as he said, he has other issues:

Bush is a war criminal. Bush has committed many crimes against the constitution, and eKY-jelly will tell you this (over and over again like a broken record.)

Yet, eKY-jelly will NOT demand that his democrat congress DO anything about these ‘said’ crimes.

You would think that, by the way eKY-jelly speaks out about Bush, he would be angry that a year has gone by and democrats have done nothing.


See, if eKY-jelly were to speak out about his democrat congress or President Obama, or Eric Holder’s non-action on “war crimes”; it would make the democrats look bad.

So, eKY-jelly doesn’t demand anything from his democrat congress. Only that they show up at the capital, collect their paychecks, and call themselves “democrats.”

During the Bush Administration, eKY-jelly put out posts about American troops not have the proper body armor, or armor plating for their vehicles. This is very noble standing up for the US soldiers like that, (during Bush’s presidency.)


Today, US troops in Afghanistan are concerned that the M4 Carbine riffle that they are issued will malfunction. The rifle can jam up during a fire fight. President Obama could order the military to use a more reliable weapon, but Obama hasn’t. Nine US soldiers have been killed because of this rifle jamming.


Will eKY-jelly put out a post demanding that President Obama force the military to change rifles..?? So that our troops will be safe..??

Don’t look for that to happen.

If eKY-jelly put out a post like that today, (like he did when Bush was in charge) it would make Obama look bad.

And we cannot make the liberal democrats look bad.

So liberal progressives MUST give up their beliefs to make a political party “look good.”

This is why I am a conservative.

I could never give up my beliefs just to make a political party “look good.”

When President Bush began to spend money like crazy on pork projects, we conservatives spoke up. When Bush wanted to grant amnesty to people who had broken American law, we conservatives spoke up.


And in 1992, when President HW Bush wanted to sign onto NAFTA, we conservatives spoke out by voting for Ross Perot.

I could never give up my beliefs, just to make a political party look good.

That is why I am a conservative.

The progressive says that we conservatives do not care for the poor because we prefer capitalism over social programs.

I can explain it VERY clear which method is the best.

Both socialism and capitalism could work VERY well, or fail the people.

It all depends on having honest people running the system.

Capitalism works great when honest people run the big businesses. However, when dishonest people run big business, things get ruff for us Americans.

Socialism would probably work great if all of the government officials were fair and honest. But when dishonest people run the government, socialism turns to communism, turns to hell.

Here is the difference between the two:

When a capitalistic system fails, and you find out that your boss is a crook; you can quit your job and find another boss.

When the man who sells you products is dishonest; you can buy these products from someone else.

When a business man becomes so powerful that he controls a state or a region; you can move away from that region, because you are free.

When business becomes so powerful that it controls the country; the American people elect a Teddy Roosevelt to bust up this BIG company. (We have done it before and I am sure that we will do it again in the future.)

In a capitalistic system, there is always an alternative, because you are free.

However, when a socialistic system becomes corrupt, there is no alternative.

Because the government controls the laws, they control the courts, they control the jobs, the health care, the borders, the police, the military. They control everything because they control you.

There is no place to run.

There will be no “Teddy Roosevelt” riding in on a horse to make things right.

When a socialistic system fails, you are trapped, because you have given up your freedom.


That is why I am a conservative.

That is why I will always fight for freedom and capitalism, over socialism and the expansion of social programs.



Modern democrats are old-time republicans, and Lincoln was a liberal

Modern democrats are old-time republicans, and Lincoln was a liberal

Every so often you will hear a theory that makes you go: “Hhhmmm.”

It seems like a harmless theory, and when you first hear it; you wonder why anyone would take the time to ponder the details of this theory.

However, when you see the theory being used in principle (or as fact), you then realize that this is NO harmless theory. In fact, it is a blatant attempt to re-write history.

Here is the theory:

Republicans and Democrats have “switched” their ideologies. It happened around the beginning of the 20 century.

On the surface, this theory seems harmless and feels more a sophomoric exercise that would force young students to look at American history.

At face value, you might even buy into this theory because Republican President Theodore Roosevelt was “kind of” liberal. And JFK would be conservative, by today’s standards.

It is when you see liberal / progressives use this theory, that you realize the changing of history that this theory eludes to.

Why would liberals create this theory..??

What good does it serve..??

The answer is simple.

(Now folks, I am going to ask you to do something here that could appear on an episode of “Mike Rowe’s- Dirty Jobs.”)

Picture that you are a liberal democrat.

You belong to the “party of the people.”

You are a democrat.

How does it feel to know that YOUR party: The Democrats, fought in a war to keep Black people as slaves. (And that was only 150 years ago.)

How could the “party of the people” fight to keep Black people as slaves..??


Wouldn’t it be nice if there was some kind of theory that claims that the two political parties “switched”, and it was actually those EVIL republicans who fought for slavery? THAT WOULD BE GREAT..!!

(Stay in character folks, we have got a couple more examples to do.)

You are a progressive democrat.

You are in a debate about American patriotism.

How does it feel to know that your party: The Democrats; is the only American political party to fight in a war to BREAK UP the United States..??

(Maybe my history is a little to “ancient” for you? Let’s move closer in time, shall we?)

You are a liberal / progressive. You detest war.

How does it feel to know that your party: The Democrats; are the only group of people on the face of the earth- to use nuclear weapons to kill people? The Russians and the Chinese have never killed people with nuclear weapons, but your democrat party did kill people with “the bomb.”

Wouldn’t it be GREAT if there was some kind of theory that stated that the two political parties “switched” their ideologies. That would mean that those EVIL republicans did all those “bad things” and President Lincoln was a liberal..!! That would make us liberals feel all warm and fuzzy..!!

As liberals often do...

If there isn’t a theory out there that serves their purpose. The liberals make one up.

(Which is what liberals did.)

Now, I’m not going to name- names here because the names are unimportant and I have heard this theory from several sources.

The reason that I am doing an editorial on this is because it is a blatant attempt to re-write history.

OK, let’s prove this theory wrong in three examples.

For this theory to be correct: both parties would have had to switched their “overall” political goals. In reality, in history, this never happened.

Let’s start at the most often sited case:

(Example one) JFK- Most people would agree that JFK was more conservative than the modern liberal. He was tough on defense, he took no crap from the communists, and JFK cut taxes.

You could point to this example and say: “Something must have switched here because JFK was more like a republican.”

However, for there to be a “true” switch of political ideologies, the republicans of that day would have had to become liberal. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN.

The TOP republicans in 1960- 63 (JFK’s era) were Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon. (Goldwater ran for president in 1964. Nixon ran again in 1968.)

I will personally come to your house and smack you in the face if you tell me that Barry Goldwater was a liberal.

And I am VERY certain that most liberals do not want to claim that Nixon belongs in their democrat party.

So the historical facts do not prove this theory, (using JFK.) There was no party switch.

The only thing that happened was for that short time in history: Democrats moved to the center with JFK; and republicans moved further Right with Goldwater.

(Example TWO) President Teddy Roosevelt.

I have heard many people claim that Teddy Roosevelt was “more like” a democrat. Even Glenn Beck once stated that Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive. “Mr. Beck, with all due respect, you are VERY wrong about that.”

If you read Theodore Roosevelt’s biography, you will find that Theodore didn’t consider himself being a republican OR democrat.

In my opinion, Theodore Roosevelt was the last of the true “ GeorgeWashington type” presidents; (in that) once he became president, he no longer belonged to any political party.

Theodore was a true Independent. More democrat than republican: by today’s standards. Theodore went after BIG companies like JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Mellon, and the likes.

President Theodore Roosevelt did help to create the National Parks system in America. He also started a type of wildlife protection act.

On the surface, one could say that something MUST have changed here, because Theodore doesn’t sound like any republican that I know of.

However, for there to be a TRUE ideological switch in the political parties; the democrats of that day would have to be acting conservative.

The FACTS do not prove that.

The next democrat president after Theodore Roosevelt was: Woodrow Wilson.

If you try and claim that Woodrow Wilson was a “conservative / republican”; Wilson will crawl out of his grave, come to your house, and slap you in the face.

By most accounts, Woodrow Wilson is viewed as “the father of the progressive movement in America.” President Wilson created the “progressive income tax” and Wilson signed on with the “League of Nations”, which entered us into globalization.

The facts do not prove that America experienced a political- ideological “switch” during Theodore Roosevelt’s day.

What the facts show is that during that brief time in history: republicans moved to the center with Theodore Roosevelt; and democrats moved further LEFT with Woodrow Wilson.

There was no ideological switch.

(Example THREE) “The nail in the coffin of the ‘switched’ theory.”

For you to prove that American politics experienced an ideological switch; that old-time republicans are now modern democrats, and old-time democrats are now modern republicans...

You MUST prove that Abe Lincoln was a liberal democrat.

(Good luck with that..!!)

Irony has a way of being VERY ironic.

When this “switched” theory was last presented to me; I had just finished a biography of President Lincoln.

Sorry, but President Lincoln was VERY much conservative.

I’m going to be very brief here because you could write a book about Lincoln. (That’s a little joke, at liberal’s expense. People HAVE written books about Lincoln. You should read them.)

Lincoln was the poorest man to become president, at that time. Matter of fact, some people wondered if Lincoln was too “common” to be an American president.

Lincoln grew up with traditional conservative values. You worked hard for your money. There were no free rides. Lincoln worked as a “rail- splitter”, making fence posts; and Lincoln worked on steamboats- loading cargo. All the while, Lincoln taught himself law by reading legal reference.

What caused Lincoln to drop the legal profession and enter politics was that his adopted state on Illinois was contemplating allowing slaves to be used within the state. Even as a young man, Lincoln detested slavery. He truly believed that all men where created equal.

Democrats were pushing hard to allow slaves to be used in Illinois. Not that Illinois would become a “slave state”, but that slave owners from another state could bring their slaves into Illinois for loading wagons, gathering crops, etc.

Lincoln joined the Whig party because the Whig Party opposed the expansion of slavery into other states. The Whig Party is often referred to as the BIG money party because it was often backed by large northern companies. Lincoln bounced between politics and the legal profession, during those years. (1834-1854)

But a dramatic change happened...

The Whig Party; in an attempt to keep the United States together, made a deal with Democrats. “If southern democrats would vow to stay in the Union, the issue of ending slavery would be dropped from the national debate.

This sickened millions of Americans, including Abe Lincoln.

This one act; caused the downfall of the Whig Party, and expanded a new party, called: The Republican Party.

This is where we will leave the story of President Lincoln. (Because you should already know the rest of the story: Lincoln rises up in The republican party. We have the famous Lincoln- Douglas debates. Lincoln wins the presidency. The Civil War. And slavery is ended in America.)

Abe Lincoln was VERY much a conservative. That is how he was raised. As a lawyer, Lincoln represented BIG railroad companies and river boat lines. Lincoln never believed in welfare. Lincoln believed in protectionism which helped American companies grow. Lincoln never believed in personal income tax. Lincoln was a republican. The first republican president. Facts are facts.

I can understand why liberals would create a theory that the political parties “switched” during the 20 century, because it would be great to have Lincoln in your “win” column.

And, least we forget...

You could blame those EVIL republicans for trying to expand slavery.

This theory is nothing more than an attempt at re-writing history. Liberals are not happy with the historical facts about their “beloved” Democrat Party; so liberals create a NEW history.

I hate to see liberals so distraught that they must resort to fabricating history. So my good nature has caused me to make a deal with you liberals.

If you REALLY want to swap history with us republicans, here is what I offer.

First, you are NOT getting President Lincoln. Abe Lincoln is our guy and the FIRST republican. You can’t have him.

However, I am willing to give you Teddy Roosevelt, in exchange for JFK.

JFK was GOOD. But his face is not up on Mount Rushmore like Teddy Roosevelt’s is. So you must sweeten this deal a little.

We republicans get JFK. In return, we will give you Teddy Roosevelt, BUT: you must also take President Nixon off of our hands.

How is that for a political Ideological switch..??

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

Chasing Orgasms

Chasing Orgasms



OK, the title of this post might be a bit deceptive.

Most of my editorial has little to do with orgasms. I noticed that posts which have an erotic title seem to get a lot of hits, (and you MUST have a lot of “hits”) so there you have it.

Today, we have a BIG topic to go over and I am excited to talk about it. But first I must mention that we have had to accept advertising here at The Angry Republic. The goofy pictures that we do and writing up all of this “stuff” COSTS money. So, to offset these costs we will be placing commercials on this site. But I promise, you will hardly notice them.

OK, our topic today is “hypocrisy.”

Hypo Crisy- is a Latin term, meaning: “Hypo” (or Hippo) a large African animal; and “Crisy”- the dingy blond on the TV show “Three’s Company.”

In modern times, we have dropped the Latin version of the word: Hypocrisy; and it simply means someone who THINKS that they are a “Mac Daddy”, but in reality they cannot even afford a Big Mac.

Remember when liberals claimed that President Bush “cherry picked” intelligence reports on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, so that Bush could take us to war in Iraq.

Liberals claimed that there was evidence “out there” that showed that Saddam had no WMD’s. But, Bush ignored this “evidence” and rushed us to war. (Remember liberals saying that stuff..??)

Well, today; we have PROOF that some of the climate scientists “tricked numbers” to make it look like the earth is getting warmer DUE TO man’s activities.

They “faked” temperature readings..!!

At the same time, you have “other” climate scientists who are telling us to disregard “those” scientists who faked the numbers. Man is making the earth warm up, and they are telling us to “hurry up and pass” massive global warming laws. (Before it is too late.)

How can one be right and the other is wrong..??

How can it be wrong for Bush to pick the information that he likes, to take us to war.

But it is justified and right for scientists to pick the information that they like to rush us into laws that will hurt the poorest people. Raising electricity bills. High transportation costs...

It is hypocrisy for the Left to claim that we should have investigated the WMD situation better BEFORE we went to war, but yet the Left doesn’t want to investigate man made global warming further EVEN THOUGH we have proof that some scientists faked data.

I want to get more into this because these new laws will effect everyone, but first; we have one of those commercials that I mentioned earlier.

It will only take a second, and we will be right back with this topic.


HI, I’m Walter Dickman; president of the American Civil Liberties Union, (the ACLU).


Recently, because of bad economic times, the ACLU has lost 19 million dollars in donations. (At least, we think it was because of the “bad” economy, what else could it be..??)

This lost of donations will have a devastating effect on your liberal civilities(??). Without this 19 million dollars, how will we ever sue small towns for having a plastic Jesus in their city park..??


The loss of this 19 million dollars could mean that the ACLU can no longer shut down a small business because they forgot to fill out the federal form: “AL-1645-98759" before they fired a worker for stealing. (I mean, come on..?? Stealing is stealing. You are always going to have employees that steal from you. But forgetting to file the federal form: “AL-1645-98759", THAT IS A CRIME.)

But I digress, here at the ACLU, we need your help..!! This is usually our busy season with “The Holidays” approaching. Normally, we would have 6 law suits going against LARGE department stores because they forced their employees to say: “Merry Christm...” (Auugh.. I can’t say that phrase. It’s too horrid.)

Please, won’t you help?

Send all the money you can to the ACLU. Do it today, so we can get back to the business, of putting Americans out of business.



As I told you before, these new commercials that we are running on The Angry Republic will not be a nuisance.

You will hardly notice them.

Where were we before the commercial..??

Oh..yea.. School Lunches

On Wednesday, the newspaper- USA Today did an investigative report that concludes that school lunches are worse than fast food.

As far as bacteria safety and nutritional value, the food that the government serves our children is worse then what they would get at Jack in the Box, or KFC.

Welcome to the future of government run health care.

How long has the government run the school system..?? And we find out today that the government is serving our children meat and chicken that would be rejected by Burger King..??

And the government has to audacity to tell us that the “high quality” of health care will still be there, when they manage it.

Hell, the government has been serving our children low quality food for years. How could we EVER trust anything that they say after finding this out.

And why would we ever give the government MORE power..??

I want to really explore this topic because it pisses me off, but first; we have another one of those commercials.

I promise, we will return to this topic after the break.


Hi, we are concerned members of Hollywood, and we have an important message for you.


Each year, millions of Honey Bees and Mud Ducks are dying. They are dying because they cannot find their way home.

Your cell phone is causing the Honey Bees and the Mud Ducks to be confused. They become disoriented and lost. AND THEY DIE.


You can help by turning OFF your cell phone and never using your cell phone unless you are being raped or murdered.

We call this campaign: “Just turn it off, stupid. Become unconnected.”

In the future, you might see a few of us “Hollywood types” still using our cell phones, but we have to because we are important. We have to stay connected to the Hollywood studios about important movies and books that we have written. But you, you have nothing that is important to talk about. You would just use your cell phone to blab to some goofy friend: “Blah, blah, blah.”


Save the Mud Ducks.


And you might just get a cell phone call from one of us BIG celebrities, thanking you.

(Except, you will never know because you will have your cell phone turned off.)

Now you must excuse us, we must fire- up the carbon spewing “private jets” and fly to Copenhagen for the global warming “after- party” event. Thousands of us have burned tons of jet fuel to get to Copenhagen this year. We are here to force you “little people” to use less energy.

Global Warming is very important, besides; this year they have free prostitutes for us delegates.



Maybe I was wrong about these commercials “not interfering” in the pace of my site..??

“Free hookers for global warming people..??”

Tea Bag Parties never needed “free hookers”..?? What’s up with that..??

OK, before the commercial break, we were talking about global warming hookers.

I think it is wrong for any global warming hooker to force her (or his) “life choices” on the rest of us.

In a free country, you should be able to choose how much you conserve energy, or if you want to give your body to strangers for free.

Global warming hookers really tick me off, and I want to get more into that subject. But first, we have another quick commercial, and we will wrap up this editorial on “global warming hookers”.


Read the NEW book: “Barack Obama- The GREATEST president EVER”



NBC News said: “This book is.. ..I pissed my pants.”

MSNBC said: “After reading this book, there are things crawling up my leg.”

You MUST read the NEW book: “Barack Obama- The GREATEST president EVER”

In bookstores, everywhere.


We are back, to wrap up this editorial.

In conclusion, it is like I said earlier in this post...

Say goodbye to Tiger Woods..!!

Say hello to Natalie Gulbis..!!


I have always felt that women in sports should get more national attention..!!

THAT is the whole point of this editorial...

If Tiger Woods had spent MORE time with his family, and less time “chasing orgasms”, he would have...

“Chasing Orgasms”

Hey, that would be a great title for an editorial..!!

I will have to write one with that title, someday.


Coming soon to

The Angry Republic
